
Una notte da ricordare by Erica Ridley

jillmlong's review against another edition

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This was a quick, fun and romantic novella. I loved the character of Giles. He was very interesting and the love story was sweet. The Wicked Dukes Club is quickly becoming one of my favorite series. Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and authors for this ARC.

njsbooknook's review against another edition

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After reading the previous two books in the Wicked Dukes Club series, I was looking forward to reading Giles's story.

A wager, racing and the love for tinkering with carriages brings together a blacksmith and a Duke's sister. Giles and Felicity have to work together for two weeks to perfect Felicity's brother's carriage for a race. While they are partners, they come to love each other and respect the other's talent.

The story was refreshing and great. I always am up for reading a romance that involves a non-titled gentleman. But (and a huge But here) .. I did feel that the language and instances sounded modern for a historical romance. As a avid reader of historical romance, this was jarring and took away my enjoyment of a cute romance.

kristi518's review against another edition

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A perfect mix of seriousness and fun made this book a quick read. The hero and heroine are both characters that I enjoyed reading about and I loved the idea of a titled person, in this case, a woman, marrying a commoner. I'm not sure that I've ever read a story with this scenario before and I found it deliciously refreshing.

The author's writing, as always, is superb and she has a way of drawing readers into the story and making them feel part of the action. And there's plenty of action in this book! I love the descriptions that make it so easy to picture what is happening in the story.

This book is the 5th in the series but can be read as a standalone. It is a must-read for fans of the genre and a great way introduction to the author's writing. A book that simply can't be missed. Happy reading!!!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author and wasn't required to write a review. All opinions are mine.

books_and_more_books_byt's review against another edition

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One Night to Remember is the fifth book in the Wicked Duke Club series. Each book is incredible and fun to read. This book is Giles and Felicity’s story. Lady Felicity’s brother, who is the Duke of Colehaven (from the first book), has entered a wager that his curricle would win in a race. The Duke of Colehaven hires Giles Langford, who is known as the “Curricle King,” to drive his curricle in the race and to work with Felicity to ensure he wins. Felicity hides her talents of being a smithy by dressing as a boy and working at Giles workshop. She is ready to give up her smithy work in order to marry a wealthy lord who will help her with her goal of creating charities to help children. Giles helps the neighborhood children by apprenticing them in his shop. He is impressed with Felicity’s talent and her charity goals but can’t help wanting to make Felicity a part of his life. Both characters are great but Giles was so sincere and sure of himself it was hard not to fall in love with his character. The book was well written, face paced and hard to put down. I can’t wait to read the next book in the series, but am said it will be the last! It’s been such a fun series to read and I have enjoyed every book. I definitely recommend reading this book. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

sassysmutlover's review against another edition

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Races, a smithy, and disguises make Felicity’s story such a unique one. The moment the met and were forced to work together there was a spark between them and it got stronger as every day went by. Anyone that saw them together knew they were meant to be together, but it wasn’t until that race that they both knew. The scene in the club was one of the best ever! This story is one of my top favorites ever.

Felicity has dreams of starting a charity to help children and only one man will make her brother happy and support her dream. But once she meets Giles her heart changes her plans. I love her from the first time she was introduced in this series. Her eyes are opened to a different way of life that could give her the best of both worlds.

Giles may not have a title or the money of the ton, but he lives a comfortable life. He shows Felicity that she can have what her heart wants without giving up true self. I loved him more and more every time he raised her up with his works and how he was with his parents.

Copy provided for an honest and voluntary review.

karentje's review against another edition

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Wonderful feel-good romance with a great non-Duke, atypical hero and a smart and capable matching atypical heroine. Loved this story!

I simply adored Giles for his devotion to his parents and I was so happy to see Felicity fit in with them so perfectly. Giles and Felicity are both so obviously smitten with each other almost from the get-go and so in tune with each other, truly very heartwarming to read. I also really liked that for once it’s the heroine who is of higher social standing and richer than the hero, who is “but” a smith.

I loved all the little details about the mechanics of “carriage repairs” and the inner workings of the smithy. The writing was witty and touching as always.

Another amazing read by Erica Ridley.

ctsquirrel's review against another edition

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Regency meets NASCAR, and a duke's sister is the mechanic that falls in love with the NASCAR racecar driver curricle racing driver.

ladyandscholar's review against another edition

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Reading this title was such a pleasure. The author treats Felicity with such dignity, and it was an adventure to see how her story panned out. It was a quick and satisfying read; a great way to spend an afternoon.

I received an ARC from NetGalley courtesy of the publisher. The opinions are mine alone.

teaandbooklover's review against another edition

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Loved this story of Felicity and Giles. There was no major angst, unless you count the races they were involved in, but that was good exciting, not bad.

The characters were very fleshed out and believable. I loved the camaraderie and friendship between them and how their love grew.

It did make me wish I had read the previous book or books which they are in, because it talked a lot about their past and how hard they had it growing up and so if I could recommend something-I'd say read that book (or books) first.

Also a lot of humor in this book which I always appreciate!!

letstalkaboutbooksbaybee's review against another edition

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!


Look, sometimes you’re just in the mood for s cheesy historical romance novel and that’s okay. It won’t be a bestseller and it won’t have literary merit, but it’s enjoyable and quick and itches the spot.

I didn’t realize this one was part of a series, but you needn’t have read the previous books in order to enjoy this book. Felicity is a whizz at being a mechanic for her brothers racing carriages, but being at the ripe old age of 24, she knows it’s time to settle down and start being a respectable lady. For one last hurrah she works with her brother’s friend, Giles aka the “Curricle King”, to get her brother’s carriage ready for the biggest race of her secret career. But of course, feelings start to form between her and Giles and she must decide between marrying for love or marrying for money.

I thought this book was fine and enjoyable. I absolutely flew through it and I loved the slight feminist hints sprinkled throughout the novel. But if you’ve read one historical romance, you’ve read them all ya know?