
Black Badge #6 by Matt Kindt

quirkycatsfatstacks's review

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Loved the perspective shift for this issue! It was really cool to learn about one of the other teams, and I like the way they did it. The shift helped to tell that teams’ story, they made quick work of it, but it was incredibly efficient. I won’t go into details, but those few pages explained the origin of that color badge (won’t say which one) and a bit of the backstory on each teammate. It was well done.
I loved the big reveal (no pun intended) at the end of this issue. I can’t wait to see where this little twist is going to lead. In an ideal world, it wouldn’t change anything…but these kids are hardly dealing with an ideal world.
I liked the way panels were handled in this issue. There were more of them than usual, especially in the beginning (much like the cover), but it worked really well. Maybe it’s just me, but it made it feel more like a handbook.