kebreads's review against another edition

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I loved this book. It made me laugh. The characters felt real. I enjoyed Cassie's enthusiasm for dancing and Noah's desire and commitment to be a good dad. I liked the angle that neither of them were looking for a relationship, and I liked seeing how they warmed up to the idea at varying speeds. This was a great continuation of this series. I can't wait to read the next one.

Content: Clean
Source: review copy

lolovesbooks3's review against another edition

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It was cute. I enjoyed reading it, but it was easy to put down and it’s not something I’ll keep to reread. Always appreciate that Anderson’s books aren’t “steamy” though!

hnbb's review against another edition

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It hasn't been that long since I read the first book, Prejudice Meets Pride, but I forgot a few things. That really didn't matter for the story, luckily. It is a stand alone book, but nice to have the back story of the previous one. I thought that Noah moved more quickly in the book than his personality would have dictated. Cassie's reactions worked well with her established personality, though I don't think that she still would have moved as quickly. I am excited to see what will happen with the third installment. I wonder if it will jump a few years forward, too.

bookswritingandmore's review against another edition

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I devoured this book page by page. I could not find it in me to put in down,even when sleep was a necessity, I still opted for more of Cassie and Noah.

Noah lost his wife awhile ago and has pretty much made his two daughters his whole world since then. He's had no interest in dating what so ever but then his friend Becky who loves to meddle in his life and help out, makes him pick his daughters up from dance and meet the new dance teacher. Noah is at first turned off by Cassie, he can't see anything they have in common and she seems extremely standoffish which is definitely NOT what he is looking for.

He had a laid-back manner about him that made it seem like nothing ever got to him, and yet Cassie didn't trust it. People weren't always what they seemed She'd learned that one the hard way.

Cassie teaches dance and also lost her husband just recently but her situation is very much different from Noah's loss. Cassie feels free for the first time in her life from her judgmental, OCD and controlling husband. She gave up everything for him. The things she loved including her whole family weren't good enough for him so Cassie just let them go thinking that her husband was amazing, sweet and everything he claimed to be when he was courting her. Once they were married, things sure did change. Cassie swears that she will never let someone else railroad her again or fall in love again. Then she meets Noah and he seems to be amazing and real, perfect in almost every way which scares her even more. Noah grows closer to her and Cassie pulls away. When something life changing changes for Cassie, will Noah be able to keep her or will he lose yet another love in his life?

It was that life happened. Whether good, whether bad, whether he made it happen or whether it happened all on its own, it just happened. And even though it may not seem okay at the time, eventually the pain subsided, the kinks got worked out, and weak people became a little stronger. Eventually.

Such a beautiful romance, it was sweet, innocent and totaling clean. I just love a sweet love story where you know the characters are meant to be. It warmed my heart and was a perfect start to my December reading month.

Pain was like a sledgehammer. It was a destroyer. With one or two hard strokes, it could tear apart something whole and turn it into ugly chunks and pieces.

I would suggest you pick this book up and include it in your cozy fireplace reads.

jetenold's review against another edition

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Not necessarily christian, but it was a very clean book. Not bad.

thepaperreels's review against another edition

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“Slow and steady wins the race, right? Especially when it comes to relationships.”


Simple, sweet and heartfelt. Rachael never fails to bring a smile to my face everytime I read a novel of hers. This series just keeps getting better and better. I absolutely enjoyed the first book in the series and this following installment isn't an exception. Just like other Rachael's novels, this book has the simple but meaningful love story that Rachael always do best. 

In this story, Noah has just lost his job and having problems with how he can provide for his daughters. Being a single Dad is not easy, that's why he is certain that he has no time for relationships... can Cassie change his mind?

Being a widow can change someone. Especially if the relationship is not the relationship that everyone sees. Cassie is not someone who goes for fast and spontaneous, she made the mistake once and she's not about to do it again... but when it comes to Noah, why is she suddenly changing?

How these two people got together was really a very sweet journey. Just like the quote said, it was slow but steady. I love how this is not just a love story. In a short amount of pages, I got to know Cassie and Noah pretty well. Along the way, they fixed some problems and issues with the help of each other. Which made the book more sweet, genuine and meaningful.

Rachael did it again! This is another great installment in a very incredible series.

hugbandit7's review against another edition

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I simply adore all of Rachael Anderson's books and this was no exception. This clean romance reminds us that a good book doesn't have to be filled with curse words or sex.

Cassie has had a rough few years, married to a man that many would consider abusive (emotionally and verbally) who died after a few years together. Noah is a widow with 2 precocious daughters that end up in Cassie's dance class. With the help of some well meaning friends, they are pushed together and find that perhaps love a second time around can be a beautiful thing.

I like the rawness of Cassie's emotions and how Noah and his daughters bring out who she is as a person. I thought the ice cream test was pretty ingenious to determine what kind of person you are by the flavor you most enjoy. Cassie is able to connect with both of Noah's daughters on different interest levels and they both bond with her.

Great book and a fun read. It helps to read the first book to get an intro to a few characters but really isn't necessary.

caslater83's review against another edition

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Rachael Anderson has become one of my favorite authors because her books are not only good, but she allows her characters to feel real and engaging. Relationships are tough, so I can empathize with Cassie to some degree. When someone doesn't appreciate the real you and forces you to change, it strips away your confidence and feelings of self-worth.

While I can't relate to the empty feelings related to losing a spouse you love, I do love the fact that Noah doesn't dwell on the past. His mind is in the present state where he needs to be. He thinks about the future--what's best for his girls. But he's good about letting Cassie know that she's got to decide what she wants. Only she knows what will truly make her happy and he's not going to force her hand.

Love isn't just sacrifice. Love is the unrestricted freedom to be yourself.

valeriew's review against another edition

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This was a pretty cute book. He was so patient and kind.

thepaperreels's review against another edition

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This review is also posted here: Plus a giveaway!! -> HERE

“Slow and steady wins the race, right? Especially when it comes to relationships.”


Simple, sweet and heartfelt. Rachael never fails to bring a smile to my face everytime I read a novel of hers. This series just keeps getting better and better. I absolutely enjoyed the first book in the series and this following installment isn't an exception. Just like other Rachael's novels, this book has the simple but meaningful love story that Rachael always do best. 

In this story, Noah has just lost his job and having problems with how he can provide for his daughters. Being a single Dad is not easy, that's why he is certain that he has no time for relationships... can Cassie change his mind?

Being a widow can change someone. Especially if the relationship is not the relationship that everyone sees. Cassie is not someone who goes for fast and spontaneous, she made the mistake once and she's not about to do it again... but when it comes to Noah, why is she suddenly changing?

How these two people got together was really a very sweet journey. Just like the quote said, it was slow but steady. I love how this is not just a love story. In a short amount of pages, I got to know Cassie and Noah pretty well. Along the way, they fixed some problems and issues with the help of each other. Which made the book more sweet, genuine and meaningful.

Rachael did it again! This is another great installment in a very incredible series.