
Out of the Ice by Ann Turner

bianca89279's review

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3.5 stars

This was a bit of a mixed bag.

To be honest, I was reluctant to read this novel, because I couldn't imagine being that entertained by a story set in the Antarctica, but it came highly recommended by some GR friends, so I decided to request it on NetGalley.

Luckily, Out of the Ice was much more interesting than I expected it to be.

I've learned a fair bit about the research stations and their operations. Also, I've learnt some things about the fauna. That was all absorbing. Ann Turner's views on the environment and the destruction caused by humans are apparent. That won her some brownie points. Brownie points were given for bringing to light the misogynism and double standards prevalent in the academic world. Why would the smart men be any different to the not-so-smart men, right?

The writing is kind of uneven, swaying from beautiful descriptive language to information dumping. At times, I found the first person narration grating and, occasionally, a bit mechanical, which I guess matched the academic brain of our marine biologist narrator, Laura Alvarado.

Also, there are some far-fetched scenarios and too convenient coincidences that I couldn't quite come to grips with. I would get into more details, but that would give away too much, and I don't want to spoil it for you.

The last third of the novel picks up the pace a great deal, and lots of things happen, in my view, a bit too many. Laura Alvaro seems to not get much sleep throughout the novel, while in Antartica or when jetting around the world, from Antartica to the USA, then to Italy and back to Antartica.

The ending is a bit too tidy and too happy-ever-after-ish, which I'm sure many will find very fulfilling. My cynical brain was a reluctant buyer.

Nevertheless, I'm glad I read it, as it was engaging enough, I just wish I had been able to suspend my disbelief a little bit more than I did.

3.5 stars

I've received this novel via Netgalley. Many thanks to the publishers, Simon & Schuster, who were so kind to allow me to read and review this novel.

Cover: 5 stars

hauntedtesty's review

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Didn't grab me, the protag makes some odd choices (yes, its supposed to be a thriller, but maybe your rational wise scientist shouldn't be running about the place). I suppose it was nice to read about the penguins and landscape, I learned a bunch about that.