
An Angel for the Earl by Barbara Metzger

nura_aziz's review against another edition

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4.5 stars

After a few books from Ms Metzger that were not quite satisfying (for me), finally I found this. Pheww...

This one was recommended to me by Linda. At first, I was so surprised by the way the characters behaved (or rather dressed, in Lucy's case) that I have to stopped and read other book(s). After a few books later, I was ready to tackle this one again.

And what a great story it was. I loved how The author potrayed Kerry's redemption. Little by a little bit, and reluctantly, at first. And I almost had a tear in my eyes (I am a sensitive sort, okay ;)) when Kerry said he gave up to be good and would revert to the wastrell he was before. But instead he single-handedly (with the help of Hellbreaker and Lucky, of course) trying to save the pigs and also the life of those who depended on him.

Thanks Linda for the recommendation! This one is a gem!

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adventures_in_bookstagram's review against another edition

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'The Angel and the Earl' was good fluffy fun. The Earl's redemption arc was satisfying and the I enjoyed the evolving relationship between Lucy and Kerry. It felt unrushed and sweet and their repartee was always fast-paced and witty. Metzger has great comic timing and her writing was fun and funny. I loved the 'Just Like Heaven' style plot. (Though I think the book predated the movie.) This is a quick, light-hearted and original take on old Regency Romance tropes. Kudos to Metzger, she can craft a story well, setting up details and characters well in advance to they can pay off. I'd have liked more details about the devils and angels bargaining over Lucy and Kerry, but I enjoyed what we got, and the details about Lucy's changing appearance made up for it. This was my first Metzger Regency Romance (I think), but I'll definitely read more. Based purely on enjoyment, I've rated it four stars.

takethyme's review against another edition

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Frumpy, plump and plain-in-appearance: that was Miss Lucinda Faire when she died after an aborted attempt at elopement. Before all this happened, she was one of Derby's most important heiresses. She had thought she had finally found someone to love her.

It was a lie.

Kieren Somerfield was the Earl of Stanford. He was also poor as a church mouse and a gambler. A cad. A stinker. A good-for-nothing. Or, in his mother's own words: a "gudgeon, popinjay and wastrel". He never knew it was going to be so hard to improve the Stanford name. Before he lifted his father's prized dueling pistols and....

What happened next was the Devil made a wager and an almost-angel made a bargain. Lucinda was in limbo, not quite dead, and was given a second chance. All she had to do, to earn back her soul, was to save another sinner: Kieren Somerfield.

Kerry and Lucinda met for the very first time when he smelled something horrifically bad and saw the most tempting woman. In. His. Life. Ever. He lusted for her.

What happened after this was an amusing story of redemption. The Earl of Somerfield was on a path to hell. Lucy, as Kerry preferred to call her, was his conscience on his shoulder. When he swore, smoked, drank, gambled or wanted to meet a woman of wicked ways, there was Lucy was in all her glory. Stinking to high heaven (no pun intended!).

If I had to mention one fault, it was that sometimes tactics and words slipped out that were very contemporary in context. It was confusing because I felt that one moment I was in the early 1800s and the next I was reading something from the present time.

Not quite a traditional-style Regency romance, the story dribbled celestial moments. From the beginning, Kerry leered and contemplated dirty thoughts when Lucy was present. Ms. Metzger started his character off as unscrupulous but ever-so-slowly the reader observed various changes. And it was those various changes that provided a delicious mind-set for this unusual romance. If you are looking for an unexpected historical romance with some funny moments give AN ANGEL FOR THE EARL a chance.

avoraciousreader68's review against another edition

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*Book source ~ Many thanks to Untreed Reads for providing a review copy in exchange for an honest review.

Lucinda is a plain and chubby heiress. Severely sheltered from the world she believes the handsome and dashing Captain Anders when he says he loves her and convinces her to elope to Gretna Green. Unfortunately for Lucinda, she’s been hoodwinked in the worst way. In a struggle to defend herself from his now unwanted advances at an inn along the way, she unintentionally kills him. Compromised and now a murderess (even if it was self defense) she steals a horse and rides for home. Except she falls off the horse and hits her head. Now in a coma, her irate father declares her dead to the family and other than putting her in a bed he orders no one to feed or help her. He intends to let her die. Can we say asshat?

Lucinda, stuck between the living and the dead is told she has two weeks to reform Kieren Somerfield, sixth earl of Stanford if she wants to walk through the Pearly Gates. Kieren is deeply in debt with no hope in sight of ever being flush with cash let alone fix up the ancestral estate. He sees only one way out, but as he puts his father’s dueling pistol on the desk, he hears a voice. There sits Lucinda and she’s beginning to realize this reformation is going to be a lot harder than she was led to believe. Let the convincing begin.

Lucinda has been a good girl all her life, but since she racked up some serious sin in the short time before she hit her head she’s one of those souls that is hard to judge whether she should go to Heaven or Hell. So they give her the time it will take for her body to die without nourishment to reform a man who appears impossible to reform. If she can do that then she is destined for Heaven.

What a great story! I’ve read historical romances by Metzger before and enjoyed every one of them, but this is the first one of hers that has a touch of the paranormal to it. I was curious to see if she could pull it off and I’m happy to give a resounding Yes! Full of humor, fun and wonderful characters, it is a great ride watching Lucy (as Kerry calls her) convince Kerry first that she is a real apparition and second if he doesn’t reform his ways he will not only condemn himself to Hell, but her as well. And I have to say how much I love the ending. *swoon*