
When I Think of You by Rosa Sophia

kazemiko's review

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I read the Kindle edition of this book, and I loved it. It picks up again a year and a half after When I Dream of You ends. Nina has moved to North Carolina and is trying to get used to her new life there. Something feels off, but she can't place what it is. All she knows is that she doesn't feel quite at home in North Carolina.

After a session at the ACA, she makes a new friend named Roberta and learns that while they don't have running in common...they do have books. They decide to go to a book fair together. She runs into the person she'd been trying not to think of since she moved. Wes is at the book fair as one of the authors with a table. They talk for a while and Nina decides later that week at the next ACA meeting that she will head back to South Florida, where she belongs.

Now don't get me wrong, I loved the book. There was something about it that was...I don't know, missing? I don't think the title really made sense in connection with what was actually in the novella. She rarely thought about Wes. More often than anything she thought about some of her first boyfriends. I had expected that it would either have picked up closer to when the first book ended or focused more on the relationships from the first book. Her mother has spontaneously gotten better, I don't think she speaks to Wes much at all except for three instances that pop to mind, and then she starts emailing an old boyfriend.

It's not explained well what happened at the beginning with Wes and what she said to him when she left. Nor is it explained how exactly Nina got Brett's email address. One would assume that if you were not talking to your first wouldn't know what their email address was. I assume she got it from Jenny, but even she barely had a presence in the novella.

I would read it again and even suggest it to my friends to read if I thought they would like it, but I was a tad disappointed with the length. If Rosa would have made them parts in the same book instead of different novellas, that probably would have been more what I like in a novel. I like the long ones. I just...I don't know, I can't really get into novellas like other people.

Overall I gave this book a 4/5 because I just don't like short books.