
Hot Shot by Karina Halle

caseroo7's review against another edition

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Karina Halle is one of my favorite authors, and her North Ridge series is at the top of my favorites list so I couldn't wait to finally get Del and Fox's story. This book had a bit of a different feel from the previous two books, but I couldn't get enough of these two. When all was said and done, I wasn't ready to let this group of characters go and I know these will be books I go back and read again in the future.

Delilah has been in love with her best friend Fox Nelson her entire life, but while all their friends and family know it, Fox doesn't. Delilah prefers to pretend they are just friends and that her feelings don't exist so as not to ruin their friendship and risk losing him forever. Fox has his own secrets though, and while to the world he appears brave, on the inside he is anything but. He knows that Del is the only one that has the ability to quiet the fire that burns inside him. When things between them start to change though, both begin to worry about what that means for their future, especially when Delilah holds another secret that will forever change their lives.

I loved these two throughout the entire series, and their relationship was the one I wanted most. I love a good friends to lovers romance, and these two had so much going on between them even if nothing had ever happened. I felt for both of them, as they each had secrets and struggles that others were unaware of or unable to do anything about. I will admit that Fox drove me a bit nuts at times here though. He clearly felt something for Delilah and yet he was in denial about it for so long, hurting Delilah without meaning to or really knowing he was doing it. I just kept waiting for him to figure things out and I was glad that ultimately he did, righting more than one part of his life in the process. These two had so much chemistry and were super hot together, which made their unique and undeniable connection that much more special.

Overall, I was so glad that Karina did these two justice, even if their journey was anything but easy. I felt so much for each of them, and I couldn't put this book down because I had to see how things would play out for Del and Fox. This series is definitely one of my favorites, and not just of Karina's books. I love the characters and this world she built and I am sad to say goodbye. It was a great ending to the series though, and I will have to go back and visit these characters again in the future. I recommend this book and series if you are a contemporary romance fan, and especially if you are a fan of Karina's. Can't wait to see what she writes next!

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

elisabeth_julia's review against another edition

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I am amazed how Karina Halle manages to write a couple of my favourite books of the year every year and somehow simultaneously also my least favourite ones. Before I go on reviewing this book let me just say that for every 5 star book of hers I happily read a couple of mediocre ones. So if you dislike “Hot Shot” like I did don’t feel discouraged.

After reading the second friendship-to love romance by this author I’m pretty sure that this trope doesn’t do it for me. The main reason for this is the frustration that comes with reading about two people who are obviously in love with each other but can’t seem to step out of their own way and own it. Maybe I can’t empathise enough with the characters because I never had a meaningful friendship with a man myself. Then again, neither have the people in this book.

I also don’t think that the concept in Hot Shot was very strong. After reading many of her books, Halle’s writing didn’t seem to be at its best in this one and I feel like she forced and bent her characters to fit into the story she wanted to write. It didn’t feel organic.
Before long I found myself skipping entire paragraphs and not only because there was too much fluff for too little plot.

On top of all that I wasn’t exactly charmed by Fox, nor intrigued or otherwise interested in him (which is kind of a deal breaker in a romance). I thought it was cool that he is fighting wild fires and I found the parts where his work is described really fascinating (which is probably why I won’t give this book one star). Also - because of Conan the Squirrel.

There is nothing offensive in here but there are many better books by Karina Halle to pick up.

laughlinesandliterature's review against another edition

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I really felt like I identified with Delilah in this book. Personality wise I felt like we were pretty similar in that we’re family oriented caretakers. She’s smart, and she could probably be living a different life, but she wanted to stay in her hometown and take care of her mother. In doing that she did end up carving out a great life for herself. I love that we got to see Delilah take care of herself, she was always in love with Fox but by the end she knew she was strong enough to stand on her own. Even if she didn’t always want too.

I thought Fox’s struggles were very captivating, and really showed what having a destructive personality can look like. I didn’t love that he kept what happened with his mother inside, and even towards the end of the book it’s not clear that he told Delilah. I was so happy that he got help, but my heart ached for the little boy who’s loving family failed him. I know at the time he was a child, therapy wasn’t as big of a deal, but I hope in this day and age if a child loses a parent that they get some kind of therapy to make sure they aren’t carrying around demons that big.

Overall, I think this was a solid showing from Karina Halle, I wouldn’t say it was lighthearted romance, but it was a well developed, thoughtful, and sexy book. 4 out of 5 stars.

*This review was first posted to Moonlight Gleam Reviews*

rodeorocks13's review against another edition

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I love when an author can take a stand-alone series and wrap up everyone’s story into one book so beautifully.
Hot shot is the final book in Karina Halle’s North Ridge series. You can read hot shot without reading previous novels in the series and it’s just as enjoyable. This is story that’s full angst, friendship and emotion. It has lots of twists and surprises that are hard to see coming. I thought the plot felt a bit rushed at the start but the more you read on, the deeper the story goes. This novel finishes up in such way that you will feel complete and have all your questions answered. Karina Halle has definitely written a memorable story that will stay with you and want to hang on to these characters a bit longer. I recommend Hot Shot for any romance fan.

bibliophile90's review against another edition

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**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**


4.5 stars

"She was always something separate, the girl next door, a light that would always lead me out of the black. She was my saving grace and the one constant thing I had in my life, the one person who could turn things around."

Hot Shot is my favorite book in the North Ridge series. I had been highly anticipating Delilah and Fox's story because both of them intrigued me. Especially Fox, because he was such a complex and intense person. He doesn't let people, even his family, get too close to him. He has built a wall around himself and wants to stay in a dark place to punish himself. He doesn't think he deserves happiness. Del, always had his back and is such a great support. She is a friend everyone needs in their lives. However, Del has been wanting more than just a friendship but never wanted to ruin things between them.

"I don't want to be lost. I don't want to be angry. I don't want to blame myself. I want to be free, to have peace, a future. I want love."

When they finally take the leap to things further, things get complicated. My heart broke for both of them so much. There were moments were Fox really said stupid things and disappointed and broke Del's heart, but I couldn't really blame him too much because he was battling his own demons. It was really difficult for me to see them go through the things they did. They deserved their HEA so much. If you read the previous two books, you'll know that especially the relationship between Fox and his youngest brother Shane was bad. I was glad that they finally worked things out. Del and Fox's road to happiness wasn't an easy one, and the author did a great job in putting it into words.

"It will eventually consume me and I want to be consumed, Del. I want to love you, burn for you, until there's nothing else left. Just your heart and mine."

The writing like always was phenomenal, and very easy to read. I love Karina's books so much, and I appreciate her coming up with so many different characters who I end up loving. I am going to miss them so much, and I hope Karina will consider writing a novella set in North Ridge series. I highly recommend this series, and I hope when you read it that you'll end up loving these characters as much as I did.

strandedinbooks's review against another edition

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**4.5 STARS!

I'm gonna miss the Nelson clan. Oh man!

22margaret's review against another edition

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Finally finished with this series that I should have DNF'd early in book one. I don't know if the author didn't remember the personalities she gave the main couples in the previous books, but she somehow manages to make Riley and Rachel so annoying in Delilah's book. Shane is still the superior one of the brothers, treats Del better (as a friend) than Fox does half the time. We knew Fox was going to have demons that he needed to face (thanks to flash backs to give us perspective of why Fox is the way he is), but she sure did make him behave like a total dick toward his supposed best friend Del. And for that matter, the book barely even gives you a feel that they are best friends. They spent more time apart than together in the book. The author definitely should have done a few more flashbacks to provide more depth to their friendship because all we really are told is how much Delilah has loved Fox all her life, despite him being closed off and an ass to her even as a kid. I'm glad he was able to mend relationships with his brothers and with Del, even though 1 week of rehab isn't realistic.
Overall, I'm thankful I found this series after I read other Karina Halle books because I never would have read anything else from this author if this series had been my first exposure.

cassire's review against another edition

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Hot Shot is the third book in the North Ridge series. All the books in this series are interconnected stand-alones. Hot Shot is about Fox, the eldest Nelson brother, and Delilah, long time family friend of the Nelsons. Fox is a fire jumper. He is gone a good part of the year fighting wildfires. Delilah is the owner of one of the local bars. Fox and Delilah have known each other since they were in the single digits. Hot Shot is a friends-to-lovers romance.

I enjoyed being back in North Ridge. I've grown to enjoy the characters that live there. We get to glance back into the lives of couples we've met before. I love the vibes of a close community. Fox is a complex character with lot of layers. He was forced to grow up quickly. His life hasn't been easy, but he is fighter. I found it was easy to root for Fox. Delilah, also known as Del, is a pretty strong heroine. I connected to her very easily. Fox and Delilah were not handed their happiness. They had to fight for it.

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review against another edition

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Hot Shot finally brought Del and Fox to the front of the scene, and I loved how beautifully broken Fox was.

anakaren_19's review against another edition

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I liked this book but it wasn't my favorite. The ending was what made me not like the story. I felt like there was a rush to end the story because we have the happily ever after and then the epilogue. The epilogue involved a cliff notes of everyone in the other series but not about the characters in this story. In my opinion I needed more from Fox and Delilah in order for their story to be over.