nytshayde's review

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This book will be helpful to those who have an interest in Feri, even though it will not allow you to become an initiate. Feri is a sex-based tradition and in that sense anyone who wishes to incorporate this form of ecstatic practice within their own spirituality may also find this book helpful.

As for me, this book was an incredibly bumpy ride. I am not a proponent for initiatory witchcraft and frankly have no interest in these lineage based systems, however I was interested in reading this book for several reasons:
1. To gain a better understanding of Feri because there have been prominent initiates whose work I have admired
2. Feri claims to have ties to Faery and to work closely with what we know of as the Fae, which is particularly of interest to me
3. Many of my friends have liked this book and Faerywolf's writings in general.

I guess I was expecting it to be something rather different than what it is and on top of that there were just things that didn't sit quite well with me. Some of these things include attaching the names of certain gods to the gods of Feri Tradition and saying they are one and the same without any explanation as to why they are thought to be that- and also sometimes rather inappropriately which made it all sound rather muddled; ignoring the folklore of certain spirits i.e. Black Annis- not every hag, and spirit is some demonized Ancient Pagan Mother Goddess, and if it is please give some actual evidence of this; the idea that sex is the heart of witchcraft; the claim that Feri is somehow unique in having a rather large amount of artists among its initiates, when the Modern Pagan/Esoteric/Occult/Witchcraft community has a high number of artists/singers/creative people in general; the use of Paradox to explain away any inconsistencies.

Faerywolf writes early on about "Resonance" when he speaks of Elemental air, and this book, and its contents simply did not resonate with me. I do not find his writing to be particularly engaging, and for all the claims that this book is going to offer something "more than the current public model of Modern Witchcraft generally allows for" it really didn't offer anything anything new or evocative to me.

All that being said, I am sure that some people will find something useful and interesting in this book, it just didn't do anything for me, and I feel I could have spent my very limited reading time better.