
Aphrodite by Kaitlin Bevis

sharonsm_28's review against another edition

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Actual Rating: 4.75

This was a fantastic read. This was the best book of the series. I am very happy with this book. It contained all of the excitement that the first two books had. I think Aphrodite became her own in this book and it is very interesting to see. I love how the first three books were about Persephone/Hades relationship. Now, it is time to find out Aphrodite's story. I loved the story. It kept me on the edge of my seat. I loved the way Kaitlin Bevis knows how to incorporate Greek mythology into modern-day stories. Very inventive. I recommend to fans of mythological stories, especially Greek mythology. Overall, an amazing read.

rescues_and_readers's review against another edition

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Aphrodite picks up right where The Iron Queen left off but from Aphrodite’s point of view. Now, if my memory serves me correctly, Aphrodite was one of the main characters in the last books and was a key player against Persephone because she was made by Zeus and under his control, so initially I didn’t like her.

However this book touches on the suffering that Aphrodite went through while under Zeus’s spell and the fact that she had no control over any of her actions and it made me realize that she wasn’t a jerk of a goddess – she really was a nice girl (well, goddess.) Writing this story from Aphrodite’s POV allows us to know her general concern regarding the missing demigods, the length that she will go to save them, her comradely with her fellow god and goddesses, and her allegiance to Persephone.

Without spoiling anything, I will say that I was very surprised how this book turned out. There were a few twist that I saw coming but one big one that I did not. Bevis sure did keep me at the edge of my seat; engrossed in the story, and worried about how this was all going to play out.

seakingnur's review against another edition

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It's three in the morning when I write this review so excuse me if my thoughts are jumbled. I just finished reading Aphrodite and I wanna get my thoughts down before I forget.
I recently finished rereading the previous three Daughters of Zeus books when I found out there were more. You would not believe my excitement. Add in the fact that I would be getting more info on Aphrodite?! I love Persephone and all but I really did wonder how Aphrodite was dealing with the whole post-Zeus thing. It's kind of insane looking back at my first review of the Iron Queen that I didn't like Aphrodite. Rereading it again I found myself empathizing with her a lot. Suffice to say I loved this book for giving me a proper view of Aphrodite and her trauma. It definitely made her a more likable character. Also, I was really happy to see how the new Pantheon of the Gods was working out.
SpoilerI am so glad that Adonis turned out to be a jerkface! Adonis and Aphrodite did seem cute but I much rather preferred Aphrodite with Ares. I don't know. I'm just really happy that my preferred ship gets to sail. I loved Ares the moment I first read about him in the Iron Queen. There's just something about him that I liked. Kind of like how the first time I met Adonis I felt something iffy about him. Of course I could understand why he was so much of a jerk to the Gods. But still, he was iffy.

I'm sorry if my review doesn't make sense. The gist of it is that I loved this book and I can't wait to start reading the next in the series.

booty_jorts's review against another edition

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Okay, so like others have stated, I'm a huge sucker for anything mythology-related. Love me some spins on gods and goddesses, particularly of the Greek nature. This book kinda frustrated me, to be honest. I waited a while for it to come out after reading the final Persephone book, so I was really happy when it finally came out.

It took me a little longer than anticipated to get through it, though. Why? I was frustrated with not only the main character, but also the two love interests. I have never really read a book that I was into in which I couldn't make a choice on which guy I was rooting for. I hope that it becomes more clear later. The end was a little rushed, as is becoming pretty common with the YA books I've been reading lately.

I think Bevis has greatly improved as a writer with each book that comes out, so I fully expect the next installment to be even better.

sarahrita's review against another edition

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I received a copy of this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Please see my full review at

mrsmariegirl's review against another edition

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Did Not Finish

mollyringle's review against another edition

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While the first three books focused mainly on the Persephone/Hades relationship (and a lovely ride that is, too), this one embarks on new territory by sticking exclusively to the point of view of Aphrodite. It’d be easy to dislike the “Barbie Goddess,” as one character calls her—she’s physically perfect, she’s occasionally clueless, she may often come off as shallow and self-serving…she’s, well, Aphrodite. But I thought Kaitlin Bevis did a marvelous job with the character, showing us her suffering and fears, all of which are inseparable from her recent origin as a creation of Zeus’, made specifically to do his bidding. Now Zeus is gone, but Aphrodite’s left with the nightmares. She’s unbalanced, and unsure what to do with her freedom.

To get the other gods to trust and like her a little better, which they haven’t entirely so far, she volunteers to help solve the latest divine mystery: namely, why some demigods have been disappearing. The mission takes her onto a cruise ship, where she winds up sharing a room with the demigod Adonis, and as you can guess, there the fun begins!

Part of the fun is that Adonis doesn’t even seem to like her, at first. He’s a model, on board for a traveling photo shoot, but he’s no fluffy pretty face; he’s responsible and intelligent, and disapproves of Aphrodite’s intrusion and doesn’t hesitate to tell her so. So when she finds her powers mysteriously weakening on the cruise, and leans on him for help more and more, their emerging feelings for each other are that much more delicious. Also, they do a stint of photo shoots together, which just feels like the perfect occupation for Aphrodite and Adonis in the modern age, and I SO would love to see those resulting clothing ads, featuring the two of them scantily clad on a Caribbean beach. Sounds gorgeous!

I didn’t guess at all who was really behind the disappearances and attacks, so kudos to Kaitlin for a plot well constructed. Also, Ares turned out to be much more of a sweetheart than I expected, which was an endearing surprise.

Though we get a satisfying ending, the series is clearly not over and the adventure will be continuing in another installment. Hurray! Stay tuned.

gaelleb's review against another edition

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Oh Gods ! That book was amazing, I wasn't a fan of Aphrodite in the previous books, but here she's a marvellous character. This world, Kaitlin Bevis created is awesome, and everything is connected to Greek mythology so precisely, it's amazing !

I absolutely love Ares, and I hope Aphrodite will choose him over Adonis in the next book, because he's got a huge past, he's just too endearing to me. And I can't stand Adonis, really I can't ^^' I couldn't in the mythology so I can't in any retellings unfortunately !

So a huge 5 out of 5 stars for me, I'm so glad I read that book now and not in March because the next book Love & War will be available at the end of this month, I can't wait !

(sorry for my poor English, I'm French !)

talias_tomes's review against another edition

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UPDATE 2016:
Check out my full review HERE:

Please don't judge this book by it's cover.
Kaitlin masterfully weaves each new mythology retelling, and I will continue to read everything she writes. She is a phenomenal author! Aphrodite was a nice addition to the Daughters of Zeus series. It was well-paced, suspenseful, and full of surprises. If you’ve read the other books in the series, absolutely read this one! But I don’t think it’s the kind of book I desperately want to re-read.

I am 18 and I recommend this book to readers 17 years or older.

2014: SO EXCITED. OHMYGOSH. It's been like 3 days since I finished The Iron Queen and I already miss the world terribly!

emmybird86's review against another edition

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This book was not what I expected. There was some action and a little mystery to solve. It was different and I enjoyed it. I will read the next ones.