
The Voice Inside by Brian Freeman

myrdyr's review

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3.85/5 stars. I enjoyed this second book in the series; however, I took off star points for a bit of weakness in the plot line. Cutter’s rationale for killing his victims didn’t make sense to me. I realize you could argue that he wasn’t thinking straight, but it still wasn’t believable for me. That said, the characters and relationships are evolving nicely, and I look forward to finding out what happens to them in future instalments.
Side note - I still dislike Frost’s name and still think it makes him sound like a porn star.

morganlaut's review

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I suppose I didn’t realize this was a series, but needless to say I didn’t need to read the first book. This is the best thriller I’ve ever read! The plot is so heavy, and I just got so invested in the characters. I truly had no idea where the mystery of the murderer was going to be solved. It was amazing and I can’t wait to read more by Freeman!

raeallic's review

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A fun fast paced thriller that stays with you long after it is over. I LOVED this book. I'm so sad I have to wait another year for the next Frost Easton book. Seriously, what is the world coming to!?

mcipher's review

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I put this down for a long time and then realized I was more than halfway done and should just finish it up. I love the cat in this series, and the twists and turns kept me guessing. The neat wrap-up worked well, but I was disappointed in the romantic angle on this one - that complication isn’t necessary to make the series interesting.

laneylegz's review against another edition

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Frost is faced with damaging new evidence that will set Cutter, a serial killer free (his sister Katie's killer) implicating one of his close friends in the process. Turning in the evidence sets the killer free and Frost has his work cut out for him to get Cutter convicted again. His own family and the victim's families are upset with him creating a rift between Frost & his brother Duane. Duane is seeing Tabby who was best friends with one of the victims and complicates things for Frost with their uneasy attraction. Journalist Eden Shay has studied and followed Cutter from the start and is just coming off of her own published story of her attack that was similar to the serial killers when she offers all of her information to Frost as long as she can tag along and embed herself in the investigation. Frost doesn't trust the journalist but there's a pull of attraction that starts to cloud judgements. A shocking murder happens and Frost has to prove Cutter is responsible while also being taunted by him at the same time. Delving deeper into the past, there are some things that still don't make sense of Katie's death and trying to tie all of the victims together at long last brings Frost, Cutter, Eden, and Tabby on a collision course with disaster and death. An explosive outcome with surprises galore.

meloches's review

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It isn’t often that the sophomore book in a series keeps me as captivated as the first book. I always feel like it is hard for an author to keep their momentum, build up a character and provide enough back story to push the story forward into a third book. Generally, I dread moving on to book two because I know that I often am left disappointed. The Voice Inside, by Brian Freeman, is the second book in Frost Easton series (the first being The Night Bird- you can check out my review HERE). I was worried going into this novel since I LOVED The Night Bird and didn’t know if Brian Freeman could keep me as captivated throughout this novel.

Not only could he keep me captivated but I actually thought The Voice Inside was more amazing than the first book. Freeman truly outdid himself with Book 2 in this series.

Once again, we meet Frost Easton who finds himself facing a moral dilemma after he uncovers that one of his colleagues planted evidence to convict the serial killer responsible for the death of his sister. Forced to reveal the truth, his sister’s killer is once again on the street and Frost must make sure he ends up back behind bars.

I really love Frost Easton and I found that I was able to get to know him even better in this novel. Characterization is truly Freeman’s strong suit and Easton becomes a truly memorable character. I love his moral compass and his damaged nature. It truly makes for a complex and interesting protagonist.

The story itself was also incredibly intriguing. Filled with twists and turns, I was on the edge of my seat as Freeman weaved this tale. This one had me up late into the night trying to figure out where everything would go and how all the pieces to the puzzle would fit together. I am pleased to report that end shocked me; it came completely out of left field. I love when a book does that.

The novel ended in a way that left me feeling satisfied but also left it open for Freeman to continue. I really hope he does. I would love some more of this series.

Overall, if you like police procedural novels, the Frost Easton series is absolutely one that should be added to your TBR pile. You will not regret it.

11khauer's review

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Once again, Brian Freeman delivers big time in his latest installment of the Frost Easton series. Early on, the reader understands Easton’s most recent moral and ethical dilemma- should he turn in his co-worker who (justifiably?) planted evidence to take a savage, serial killer off the streets? From there, Freeman weaves a story of rich and complex characters trying to find their way without letting their demons take over. Worth a second read, as Freeman masterfully drops detailed hints throughout the story, unbeknownst to the reader.

labalkana's review against another edition

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Außergewöhnlich guter Thriller mit interessanten Charakteren und überraschenden Wendungen. Rasant, nervenaufreibend, mitreißend.

Rudy Cutter wurde wegen Mordes an sieben Frauen verhaftet, unter ihnen auch die Schwester des Polizisten Frost Easton. Und jetzt lässt er Frost wissen, dass Beweise manipuliert wurden. Weil Frost das tut was richtig ist, auch wenn er damit falsch liegt. Auch wenn er damit seine beste Freundin und Vorgesetzte Jess vernichtet und den Mörder seiner kleinen Schwester frei lässt und die Familien der Opfer gegen sich aufbringt. Auch Seine.

Er verbündet sich mit der Journalistin, die mehr über Cutter weiß als jeder Andere, um ihn legal zu überführen. Aber die hat eine seltsame Verbindung zu Cutter, der Rache will und ein perfides Spiel mit Frost spielt.

Man weiß von Beginn wer der Täter ist, bekommt Einblick in seine Psyche und seine Geschichte, begleitet seine Suche nach dem nächsten Opfer.
Das ist mal was Anderes und es gibt dabei so viele offene Fragen, dass es nach dem Gänsehaut-Start mitreißt und von Anfang bis Ende spannend zu lesen ist.

Die Einblicke in die Abgründe der menschlichen Psyche, die ständige Frage "Wie krank ist das denn", gute, unterhaltsame Dialoge und Wendungen, die man so nicht kommen sieht.
Dazu ist Frost ein wirklich guter Typ, der bei seiner Katze wohnt und dessen innerer Konflikt das Richtige zu tun ein großer Aspekt ist. Aber sein Geschmack bei Frauen ist furchtbar. Jess war mir schon nicht sympathisch, bei Eden war ich direkt misstrauisch und die Gute ist dann tabu.

Der zweite Teil der Reihe um Frost Easton begeistert mich genauso wie der Erste. Definitiv eine der Reihen, die mehr Aufmerksamkeit verdient hätte. Brian Freeman schreibt so, dass es Spaß macht zu lesen. Auch wenn er es mit Beziehungsdreiecken hat, was nicht jedes Mal sein müsste.

petra_reads's review against another edition

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[b:The Night Bird|31184479|The Night Bird (Frost Easton, #1)|Brian Freeman||51826345], book 1 in the Frost Easton series, was good. This sequel was excellent. Good character development. Frost, in particular, is such an interesting character and different from the standard book detectives. There were some exciting twists that I didn't see coming at all. Great suspense building and an original story line, and I loved the cat! I'm looking forward to book 3!

nickieandremus's review against another edition

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*** I received an advanced e-copy of this book in exchange for my honest review

This is the second book in the Frost Easton series. Rudy Cutter, the serial killer Frost had put behind bars, gets let out of prison on a technicality. Frost is then on a mission to find more evidence to put him away for good.
I am a huge fan of Brian Freeman's books and this one did not disappoint. I could not put this book down! Definitely a must-read for fans of thrillers.