
Ecstasy Unveiled by Larissa Ione

curicastic's review against another edition

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I can't. I just can't. I've lost my ability to even.

kazen's review against another edition

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I'm really disappointed because I loved the series so much up to this point. But combine a hero I don't care for, a meh heroine, sexual repression (she signed a vow of chastity, after all...), and little rugrats that can't talk becoming major plot points and ugh. Every once in a while there would be a flash of brilliance - a well written fight scene, or E's wonderful wit - but it was gone just as quickly.

It also feels like Ione is trying to expand the main characters so she can write more books. There was a hint here that Sin would get her own chance at romance, but I'm not interested in her story, either. Like I said, quite disappointed.

doris1310's review against another edition

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Lore & Idess. Demon & Angel. My favorite couple so far. <3 that series :-)

si0bhan's review

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Ecstasy Unveiled is the fourth book in the Demonica series, and if I’m completely honest I was a wee bit worried about this one. I fell in love with the brothers throughout Pleasure Unbound, Desire Unchained, and Passion Unleashed, and the idea of a new sibling left me unsure as to what would happen. Especially with how I wasn’t the biggest fan of Lore when he was introduced to us in book three.

Fortunately, this one won me over in next to no time at all. Despite my initial worries, I enjoyed this one as much as I enjoyed the prior books in the series. That is to say, this was another wonderful read, a fabulous addition to the Demonica series. My addiction to this series will not be harmed in any way through the attention shifting away from the three main brothers.

Not that we do not get to see our favourite characters. They’re just as prevalent in this one, the overarching storyline ensuring we get to see all that is going on in their lives. In fact, the storyline of this novel was tied up with the prior books much more than I’d expected it to be. Many elements from the prior books were brought back in this one, events from the prior books playing an importance in this storyline. As with the other books, although it is possible to read the romantic elements of this story as a standalone novel, the best experience comes through reading this series in order. There are events building throughout, and this book builds upon things in a wonderful way.

Not to mention, there is so much promise for the next book. This book works really well as a prelude to Sin Undone, giving us an insight into the romance that is to occur along with starting off the action that is going to unravel. Even if you decide not to read the first three books in the series, I recommend this one before jumping into book five – it very much feels as though certain details are going to be pivotal.

Whilst it is important in the context of the overall series storyline, it is also wonderful alone. There were so many elements of this story to pull you in, new details to ensure you were addicted to the story throughout. The romance between the two characters was wonderful, and the storyline developed in a fabulous way. Honestly, I’m surprised by just how much I loved this one.

Without a doubt a fabulous addition to the series, and I cannot wait to see what Sin Undone brings us.

thebooktician's review against another edition

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Yet another 5-star book for Larissa Ione. With the fourth installment of the Demonica series, I swear the stories just keep getting better. And with each book I find myself wondering ‘how do I get a Seminus demon??’

Lore, our hero and the long lost brother of Eidolon, Shade and Wraith, does a pretty good job holding his own next to his brothers. As a bit of a tortured soul who is short-tempered, lethal and fiercely hot, you can certainly see the family resemblance. I really liked Lore and he was definitely a focal point in the book, but the other Sems, as well as Ky and their mates, actually got some good airtime in this book. Having the other Sems take a fairly prominent role helped create the sense of brotherhood (a little BDB-style) and family, which just gives me the warm fuzzies. Of course when your family is dealing with raging arguments, fist fights, kidnappings, assassinations, pregnancies, plagues and the introduction of another unknown sibling, who wouldn’t want to come together and sing kumbaya.

One thing I have come to love about this series is the strong female characters. Tayla, Gem, Runa and Serena all had their unique perspectives and personalities and could stand up to and next to these alpha males. Idess, our heroine, is no different in that regard. However, she isn’t loud and outspoken, sassy or hot-headed and though she can kick butt like the rest of them, she’s not the type to run in guns blazing. Maybe it is a result of her being 2,000 years old (would love to see the candles on her birthday cake), but she had a less in your face kind of strength. She’d actually think of a plan rather than fly by the seat of her pants. She was happy to let the boys duke it out, tapping her feet impatiently, but she’d eventually break it up so they could get back to business. In a way this might be slightly incongruous with her ‘I’m a powerful, make-weapons-appear-from-thin-air-and-fight angel’, but I think it works with who she truly is at heart and who she becomes in the end. (Yes, you’ll have to read the story to find out – and you really should read this story.)

Now, before you start thinking that there weren’t any women with a little more fire…

Sin, Lore’s sister who we first hear about in [b:Passion Unleashed|4701550|Passion Unleashed (Demonica, #3)|Larissa Ione||4765865], is a real firecracker and a shinning star in this book. She also happens to be the heroine in the fifth Demonica book, [b:Sin Undone|7715664|Sin Undone (Demonica, #5)|Larissa Ione||10083611], due out in September 2010. This girl does not take smack from anyone and as an assassin and all-around “badass” she’s got skills to back up that completely no holds barred mouth of hers. I think her presence and a great lead up to Sin Undone at the end of the book pushed this into the 5-star zone for me.

Overall, great fast-paced story with some good laughs, some jaw dropping surprises and some super steamy, make you get a little hot and bothered sex scenes.

p.s. I’ll never look at a supply closet the same again – You’ll know when you get there.

romancelibrary's review against another edition

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Holy. Crap. Ecstasy Unveiled was AMAZING!! Lore is half Seminus and half human and his mixed lineage has given him a strange gift: if he touches someone with his right hand, even a light or accidental touch, that person drops dead immediately. Things happened to him and his twin sister that led to them being enslaved as assassins. Lore has one last kill to do in order to free himself and his sister from the assassin master. His final target? Kynan, a charmed human whose life he saved in the previous book. Kynan, however, has an earthbound Memitim angel named Idess whose job is to protect him. Kynan is also being protected by The Aegis and by Lore's Seminus brothers.

When Lore attempts to kill Kynan, he comes face to face with Idess and man, it is SO GOOD!!!! After their first fight, these enemies are forced to stay together in close proximity and the transition from enemies to lovers is so well done. I LOVE Lore so much!! He is my favourite Seminus brother. He has such a wicked sense of humour and he is so honourable. He does everything he can to protect his twin sister and he has gone through endless torture for so many years. Lore has led a lonely life and he wants to get to know his newfound Seminus brothers better. But the impossible situation he's forced into pits him against his brothers. Idess is also such a great heroine. I love how compassionate she is toward Lore. Their dynamic is so good and omg the romance...the romance of it all just makes my heart so happy

skateanddonate's review

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Wow! Extraordinary book. I really cannot resist a book that makes me bawl multiple times.

bookwifereviews's review

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I struggled with this one a little bit at first. Just because they kept using each other. I was getting pissed thinking it was going to be this never ending back and forth game of who has the upper hand and that really would have been annoying. But it wasn't like that for too long.

Why didn't Lore just be honest from the start? Hey man, I was hired to kill Kynan to save my sister. Who by the way is obviously your sister. So let's put our heads together and figure out a way to kill Death.' Would have been a really boring book.

I am actually going to be really lazy and not write a real review for this one.. maybe later.

It was fantastical. Like all the other. Lore is amazing. I love him the most!! he is sarcastic and everything is sexual to him. Which is awesome. So read it!

angelwrites's review against another edition

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Love these books. The world-building, the characters, the force of imagination behind it...

I started this one at lunchtime on Friday and devoured it by early afternoon Saturday. Way to pace things. Now I have to wait until September for the next one.

Lore just steals your heart, it's unavoidable. The big lug. Idess is fairly typical of Ione's female characters, strong, indepedent, with a big vulnerable streak, good girl with a dash of bad. But she is herself and has a heart almost too big for her body.

My only issue is that the ending becomes a bit scattered and episodic feeling while the bulk of the story is tightly knit.

More please...can;t wait to see what happens next.

lili_darknight's review against another edition

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