
Already Gone by John Rector

purdys07's review against another edition

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I liked it but the ending just didn't fit well for me.

klieber's review

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The writing style was amateurish. Choppy sentences that didn't always flow together well and poor word choices. The character development was barely adequate -- I did not find myself relating to either the protagonist or any of the supporting characters.

But most of all, the writer seemed FAR too interested in stringing together numerous plot twists, with the net result that it felt forced, overall. Plodding, almost.

labalkana's review against another edition

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Universitätsprofessor Jake wird überfallen , ihm wird von zwei Unbekannten ein Finger abgeschnitten. Sonst führt er ein unaufgeregtes Leben aber spätestens als ihm der Finger samt Ehering in einem Einmachglas zugeschickt wird und seine Frau Diane verschwindet, ist klar, dass er kein zufälliges Opfer ist.
Er hat ihr versprochen Gabby nicht anzurufen aber er muss herausfinden was mit ihr passiert ist. Wer ist hinter ihm her? Gabby könnte seine kriminelle Vergangenheit wieder heraufbeschwören aber hat die ihn nicht schon eingeholt?
Als er dann ihre Leiche
Dann soll er Dianes Leiche identifizieren identifizieren soll, muss er feststellen, dass auch seine Frau eine Vergangenheit hatte und ist plötzlich auf der Flucht vor den Killern und gleichzeitig vor der Polizei...

Ich war anfangs direkt gefesselt: Die Idee, dass ein Mann vor einer Bar auf die Art überfallen wird, ist interessant. Aber nach dem spannenden Anfang ist es ruhig und man hat Zeit sich in der Situation zurechtzufinden.
Als es dann rasant weitergeht, voller Action und Wendungen ist es durchgehend unterhaltsam, stellenweise spannend, konnte mich aber nicht mehr fesseln.

Ich konnte es zu jeder Zeit zur Seite legen und die Szenen sind wie aneinandergereiht, es wirkt zu sehr beschrieben anstatt dargestellt.
Die Protagonisten nehmen einen auch nicht besonders ein. Gabby war gelungen, geheimnisvoll, weil man ihn nicht durchschaut.
Diane konnte ich auch nicht durchschauen, lag aber daran, dass sie nur da ist und nicht wirklich vermittelt wird was sie ausmacht.

Vielleicht ein bisschen zu viel Action, zu viele Tote und ich habe zwischendurch auch ein paar mal den Überblick verloren, wer gerade hinter wem her ist. Das sorgt aber auch dafür, dass man nicht weiß wem man trauen kann.

Das Ende hat erst unspektakulär gewirkt aber im Nachhinein fand ich gar nicht so schlecht, wie es gelaufen ist.
Trotzdem ist das Ganze zwar unterhaltsam aber leider nur durchschnittlich. Es sei denn man ist ein Fan von Action-geladenen Verfolgungsjagden.

bettychuck's review against another edition

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I decided to read this book after reading the synopsis and I must admit I was not disappointed. I normally shy away from novels that start with violent acts, such as finger removal, but I had to find out what happened next. This novel reminded me of some of the best 50's film noir movies.

I really enjoyed the twists and turns in the plot, but I found Jack Reese a bit to naive to be completely believable. For a man raised in the criminal underworld, I would have expected him to anticipate the actions of the criminals around him.

I highly recommend this novel for an enjoyable read on a cold winter's day, with a glass of red wine by your side. This is a true guilty pleasure of a novel.

samanthabryant's review against another edition

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Jake Reese is an interesting fella. He's living a quiet life with his quiet wife, but it's not always been that way. When he is suddenly attacked coming out of a bar, he is pulled into his past, trying to solve his own case: who is after him and why? What will happen if he goes back to his former friends for help?

A very enjoyable read. The suspense stayed strong throughout and right until the end, I wasn't sure how it would end, but was very satisfied when I got there. Excellent!

wrestleacademic's review against another edition

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I was engaged for most of it, but the ending drove me at a little crazy. I mean,
Spoiler yes, love is important, but seriously, letting her kill one of his most loyal friends & protectors and throwing him in the ocean because you're convinced that she'd never lie to you? I have to assume it was meant to be ambiguous if he made the right choice or not, but after all the intrigue I wasn't satisfied with how it ended.
It was a fun, quick Kindle read, and I'd like to check out some of the author's other works.

libbet's review against another edition

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not my usual type.

ray_ray2's review against another edition

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It was okay. I didn't see many of the twists. I don't usually read thriller but want to get into it. I don't have much to compare whether this is a good read. My enjoyment of this book was average, 3/5 stars. I could of been more interested but also, it was definitely not a bad read.

toastx2's review against another edition

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John Rector has brought a very strong novel to the table and put it down in front of you. You should be picking up what he is putting down.

Before picking up this novel, grab an industrial fan and place it in front of you facing away. When the novelized shit hits it, you will minimize the blow-back you experience.

Within five pages of the opening, the ring finger of Jake Reese has been forcibly removed by a pressure instrument that is not intended to be used for surgery. Bolt cutters, normally tasked to leveraging solid metal into separate pieces, had no trouble going through the bone and flesh of Jake’s finger. Jake goes home to his wife, with his wallet intact, and his pride scuffed, and in a terrible amount of confused pain. What the heck just happened, why was it “Nothing personal” as the attacker stated while walking away.

Rector’s “Already Gone” just gets better from there. I will not summarize anything further, in fear I could introduce spoilers.

What I can advise is that I was kept rabidly interested, a captive audience from cover to cover. Mystery/Thrillers of this kind have a high risk of coming off as heavy handed; they risk a big opening and poor closing; they risk formulaic story lines. This book has surpassed all the risk and achieved all of the reward that a hard hitting story aspires to. It is solid beginning to end.

I doubt that this book will become a best seller immediately, heck, there are so many books on the market that it could never achieve this status. I have high hopes though and I believe this is going to be a sleeper hit. Get in on the ground floor and read it early. Ensure that you are one of the cool people on the cutting edge of excellent fiction. After all, reading is a popularity game, right? You want to be cool…

Highly suggested!


schmoterp's review against another edition

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One of my shelves is named "fun fiction" to categorize those books that are purely for easy reading pleasure. After this entry, I'm considering adding a shelf entitled "bad fiction". This book had no originality, poor dialogue, and just zero redemming qualities. I don't like to be so blatantly critical, but there is simply no other recourse.

I'm pretty sure this was on my list because of some recommendation for "thrilling" fiction, but this was a totally fail. Stay away.