
Oliver Twist [Adaptation] by Charles Dickens, Les Martin

kellyhitchcock's review

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Whew... Over 2 months to read? Either I need to carve out more reading time, or this is just that dense :P

No one does despair like Dickens. He really knew how to communicate the feeling and experience of despair that made the reader feel it, palpably.

This book had a bjillion characters, which made them a little hard to keep straight. Having the chapter at the end that brought everything back around and explained what happened to (most of) the characters, really helped.

My favorite chapter was Fagin's last day alive - so poignant and again, such great grasp of despair. The parts that made me feel the most, however, were the scenes there Sikes' dog's life was in danger, which might make me an unfeeling jerk.

Time to follow this up with a lighter read!

forfatter_torben_mathiassen's review

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Da jeg var dreng, var jeg stor fan af filmen om Oliver Twist, men det er først for nyligt, at jeg tog mig sammen til at læse den. Bogen starter sådan set ganske fint ud. Charles Dickens humor er underfundig og intelligent. Desværre synes jeg at fortællingen undervejs går i stå og mister sin tiltrækningskraft. Den er ganske enkelt for lang. Det trækker noget ned i min bedømmelse af den.

wildflowerz76's review

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I've owned this book since high school when we read Great Expectations. I'd never gotten around to reading it until now. I enjoyed the overall story, but felt it dragged a LOT in quite a few areas. A lot of the slang was hard to get through too.

reanimatedreader's review

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Not a fan of this Dickens' style. Over descriptive and long sentences. Battled through to the end.

alanyatelerski's review

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Like I get why its a classic, but in terms of closing the narrative circles it felt a little forced. The pieces didn't come together naturally. Also like the amount I had to read each day for class made it hard to enjoy.

ewynn610's review

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dreamadeer's review

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I'm surprised that many people dislike this. For me this story is absolutely lovely. I've read The Tale of Two Cities and Great Expectations, and Oliver was the only character so far that got me really engaged with him!

falconfeast's review

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I am pretty happy that my school had all these kinds of storybooks in the course, at least I got a chance to read them then, otherwise, I don't see myself reading this kind of story. It's good but not that great.

emberts's review

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I thought about reading this book 2 years ago, and finally I've read it! I really enjoyed reading this - it was such a nice journey with Oliver! The narrative, the symbolism... ahh literally everything! It was a great read! The complex vocabulary made me slow tho

michellehshen's review

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Read for ENG 272

Two stars because I had to read 20 chapters in one day