
Straight-ish by Seth King

brendymegs's review

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I don't know what I could ever read that would top this book

Straight is one of my all time favourite books so to say I had high expectations for Straight(ish) may be an understatement and I was not disappointed. This book delivered on all levels, highlighting Seth's brilliance as a wordsmith and proving yet again why he is my favourite author.

I am struggling to tell you how truly incredible this book is and do it justice. I had to wait a day to write this review because this book left me with such a book hangover, I don't know what I could ever read that would top it, except maybe another Seth book, yes I loved it that much. There are not enough stars for me to accurately rate how much I loved it so I'll have to stick with the five.

Henry and Ty have been together for almost a year, they are so much in love but there are things lurking in the background that could tear them apart, and not all of them are within their control. Henry's father is running for Governor of Georgia and Henry is called on to 'assist' in the campaign and the media are constantly scrutinising his private life and Ty's insecurities relating to demons in his past are very much in the present. 

Straight(ish) is beautiful, raw, emotional , it's love at it's finest and love at it's worst, it's tumultuous,  passionate,  heartbreaking, joyous. overwhelming, astounding, and just bloody phenomenal. 

All Seth's books should come with a tissue alert and this one was no different. I felt the emotion of Henry and Ty as they tried to navigate their way through the whirlpool that life dealt them. I laughed with them and I'm not ashamed to say I cried with them, both sad and happy tears (and I think I even ugly cried once).

I read this book on the edge of my seat with my heart in my mouth and although I tried to read it slowly to savour the enjoyment I couldn't so I will be rereading it again very soon. 

I hope Henry and Ty never stop 'talking' to Seth so there is more of their story in our future. Specifically I want to know the answer to THE question!!!! and if you want to know the question you will just have to read it and discover it for yourself.

Full review can be found here:

tltravis's review

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My anxiety level was sky high!

Reading this story. There were times I found I was holding my breath, waiting for both of them to pull their heads out of their you know what’s.

I hope Curious has more of them in it as I feel their story has only just begun.

brinchen's review

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3 Stars

Read this and other reviews here: Brina and the Books

After reading Straightthere was no way I could not read Straight-ish. I went into the follow-up completely blind because I wanted to experience Ty & Henry's story without any previous knowledge.
Straight-ish is set approx. a year after Straight ended. Henry and Ty are happy, they enjoy living their lives and being together as a couple - until Henry's father decided to run for governor in conservative Georgia. The media can't stop gushing about Henry, the sexiest and most eligible straight (!) bachelor there is in Georgia. What would happen if they knew he had a boyfriend and was not so straight after all.

The follow-up was mostly about how Henry and Ty deal with the media around Henry's father's governor's election in Georgia. It was interesting to read about but it was more or less the same thing the entire book: they were happy, then they started fighting about the media and other stuff, they made up, they were happy, they started fighting again, they made up etc. It was a little boring and a little too much drama in my eyes.

The message of Straight-ish was the same as in Straight - maybe even a little stronger. I'm glad that Seth King uses his ability to write and his popularity to publish books like Straight and Straight-ish. It's important in this time of age. Speaking of "this time of age". In all honesty though, awareness books like these shouldn't exist anymore because we live in a modern world, because we live in 2018, because we shouldn't judge people for their love for each other. There are still too many ignorant and conservative people out there who are full of hatred and homophobia and that's the reason we still need those books - and only that! It's such a shame really.

Straight-ish is a nice bonus to Straight but I'm not sure if an extra book was really necessary here. Still, Straight-ish gets 3 Stars from me.

