
Tremble by Jus Accardo

kylek's review against another edition

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I was a bit worried about reading this book after having tried reading the novella about Brandt and not being able to finish it. I just couldn't get into it. While I had being curious about Brandt's ability it didn't suck me in like the rest of the series. Fortunately there was no need to be worried, cause as soon as I started I was immersed right away.

This book was very reminiscent of Catching Fire/Mockingjay in a way. Can't really say too much cause I'll spoil it. It was just quite depressing. Depressing but still good nonetheless.

Dez is now really showing signs of decline because of the Supremacy Drug, but even with her going loopy every so often she still holds it together. She has to fight to get Kale back, fight to save as many Supremacy kids before they are terminated and fight against the effects of the drug and her own survival. She has her despairing moments, but she soldiers on and keeps going. Nothing is going to keep her from getting Kale back, and I really admire that about Dez.

The plot was it's usual fighting against time and Denazen to keep the rest of the Six's alive before Denazen can get their hands on them. Then we also have the new drug Domination which could save the Supremacy kids but also only has a 50% chance of survival. Then there is the cure for Supremacy that they have been trying to get their hands on and not quite succeeding. It all made for a very action-packed entertaining read, but it is still the same fighting that's been going on for the past 3 books really. Towards the end we do learn a very juicy new tidbit of information about Denazen that will turn everything on it's head, and I can't wait to find out what's going to happen to the rest of the Six's now.

While technically speaking there was only a bit of plot development towards the end, and it was just a segue to the next book, it was still more than entertaining enough to keep me reading the whole way through. To fans of the Denazen series, this is a must read.

jeanz's review against another edition

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Wow what a cover! Dramatically shaded, though disappointing that the shading takes out part of the title. I love the byline of "Everything they know is wrong" I don't like the comments about the book by Cindi Madsen being on the cover . . . I know . . . I know . .you've heard me moan before I really don't need to see peoples/authors comments on the front cover, to me it encroaches onto the beautiful cover too much for my liking. I like the "Best Selling Author Jus Accardo" part that's fine, she is a brrrilliant author isn't she?
Would I pick this one up orm a book store shelf on the strength of the cover alone, . . Heck Yes!
Then to the blurb, OooOoo it sounds really . . no I mean really good again. Where does Jus Accardo get these brilliant plot lines and characters from? The blurb sounds full of drama and action packed too so this one is definitely on my want to read list. In fact it's not a want to read, a MUST read!
The book is action packed as usual it has a main line plot and then little sub plots coming off. The objective the underground have is to get the cure. To get to the cure they have to find a woman and get her back to Ginger, but also they have to bring in all the other subjects that will soon be going into decline. Then add the sub plots of Kane seemingly being changed/brain washed in some way, this gives lots of humor as he mixes things up. If he had strong feelings about something then a kind of inkling will remain. Like when Kane meets up with Alex, they literally hate each other and in his new "brain washed" state he gets an inkling there's something important about Alex and he doesn't like it. Then the book briefly covers aspects of the other subjects lives and the type of home life they have each had.
So who is in this book? Deznee, Kale, Brandt,Alex, Ginger and her gang plus lots of new names of the other experiment subjects.
I loved Brandt being in this book especially after reading Faceless so recently, I love his protectiveness around Dez. Then there's the love that Kale and Dez share can Marshal break their connection? What does Dez find out about Marshal that is like wow! what? and we don't get the answer to the big question in this book either. Maybe there could be a novella all about Deznee's mum coming soon? I'd love to read her story. Another person who's stroy I'd like to read too is Ginger's.
I did like at the end of the book the chapter from Kale's point of view, it sort of filled in the gaps for readers wanting to know what happened immediately after the previous book when Kale returned to Denazen with Marshal. It answered a lot of the questions that arose throughout this book.
So did I enjoy the book? YES of course I did! Would I recommend the book? I recommend the whole series! Would I read another book in this series? Definitely as soon as it's available! I love the books and the novella's. As I said above maybe a novella about Deznee's mum to answer a big question we are left with at the end of this book? And then in the future perhaps a novella on Ginger and how she came to the underground etc etc.
Would I read other books by Jus Accardo? Yes I would definitely give any other books by Jus Accardo a go.

dukesangel002's review against another edition

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WTF Jus Accardo, do you hate your characters??!!! How much can you put them through in one book? Poor kids!

bookowlclary's review against another edition

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Wow, this was so much better than the first 2 books in the series. Can't wait for the next one.

bm16's review against another edition

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Favourite Quote: “Everyone had a dark side. Thoughts and feelings they kept hidden from the ones they loved.”

After being disappointed by the second book in this series “Toxic”, I wasn’t that excited to read this book. However this book was soooo much better than the second and I give it 4/5 stars!

The main reason why this book was better than the second was because of the plot! The romance aspect didn’t take over the whole book which I was grateful for, instead most of the plot was focused on Denazen! There was a lot of twists and turns in this book that I never saw coming! The action scenes in this book were AWESOME, seriously one of the best things about this series! There was still a lot of humour in this book just like that others which makes this a quick, funny, enjoyabled read!

As for the characters, Dez is back in my good books! She irritated me in the last one but thankfully reedemed herself! She was back to being the confident, strong and funny heroine she was in the the first novel! Then there’s Kale who is a lot darker in this one but I actually loved that! The changes made to him were for the better! The other characters weren’t in this book much but I still liked the scenes with Alex or Audrey, their my favourite side characters!

Overall this book was very good, cannot recommend it enough! And I can’t wait to read the next installment!

kayleigh_kbooks's review against another edition

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Tremble Review on K-Books

Having read the first two books in the Denezen series I was so excited to get my hands on Tremble. I absolutely adored the first two books in the series and Denezen has fast become one of my favourite series of all time. Jus Accardo has a serious talent for writing and I have loved everything that she has wrote to date. After the major cliffhanger that Toxic had I needed this book so bad.

Kale has gone and Dez will do everything in her power to find him. But Kale happens to be the least of her problems as the rest of the Sixes will do anything to save Dez. She is nearing 18 which means her powers are getting stronger and the stronger they get the weaker she gets. Can Dez survive long enough to find Kale? Will Kale be the same person he was when he left? And can they find something to save Dez's life? They are in a race against the clock and it is unsure whether all of them will survive.

I have to admit that for the first half of this series I didn't like it all that much. Well... I liked it but it hurt my heart too much. To have Kale apart from Dez and not know what had happened to him made me very sad. All I wanted was to have them together again and some of this book just made me angry with what was happening. The second half was a hell of a lot better and I ended up adoring this book and feeling like it is the best of the series to date.

The Denezen Series is known for it's heart-pounding storyline and non-stop action. Tremble is no different. I couldn't read this book fast enough. I was dying to find out what was going to happen to these characters and I couldn't stop turning the pages. Tremble is fast-paced and heartstopping. It is packed with action and romance and is everything that you could possibly want in a book.

It's true that this book is tough. It's physically hurts for the most part and if you're a fan of Dez and Kale your heart will break... but it is totally worth it and it just makes everything better once you are through the hard part. I loved Tremble and I cannot wait to get my hands on the next book in the Denezen series.

literarymusingsbypatty's review against another edition

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See my review in The San Francisco Book Review Magazine July Issue.

anjanavasan's review against another edition

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Tremble totally blew my mind. It was emotional, heartbreaking, romantic and I LOVED IT!

lauri_farrell's review

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That book.... It hurt me.... it healed me..... then hurt me again but then i felt OK.
Im not sure what just happened, Seriously though it was a great read. I wasn't sure where the story was going to go after Toxic but BOOM! threw me through the loop. For a second there I Jus was gonna go all Mortal Instruments on my ass and make the main pairing sibling but Phew dodged that bullet.

Song - I'll never forget you by Birdy
-Bring you down by Flume

jaimearkin's review against another edition

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Have you read book 1 and 2 yet? If not, don't read this review... You've been warned!! Also - I may include some spoilers here - so don't read on if you don't want to know what's happening!!

Dez isn't having the best luck lately. Tremble picks up shortly after Toxic left us and Dez is struggling for a couple reasons. First, she's a six and the drug she was given to enhance her abilities is now a deadly countdown to insanity and death. Second, she's on Denazen's hitlist because of it. And finally, her father is using Kale, the love of her life, against her and ultimately to kill her.

At the end of Toxic, Kale trades his life for hers, and Denazen did their worst to him. They erased Dez from his mind and replaced his memories with false ones and they gave him a new trial drug called Domination. Now he's doing things the old Kale never would have considered... including kissing her half-sister.

The underground group is trying to save all of the six's and so a lot of this book is finding them and hopefully getting there before those who want to get rid of them, and convincing them to return with them. Along the way, we find that the Denazen agents and Dez's group are working from the same list hoping to get to the one person who's blood may hold the cure for those on the termination list.

I will admit up front that I wasn't as happy with book 2, (probably because of Jade) but book 3 came back with a bang. I sympathized with Dez much more in this book ... the hurt of seeing him with Kiernan and the pain of knowing the relationship they shared, and Kale not having a single recollection and the anger and coldness he had toward her. It just about did me in.

Dez, while always a pretty strong character in the other books, really stepped it up in this book. She was prepared to fight for Kale and prove to him who she truly was even if it endangered her life. But she didn't take his crap either. Even with the effects of the Supremacy project slowing her down, she pushes through it.

I was wondering what Denazen was going to do with Kale once they got their hands on him, and I wasn't disappointed. I absolutely didn't expect this. Kale has become someone else in the time they've been apart, and this new version isn't who Dez would have fallen for, but she gets hints of her Kale throughout. Even though his memories have been taken, his body and mind deep down know Dez and so he fights to know the truth. I loved seeing this other side of Kale and I am interested in seeing how once more and more of his memories return, The Domination project will affect who he was and is.

Accardo fills this book with tons of action and suspense. Throwing in twists that I didn't even see coming. I'm incredibly excited to see where she takes us in book 4.

Thank you to Entangled Teen & Netgalley for the advance copy for an honest review.

This review can be found on my blog, Fic Fare: