
Freefall by Jill Sorenson

jackiehorne's review

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ria_mhrj's review

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Take that, reading slump! I totally finished a book!

Poor Freefall, if I had been in a better frame of mind for reading this week I might have appreciated it more. Still, the suspense element was very well done, with the multiple storylines deftly woven together. Also nice to see Owen and Sam again.

Everyone was flawed and damaged by the past, which is brave and effective when done well. What was lacking a little for me was the excitement and enthusiasm for these couples overcoming their issues to forge a happy future.

Still, glad I read it and even more glad that I actually finished a book! What a weird week it has been...

areadz's review

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FMC had a little too much angst over her past, she needed to find some self forgiveness. And the suspense was a bit murky (too many characters I couldn’t keep track). Despite that I really enjoyed this book, romance always brings it home. 

belle505's review

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Kinda predictable. 2 people fighting inner battles, they meet, fight attraction....

prgchrqltma's review

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Characters: Park ranger, amnesiac climber
World Building: Rock climbing, park law enforcement
Plot: Drug dealers, kidnapping, memory recovery
Sex: Medium to hot
Read another: Yes.

noveladdiction's review

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These books make me nervous the whole time I'm reading them. And then when I finish, I'm absolutely exhausted, like I was the one dealing with it all.

Also, I get the impression that Jill Sorenson really loves an anti-hero. She makes you love and respect guys that are conventionally bad - or at least have done bad things. She really does the whole "people can change for the better" thing. Which I appreciate.

At first I was a little disappointed when I realized book 2 of this series wouldn't feature Owen as the main character. Really? She went with Sam next? But man.. it was worth it. I actually ended up liking him, despite his stand-off-ish nature. And Owen was still a part of this book. Luckily his story is actually next.

beckymmoe's review

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Full review posted here.

Strong start--absolutely loved the first half. Couldn't put the book down as Hope and Sam raced to find the killer and Faith dealt with the drama of the rafting trip from you-know-where. The second half, though, totally lost it for me. Way too much was going on, both to and with the characters. Everything was neatly and conveniently wrapped up in the end--much too neatly and conveniently for my taste. Started out in four star territory, ended in two--averaging in at three stars total. Still, I'd like to see the series continue, and hope for more consistency in book three.

(I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest opinion.)

avoraciousreader68's review

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*Book source ~ NetGalley

On her way to start her vacation with her sister, Faith, park ranger Hope Banning gets a call that sends her to a plane crash on a mountain top. Hope persuades Faith to continue on to the white water rafting trip and tells her she’ll catch up when she’s done. Except this assessment and rescue turn out much different than Hope could have believed and now she and civilian Sam Rutherford as well as Faith and several others are fighting for their lives.

This story is a bit frustrating, but overall not a bad read. There is plenty to love about the characters and the writing, but the plot stretches the bounds of believability a bit. Add in majorly stupid decisions by smart people, physical trauma that doesn’t seem to slow anyone down and an ending that drags along for far too long and the balance ends up somewhere in the middle of the road. It could have been better, but it also could have been worse. I do love the characters though. They seem so real.

scorchingnix's review

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Really 3.5 Stars

reviewed at

OK, all disclosures first. I got this book from NetGalley. I did not pay for it nor was I paid for the review; I requested it because I enjoyed the first in the series. I do follow Jill Sorenson on twitter, and have on occasions commented on her tweets, but that is it. My reasons for this review are nothing more nefarious than I liked book one and wanted to read book two.

Now we’re all clear that I’m not selling you up the river with this review, I can FINALLY tell you how what I thought of this book. I actually quite enjoyed it but I was a little conflicted as to what rating to give it because I enjoyed the side romance a lot more than the main one. I knew I was going to from the second the chemistry between Javier and Faith started to unfurl (we all know I like a bad-boy). I wanted to believe that he could be redeemed, that he wasn’t as bad as original appearances showed, but he certainly didn’t appear in this situation smelling of roses. The thing I enjoyed about book one was how the heroine struggled to merge the character of the hero in person to her preconceptions of what he should act like because of his past. This one has a similar plot thread except that Javier really was only interested in protecting himself and her, so did some questionable things to achieve his objective. I really enjoyed his character and do hope I see more of him in future books.

Hope and Sam’s tale was a little more confusing. I think I struggled with the amount of plot threads that wove into their romance; just when you thought it was all going to be fine, something else cropped up. I got a little frustrated but overall I did enjoy it. I loved the set-up and the emotional baggage that they both carried added a little more depth to the intrigue and kept me guessing. The emotional struggles that they both had left me wanting a HEA, but they weren’t little problems to overcome. The fact that Sam couldn’t properly move on from his fiancée’s death left me unconvinced that he could ever truly begin a relationship with Hope. The author did a very good job of convincing me otherwise but, for me, it would have happened sooner if it wasn’t buried within the mass of other plot-points. Hope was a little more complex, and I class her issues as spoilers, but her issues were a little confusing. The scene where she tried to bring them up with Sam just straight up confused the crap out of me. I enjoyed them as a couple but I just got lost trying to follow their love story.

The suspense plot took up the bulk of the pages and I did enjoy it, I just felt it detracted from the romance a little too much. Sam has to be the unluckiest man in the world to find him in the middle of an Earthquake and then a failed drug-drop/kidnapping. It was a brutal plot and I was never quite sure who the bad guys were; there were more than a few moments when my jaw dropped. What I liked about it the most was the way it redeemed Javier slightly to me as a reader and also, in some ways, the character of Owen. I love Owen. I can’t wait for his book. Seriously, I will never quit this series whilst that guy hasn’t got a book.

There was a lot going on in this book and, for me, there was a few too many things for me to get my teeth into it. The side romance was the main draw for me and I do hope they get more airtime in future books. I loved Javier and Faith as characters and enjoyed reading their developing relationship. Aside from that, I will be continuing with the series. I like the direction its taking and, although this one didn’t wholly work for me, I love the fact that this author is putting such high octane plots alongside a romance. This one was sexy and exciting, with plenty of surprises to keep me guessing right to the end.

imzadirose's review

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Good story, sudden bad triggers for me. Overall enjoyable, not as good as the first book.