jubbygestalt's review against another edition

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Was assigned only one story to read for a class.

revisable4510's review against another edition

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1. why did i do this to myself
2. the essays were pretty good and one of them actually finally made me understand wtf structuralism, poststructuralism, and postmodernism are lol
3. if you're an atheist thinking about reading the bible maybe just read Ecclesiastes and call it a day man. turns out most of christianity and judaism involve interpretations that you won't figure out from reading the bible straight
4. 2 Kings 2:23-24

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andrea_rossiter's review against another edition

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challenging slow-paced
I obvi cant give the bible a star rating and frankly it's a lie that I read this whole thing. I didn't. I'm sorry but so much of the bible is hella boring and I have spent a year with this fucking brick and I'm done

budokanwarp's review against another edition

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adventurous challenging dark emotional funny hopeful inspiring lighthearted mysterious reflective relaxing sad tense slow-paced


remigves's review against another edition

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adventurous challenging dark emotional hopeful informative inspiring mysterious reflective sad tense slow-paced


mamamia's review against another edition

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Ah! I love the layout of this. I've learned so much already from reading it and I'm excited to continue my studies from it. I do wish the annotations leaned a bit more on sources of church precedence than on the sometimes unaligned scholarly interpretations. After all, there are plenty of scholars within the church to cite who, I believe, have more authority on textual interpretation.

cheekycleric's review against another edition

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read sections for a Bible as lit class

lilyenglish8's review against another edition

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It is a very long book.

lizbusby's review against another edition

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Got through most of 2 Samuel before giving up this time. Maybe next time I'll start there and see if I can make it to the end! Overall, great introductory essays and footnotes, though I found myself often stuck in literary analysis mode and not able to access devotional mode. Still, I think the more thorough background is worth it.

vampfang's review against another edition

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ok so technically i didn't read the entire thing but i read it for school and he didn't assign all of it. either way i read most of it so it counts