
Avengers, Tom 2: Rodzinny interes by Mark Waid

vinceyface's review against another edition

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UGHHHHHHHHHHH, this was just a big dang darn let down! I love Mark Waid: Daredevil, Irredeemable, Kingdom Come, and most recently Archie! The man is a great writer, but lately his Marvel work is just so spotty and bad, I bought issue 1 of Champions (his newest Marvel series) and it was so off and full of weird tonal shifts. But this is Avengers and it's bleh, I don't care about the Pleasant Hill tie-in, boring and weird with it's slight St. Elsewhere snow-globe shtick... the other arc with Nova is fine... I guess. Face it you're going to read this because, like me, you'll probably try anything by Waid at least once and/or you love Jane/Kamala/Miles. The best part of this middling adventure is the introduction of Nadia Pym, give me more Nadia Pym I want her backstory and her continuing adventures! Whatever... 2.5 stars, whoopdeedoo...

hannahvanamber's review against another edition

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I’ve just decided I don’t like group comics.

neonnikki's review against another edition

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I think I agree with the general consensus on this one. Awesome characters, great art, 'meh' plot. I love the team though, and their dynamic is great.

doublefantasy's review against another edition

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i read volume 1 aaaaages ago so i knew the basic gist of this series, but i honestly only read this for nadia's introduction and boyyyyyy do i love her she is one of my favorite marvel characters already! but i did enjoy reading about this new avengers roster, like tony and jane are the parents of this ragtag team full of kids and i lived for every second of it.

it's Very likely that after i finish catching up on nadia's stuff and reading Thor: God of Thunder i'm gonna pick up jane's thor run and kamala's first volume as ms. marvel! it's lit boi

captwinghead's review against another edition

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4.5 stars.

My favorite part of this series is the team and while it was great to see Jan again (screw you Marvel for putting her on the back burner) I could have done without the Nadia portion.

Anyway, Nova's going through some stuff because his dad is missing and it's making him emotional and irrational. Vision is trying to atone for what he did when he was reprogrammed. The scene with him and Kamala almost made me tear up a bit. Jane says she kissed Sam because of the heat of the moment which, after Supergirl s2e1, rubs me the wrong way. There could have been something there but the writers abandoned it for some reason. Okay. Tony doesn't seem to have anything going on. Jarvis has a subplot and Tony doesn't; which was interesting. Kamala and Miles both just seem to be adjusting to life as an Avenger.

The plot with the aliens was okay. I enjoy the earth stuff more. Next stop is Civil War II and I might be stopping here because I still think that arc is total bullshit.

murderbot42's review against another edition

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Good. Wishy-washy in that they tried to appeal to old-school Marvelites (Captain America, Thor, Iron Man) and new-school Marvelites (Nova, Ms. Marvel, new Spider-Man), and ultimately ended up pleasing neither. That being said, the plots were decently solid and I love, love, love! the interactions between Ms. Marvel and Nova. She's right he is a jerk! :)

noucki's review against another edition

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It seems like I'm just reading a lot of comics that I'm a bit unsure about lately. I really wouldn't say this was bad but it also really wasn't especially good. I'm mean I really like the team but they don't actually seem like much of a team... I mean it just seems a bit random? I mean I know that the kids will build their own team and it just already seems a bit like there are two teams...
The story also really wasn't that interesting it didn't really seem connected, it's just a bunch of different things happening... Some of the things are quite intriguing and I liked this new Wasp I think she could be a really interesting character.

prime182's review against another edition

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Issues 9-12 are 4 star worthy but the 1st 2 issues are an Avengers: Standoff tie-in which makes very little sense unless yo're also reading Uncanny Avengers.

seawarrior's review against another edition

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This volume was still enjoyable enough to read that I wasn't miserable turning each page, but it does feel messy and like it exists only to be the glue to tie together several different events.

I guess if you aren't busy and like any of the characters this comic is worth your time but occurrences included can probably be understood without reading each issue and there hasn't been as much growth or development with the team as I'd hoped.