
Violence: Guillotine #1 by Vanessa Veselka

margaret_adams's review

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“... the only space allowed for women to take the classic hero's journey is if the hurdle at the end is self-acceptance. I’m a fan of self-acceptance, but it seems the narratives of men aren't expected to complete like that. Great that our Bildungsromans no longer end in marriage, but it’s still a literary form of original sin when all our novels have a redemptive ark. Redeemed from what? These books sell because they ring like bells when struck, toning deeply-held cultural myths.”

meganmilks's review

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On not only violence, but crying, scatology, Bridesmaids, castration, pressure narratives of redemption and is a THRILL to watch these two writers at play, tackling such broadranging material with wisdom, wit, and mutual love and respect.