
Beautiful Beautiful by Heidi Garrett

jimenainovaro's review

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I don’t usually enjoy contemporaries as much as I do fantasy and science fiction, but this novella pushed all my buttons. Shall we examine these buttons?

Frame narrative

I have a thing for frame narratives. I loved how this one was executed: years later, the heroine tells her seven-year-old daughter the story, but she transforms it into a fairy tale. We’re able to see how the narrative really unfolded, and also how Kerrin relates it to her daughter. We can see how Kerrin changed because of the experience and the lessons she learned.


The first thing that drew me into the story was the writing. There’s a unique voice and tone, communicating Kerrin’s unique perspective of the world, that I loved.

It was her nature to balance and weigh every element: color; furnishings; space. Ever since she could remember, she assessed each detail of a new physical environment upon entering. Her eye sought asymmetry and dissonance, as much as order and balance, measuring light and angles, to frame the perfect shot in her mind.

This is not only lovely, but it lets us get deeply into Kerrin’s psyche, and discover the why of the things she does throughout the story.

Also, Kerrin’s snarkiness provided some great humorous breaks in the narrative.

Search for beauty

Kerrin has a thing for beauty. It goes beyond liking to look at pretty things–she has a sort of craving for it, which I think she shares with a lot of artists. I really clicked with her from the beginning because of it. The thing is that there are different kinds of beauty, and Kerrin has to learn to tell them apart, as does most of humankind.

This could have been reduced to a Disney-esque “Don’t judge people by their appearances!” and “What matters is what’s on the inside!” but it’s a lot more complicated than that. The story is really about examining beauty through Kerrin’s eyes, not as a simple dichotomy, but as a nuanced part of human experience.

Film industry

As you might have gathered from the blurb, the story takes place in the setting of the film industry. The level of detail and authority in portraying the ins and outs of the film industry gave a solid base and a ring of truth to the whole story. Kudos for that!


I was never bored by the story, but at a certain point, I started to get really nervous and creeped out, and I couldn’t put the book down. It wasn’t the things that were happening–although those unnerved me plenty–but the introspection that these events force on Kerrin. I think this plays on a universal fear and insecurity–that our perception is wrong, that we’re not who we think we are, that we’re broken.

All summed up, I enjoyed Beautiful Beautiful a whole lot, and I think that if any of the elements I mentioned appeal to you, you will, too. However, it does have adult language and adult situations, so keep that in mind.

susanthebookbag's review

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I have read other books by Heidi and I love her stories. She is a fabulous writer with a wonderful imagination which allows her to create beautiful and exciting worlds for her characters to live in. I was entranced with her Queen of the Realm of Faerie series so was super excited to see that she was putting her spin on the fairy tales of old.

I love how, in Beautiful Beautiful, a fairy tale is woven into a story from the present so that the reader gets a sense of how the fairy tales relate to what is happening now. Kerrin tells her daughter bedtime stories which mirror her life stories as a way to teach her daughter life lessons.

Kerrin had discovered a creative way to pass meaningful lessons from her life to her daughter, and Mibi cherished the opportunity to reshape the tale, each time it was told by asking questions and interjecting her own opinions and commentary.

I love reading fairy tales and loved reading Heidi's version of this one. I look forward to reading the rest of this series. Here are some more quotes that I love.

"I'm going to be the only person on the planet who doesn't have any troubles!" Mibi announced.
"But if you ever do --"
"Mommy, I'll remember to look for something beautiful."

"No, it was the Wicked Witch if Iowa."
(Tee hee hee - growing up in Nebraska, this was extra funny to me.)

What good are magic shoes and a fairy godmother if they can't save you from a witch?

As long as you believe.

I look forward to reading more of Heidi's versions of the standard fairy tales!

cinta's review

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I got a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

The morals of this story would be 'Don't judge a book by the cover' or 'It's not gold all that shines'. In this retelling of the fairy tale "Beautiful", by Hans Christian Andersen, we see how Kerrin Mayham tries to teach her daughter life lessons about beauty and people character. The story was beautifully crafted, with flashbacks to an earlier time in Kerrin's life, when she was a successful film director, but not too clever in love matters. Beauty can blind our senses, and we must beware of that. I loved reading this story, but the ending was a bit predictable for me.

Interesting retelling of a very well-known fairy tale that will keep you turning the pages until the very end.

accidentalmuse's review

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I was given an ecopy of this book as part of a blog book tour. See more at
This book I think deserves a 5 stars because of the length you really get to see more of Heidi’s unique style of writing, again incorporating fairy tales into the story. And the fact that the character’s story follows what is happening through out the story being told to Mibi, though I know that’s intentional since it’s Kerrin’s who’s telling the story of her past.

Now, I have to admit, I’m a sucker for a cover, especially one with a pretty guy on the front, so before I’d read it I was thinking I’d like the book.

One thing I don’t understand is what the connection between the three pre-novellas are to the main story, since they don’t share any characters or the plot or place etc.

“Guts like jelly”, well I’ve never heard that before, quite an amusing comparison. But it all fits in with the ‘he’s a monster’ theme.

It’s quite a short story but it seemed to go on and on, I felt like I’d spent the whole day reading it. I’m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing, but let’s call it good, it prolongs the story makes you feel as if you’re more part of it.

Now, I can’t really do a review without bringing up Anthony. The hot, sexy up and coming actor, who also happens to like Kerrin. She thinks this is a dream come true, but like they say if things seem to good to be true they usually aren’t. I think that goes without saying, especially when Anthony’s character develops more and more, and we see his true personality, I’m going to tell you now, it actually quite scared me. Is this dude a psycho? Yes, I think he is, I really do, or is he just angry with the world, or possessed by his own demons? Has he become the role of what he was supposed to be acting? When we pass the half way mark I didn’t really understand why Anthony started to do what he did, though that might be because of my very bad observation.

Overall, a very dramatic book with loads of different themes incorporated into a small amount of paper, I’d recommend, and if the film Demion Glass came out I’d probably recommend that too.

biblio_bee's review

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I was never disappointed when I read this book. There was definitely magic. Not that kind of magic that we saw in our faerytales. There are no pixie dragons..but a different kind of magic. This kind of magic touched my heart so deep that it reached my soul.

Kerrin Mayham work so hard to be the Golden Pinnacle 's director of the year. She knows that if she wins this award ,she will be moving up. Which also means bigger projects and making full use of the talent that she knows she had.

Once she finally had that award in her hands, fame started to follow. The biggest project was being handed to her in a silver platter and that includes the casting of this high budgeted film. The search for the lead role , Demion Glass is on.

Hollywood has the abundance of potential leading men to choose from. But Kerrin's full attention was locked when he saw Anthony Zorr. There is something in him that says he's Demion Glass..

“Anthony grinned.
Dawn shimmered across a rising tide.
Kerrin lost track of the conversation. All she saw were those cheekbones, those masculine bow lips, and that stance—not bloated and beefy, just taut. And tan. He glistened. Standing with his hands jammed into his pockets, he gave off an air of bashfulness.
Where had he come from?”

“Kerrin wanted him—she didn’t know for which film, and she didn’t care. She just wanted him in front of her camera, filling frame after frame, with that natural boyish exuberance, at the edge of becoming a man.”

That smile ... from that beautiful boy .... Kerrin was more than intrigue as I am. What's behind that beautiful exterior? Oh , if you ask me? I'd say, TROUBLE is clearly written over Anthony Zorr. But can Kerrin see that?

As I read this book , I found my self entering into the glittering world of showbiz where BEAUTY is everything...

Yes, I imagine all the glitz and glamour...the beautiful actors and actresses ...the eager paparazzi , the flashes of cameras ...all of it. They wanted recognition... they clamor fame. But have been thinking what's behind all of these? Take a closer look... you might even be surprised.

I love how Ms. Heidi Garrett wrote this book. Kerrin's life story was told as a fairytale . And Kerrin was quite a good storyteller herself... sharing this to her daughter , Mirabella each night. I find this scenario very touching as I remember my Mom reading me bedtime stories each night as a child. Every word feels like magic to me and I never grew tired of hearing it again and again. So, when Kerrin told her story, I am Mirabella.

The way Ms. Garrett interweave both reality and faerytale was a wonderful surprise. I never read anything like this... and it was really refreshing.

I loved everything about this book. I wish I could put into words the wonderful experience I've gone through with each page I flipped. It was definitely magical. Like, I was inside the two layers of stories : First, inside Kerrin's life story and secondly , inside her faerytale . These two stories were both weaved into a truth that we all probably search throughout our lives. And at the end of it all, leaves us with this question: What's your beautiful, Beautiful?

What's your Beautiful ,beautiful ? Read this book might just find your answer...just like how I found mine...

***For my full review and a Blog Tour + Giveaway happening from November 11-22, 2013 , please visit my Pink Blog at