
Diario de Oaxaca: A Sketchbook Journal of Two Years in Mexico by Peter Kuper

saidtheraina's review

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Don't be freaked out, english-only-speakers, if your library shelves this book in the spanish section. My library does, and I was a bit worried when I opened it to see entire pages full of spanish text.
This book is entirely bilingual. Virtually every caption, and all the bodytext is in both spanish and english.

Something about Peter Kuper's art speaks to me. I don't always enjoy his aesthetic (maybe because he works in almost every style and medium on the books - all on one page!), but every once in a while his imagery just stop me in my tracks. I have one of his strips on my locker at work (see my review of [b:Axe Cop|8911496|Axe Cop, Vol. 1|Malachai Nicolle||13787873] for a poor quality shot of part of it). I felt the need to take a picture of one of the illustrations here (an awesome image of a man cowering in a corner armed only with a spoon, surrounded by an army of bugs - I'll try to remember to upload it when I can).

I really enjoyed the narrative here too. Kuper writes candidly about his struggles, tourism, experiences witnessing the protests while he was there (which doesn't dominate quite as much as you will expect). I was particularly touched by the discussion of the choice to take his daughter to a country other than amerika for a few years, and the picture of her holding the turtles is out of control.

It's a really good travel memoir. Mostly told through captioned full color collage, blocks of typewritten text, and a couple of sequential shorts. Made me want to journey to the place the monarch butterflies go, the giant tree, and maybe an ancient pyramid or two.

dangermoves's review

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His sketches capture the essence of Mexico perfectly.

lauren_endnotes's review

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✍️ DIARIO DE OAXACA: A Sketchbook Journal of Two Years in Mexico by Peter Kuper, 2009 / with new afterword 2017 from PM Press.

Cartoonist / artist Peter Kuper and his partner lived in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca in the mid-2000s, witnessing (and drawing) several Indigenous rights protests and labour strikes, as well as daily life of shopkeepers, farmers, schoolchildren, and street dogs. DIARIO crystallized the mid-2000s, but the new edition I read also includes 2 addendums from the 2010s.

Dual language (Spanish/English) diary entries, art / photo captions, and full color artwork and sketches make up this unique work.

Kuper has a naturalist's eye and loves entomology and botany, so his artwork is full of bugs and plants. Since I just so happen to be really into both bugs and plants myself, I really liked seeing his sketchbook. He blends literary references, political statements, and humor right in with amazing artwork.

Kuper's other graphic novel RUINS (2015) was a particular treat a few years back. It documents the daily life of a fictional couple living in Oaxaca, and visiting other states like Michoacán and Chiapas.

RUINS and DIARIO are great companion pieces - seeing his actual sketchbook, and then what lead to a fictional story heavily based on his experiences.

lenuestupenda's review

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Hace poco empecé a leer novela gráfica y me he convertido en fan. La novela gráfica a diferencia del comic es una historia de extensión larga, ilustrada por viñetas y escrita por un solo autor (apuesto a que hay muchas más diferencias, pero esta definición me pareció muy práctica).

Hay alguien del que me he enamorado perdidamente Peter Kuper, él ha colaborado en publicaciones como Newsweek, Time, The New York Times y MAD (revista en la que dibuja la tira Spy vs.Spy) además de ser autor de numerosas novelas gráficas (algunas de ellas autobiográficas) así como de diarios ilustrados, otra de las cosas que ha hecho es ilustrar historias ya conocidas como la Metamorfosis y A través del espejo.

Una de las tantas cosas que me gustaron de Kuper fue su particular postura tanto política como de vida, él ha sido un crítico del gobierno de Bush y del gobierno gringo, en los distintos diarios que ha hecho de sus viajes muestra los diferentes matices de los países que ha visitado, para él ”es importante tratar de hacer mi parte para buscar comunicación con otras personas, para decir algo y tratar de cambiar las cosas”, creo que estas palabras resumen a la perfección el trabajo de Kuper y la razón por la que lo encontré maravilloso.

Si quieren comenzar a leerlo recomiendo estos libros,

Diario de Oaxaca

Mi favorito, habla de su paso por Oaxaca durante el conflicto de maestros en 2006, no solo explica la visión que tuvo del problema sino que muestra pasajes muy bonitos de la vida en Oaxaca, desde los olores que percibió, los insectos, la comida y las diferentes expresiones gráficas que podían verse en las calles.

Diario de Nueva York

En este diario nos muestra la historia y aventuras en esta ciudad, particularmente su paso por Brooklyn, así como su experiencia durante los hechos del 11 de septiembre. Este libro tiene poco texto y más imágenes.

No te olvides de recordar

¡Uy! este es otro que me encantó, es una especie de autobiografía en donde nos cuenta su historia, recuerdos de su niñez, adolescencia así como su experiencia como padre primerizo y el proceso mediante el cual se convirtió en ilustrador y escritor.

Me gusta porque se me hace un libro honesto narrado de manera agridulce, sin ser ñoñisimo ni sensiblero, logra conmover, reír y reflexionar :)

ursulamonarch's review against another edition

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I wouldn't recommend this as a standalone work particularly, but as a companion to Ruins, it's pretty interesting. I liked the blend of sketches, developed art, and writing.