
A Thousand Doors: An Anthology of Many Lives by J.T. Ellison

inliterarylove's review against another edition

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A Thousand doors gives you a look in the many lives she could have led if she made different choices throughout her life.

Mia Jensen is at a pivotal point. Her soon to be ex is an ass, she comes home from a crap day to decompress, and before she knows what happened- she's laying in a pool of her own blood, left to die. What follows is an anthology of sorts into the many lives she could've led. Are any of those better than the life she might leave? Though she's dying, would she change a thing? What regrets might she have?

A phenomenal premise, a pretty good execution. Ellison's portions at the beginning and end are of course stellar, as are most of the other stories. There were a few in the middle that really didn't do it for me, either in style or subject matter. This left the book as a whole a solid 3 for me. Definitely an intriguing look into this character's many lives and a fantastic collection of some of my favorite authors.

Thanks to NetGalley and Two Tales Press for this copy. All opinions are my own.

suzannefine's review against another edition

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I had the opportunity to review A Thousand Doors in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

What an interesting concept... A woman on death's door has the opportunity to see herself in different lives - all written by different top notch Female authors. I was impressed by the different takes on Mia's life - none of which were perfect. And the ending brought it all back together.

I don't typically read short stories, but the authors in this Anthology drew me to the book and I am glad I read this. I would suggest to all my reading friends.

Well done!!

jillhannaha's review against another edition

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Wow! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with this fabulous, unusual book! We have all wondered about the "what if" possibilities in our life, where one little decision could have totally done a 180 on your life.
Each of the authors did a wonderful job of taking a "what if" of Mia's life and giving us a glimpse into all the possibilities for her. So many of them on their own would make great stand-alone books!

loribree83's review against another edition

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What a fantastic read! I loved the concept of the book and the amazing team of contributing authors!! Each version of Mia's life had it's own voice, and the whole book tied together so well. I normally don't read short stories but I loved these because they all centered around a theme and story. Well done and highly recommended!

janez4catz's review against another edition

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Wow! What an ingenious idea! I was amazed that there were 16 different contributors....each with a totally different story....yet it flowed as if written by 1 author
Well done!

Would love to see another book like this!

theocbookgirl's review against another edition

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Genre: short story, fiction, anthology
Published: November 5, 2018
Pages: 404
Let me start by saying THANK YOU to author Kaira Rouda for sending me an e-ARC of this attention-grabbing, incredibly exciting anthology. Kaira Rouda who wrote Best Day Ever is one of the authors featured in this anthology.

I first heard of this super secret project from rockstar author J. T. Ellison and couldn't wait to get my grabby hands on it!

The story begins with "the day Mia Jensen died" as introduced by J. T. We learn that she's just had an awful day, and she comes home, only to be murdered! Each chapter that follows explores a different scenario, or "what-if" for different paths and choices she could have made in her life.

JT wanted each life to be unique and she accomplished this by gathering a group of celebrated authors to write each chapter.

I haven't read too many short story anthologies but this was done so creatively and was like nothing I'd read before. It made me think of Sliding Doors movie or the old school Choose Your Own Adventure books with a lot more drama and intrigue!

It would be hard to pick a favorite life so I'll just say that ultimately it's about choices and living the life you're given. Very compelling and thrilling read!

rebecca_isreading's review against another edition

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While I enjoyed some of the chapters/stories better than others, I was overall pretty impressed with how seamlessly these stories by many authors worked together- there wasn't a dud among them. Most of these authors I was already familiar with but I discovered a couple of new-to-me writers that I'm interested in through this!

Library copy.

krisandburn's review against another edition

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The premise for collection of short stories written by a plethora of female writers sounds so wonderful, but whilst reading them I could not shake the feeling that for me personally it did not quite live up to its billing..

Some of the stories, mostly in the latter half of this anthology are really good, but I found it hard to marry them together. Yes, the name of the main character and her main characteristics are roughly the same, but the stories have no apparent connection beyond that. It missed that bit of cohesion I wanted from it.

I had hoped that it would be obvious in the story that Mia had started from the same place, but that decisions he had made throughout her life altered her future. I expected each story to pin point a choice that change the course of her life, but this was not that and I was a bit disappointed by that. Each story set Mia in a completely different life. There was hardly any common ground between the stories, Common themes, yes, like husbands that rule her life in one way or another, and quite a bit of murder, but no common starting place. These stories felt like they could have been written by the authors at any time rather than specifically for this anthology.

Though it was not quite what I expected, overall I liked a lot of the stories in this anthology and when I let go of my expectations I did enjoy this anthology as a whole. There were only a couple of stories that did not work for me, but averaging my ratings for each story it would be just under the 4-star mark, which I am happy to round up.

brancrisp's review against another edition

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Beyond my expectations

I have long been a fan of both JT Ellison and Laura Benedict, so this book was an automatic purchase. I loved the idea of different lives for the same character and reading authors I hadn’t before. The variety of styles, choices and moods was so incredibly satisfying. I finished the book on a very cold train platform in tears, both happy and sad. I would have read twice as many lives if I could. Bravo, JT!

nickieandremus's review against another edition

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*** I received an advanced e-copy from Net Galley in exchange for my honest review

Mia Jensen files divorce papers and turns her husband in for embezzlement. To pay her back, her husband stabs her and leaves her for dead. Each of the following chapters show another version of Mia's that she would have had if she had followed a different path. It really made me think about what I would do differently if I could have had a different outcome. It reminded me of those books I loved as a kid where you could pick a different ending each time. It was both thought-provoking and enjoyable.