
Girls of Summer by C.E. Hilbert

randikaye's review

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In Girls of Summer, we meet half-sisters Charlotte and Georgie who are being forced to live and work together following the death of their father. If they can make it one year, they are both set to receive half of their father's fortune... a fortune that Charlie very much needs. But it seems like surviving the year might be harder than they think in this unique suspense.

This is a new to me author, but I was intrigued by the idea of this story. Certainly a unique premise that drew me in. I must admit, I did struggle a bit to get into the story at first. I am not certain why, but I felt like I was missing something as I started the story... but not being part of a series, I cannot pinpoint as to how or why I felt that way. Honestly, it could have been more my busy state of mind as I started reading than anything to do with the story itself.

Still, despite that initial disconnect, it was an enjoyable story filled with family drama and secrets, loads of suspense and yes, some romance too. It was well written and I so enjoyed the unique story. If you enjoy Christian suspense, this is one worth checking out. I look forward to reading more from this author.

**I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. All thoughts are my own.