
Saved By the Bell by Joelle Sellner

marieintheraw's review

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Do you remember Saved By the Bell? Well meet Saved By the Bell, but with a present day twist. If you were a fan of the original TV show, you will most likely love this comic. If you don't know Saved By the Bell, but like high school comedies then still check this out. The art style take a little bit of time to get used to, but the story was cheesy and well worth it.

I received an e-copy of this through Net-Galley for an honest review

rgag86's review

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oh the cheesy nostalgia (even though it takes place in the present)

erinld2005's review

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Oh this was so cute! 90s nostalgia overload! See full review here. :)

icygrl7's review

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This was cheesy as all get out. I really enjoyed the show when it was on so I thought I would like the comic book. I really tried to like it but it just didn't happen. It wasn't a good representation of the show or the characters I loved. I would not recommend it to anyone.

kaycee_k's review

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Saved by the Bell Comic book was a quick enjoyable read. Sadly I have not see the classic TV show (But it’s on my watch list) I figured this book would be a way to kind of dip into the world. I thought that this would be on long story but it wasn’t there was about eight or nine short stories. All basted around the six main character. The only problem I have with this was there was now real couples. And two of the stories was based on the of the main characters, two of the guys trying to get Kelly. My favorite character would have to of been Jessie we kinda see through the same eyes.My favorite story in this I think would have to be the cheerleading and how it’s a spot. (I believe it is. My sister was a cheerleading in High School and she had to put in long hours and lots of work.)
The art is amazing. The bright colors brought the characters to life. Each character has their own style. The style of the world and the layout made reading all the better!
I also enjoy how this was based on a 80's -90's TV but updated into today’s world. The cell phones, tables, laptops, video internet website, ect. But the style and the feel of it has that 80's -90's hit to it.
Over all I enjoy this quick read and hope fans of the TV show or of fans of 80's -90's will enjoy this book!

juddy's review

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I remember spending one summer watching the TV, and it wasn't that bad. But unfortunately it was 5 years ago and I've lost this save by the bell vibe, so I wasn't massively impressed by the graphic novel.,
Yet it was acurate and it respected the characters, though this setting is modern, it felt like a 80/90's sitcom.

So it deserve 3.5, maybe more for die hard fans of the show. But 3.5 is good, and this graphic novel made me want to re-watch the series and to go back in time to the 90's where cafeteria looked tacky and so cool, and where young Zack lives.

crizzle's review

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Fun read in the library the other day. Modernized version of SBTB, complete with a throwback joke to Zach and his humongous cell phone.

bookmarklit's review

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Super cute and pretty much exactly like the show! I loved the cheesy lessons learned, as usual. There was a perfect amount of "updating" to make it for today's tech-oriented generation without losing sight of the original FEEL of the show. I could literally hear the character's voices in my head. If you are looking to READ Saved by the Bell instead of watch it for a change, check this out.

lberestecki's review

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This was a cute read. It didn't feel too weird that it was updated to take place in 2015, which was a nice surprise.

Received from NetGalley.

faerietears's review

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I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Growing up in the 90’s, I was a huge fan of Saved by the Bell. What girl wasn’t in love with Zack Morris or A.C. Slater? Who didn’t want to be Kelly, Jessie or Lisa?

When I saw there was a new SBTB comic on NetGalley I was super excited to rejoin the gang, but in modern times with cell phones and the Internet.

... Then I started reading.

The first couple of story lines (‘Zack to School’ & ‘Fashion Don’t’) in the comic were, to put it bluntly, lame. They seemed dated and boring to me, I felt like I was back in the 90’s. As much as I loved the 90’s and SBTB, I look back now and realize how cheesy things were.

I forced myself to keep reading and by the end of the comic book I found that while things started off on the lame side, they picked up by the end. I caught myself laughing at Zack’s schemes.

My favorite story lines were ‘Screech-A-Date’ (Screech designs an online dating program for Bayside High), ‘Cheers & Jeers’ (Slater joins the cheerleading squad!), and ‘A Bad Note’ (Kelly tries out for an American Idol type show, but Screech and his robot Kevin get selected instead!)

My biggest problem with this comic is that Screech is too handsome. Just look at the cover, why does Screech have such a winning smile? Sure, he’s dressed like the dork he is, but he even makes that hairstyle look pretty good. Comic Screech should be just as dorky as TV show Screech.

In full disclosure, I’m not a huge comic book fan. I enjoy my daughters My Little Pony comics, but I don’t go out of my way to read comics. I likely won’t read any more SBTB comics if they come out with them, and I do encourage SBTB fans to check this out for the nostalgia.