
April Moon by Miranda Jarrett, Susan King, Merline Lovelace

prationality's review

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I'll review each separately

Sailor's Moon by Merline Lovelace: This was my favorite story of the whole set. The ending was a little rushed feeling, but all in all I felt that it was the most well rounded of the three. I especially liked Lady Stanton, Elizabeth. She was simply unrepentant about her ways--the only thing she really regretted was her lack of foresight. But moreso then her brash attitude and devil-may-care regard for society, I thought it was refreshing that she didn't prove her 'wildness' through being a consummate wanton. As for the American, Richard, I liked him as well. It was also a nice touch that there was so much history explained--Lovelace didn't just assume the reader knew the particulars of that time period's strife.

White Fire by Susan King: Pretty straight forward lovers reunited tale. I admit to being a little confused on how Simon expected to be both the Law Enforcer and keep his (adopted) kinsmen out of trouble as free traders. He made a big deal throughout the story of needing to do things because he was the 'excise man', but would reassure the Colvins (Jenny's family and the family that raised him) that they were safe from the law. I liked Jenny, she was a spitfire and romance needs more of her ilk in historical novels. Simon was well enough, but he was wallowing in self-recriminations and pity a bit too much for my tastes.

The Devil's Own Moon by Miranda Jarrett: The synopsis made this sound sort of like a combination of the two other stories, but I oddly didn't care for this too much. It needed more fleshing out and might have made me happier.

I did enjoy reading two new authors that I hadn't before read in the genre (King and Lovelace) and look forward to finding more by both.