3 reviews for:

Black Widow

Pj Adams


jaime_bookworm's review

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definitely dark, but i'm not so sure about the romance or suspense.

Once i start reading a book, I almost always finish it. But this was almost an exception to that.

Between jumping back and forth between the past and present and the plot jumping between revenge and misguided drugged subservience, the author lost me. There were some notable high points, but not enough overall for me to enjoy this one as much as i would have liked.

i received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

readwithmia's review

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I like that the girl is very independent and she had a clear goal in mind. She was determined and she made the right choices. The action scenes were a little too extreme for my liking but I like the plot twist!

doris1310's review

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Habe auf Dark Erotica a la "Tears of Tess" gehofft, weil mir gerade danach war, wurde aber leider enttäuscht.

Mir haben weder die Charaktere noch die Geschichte zugesagt. Die Sexszenen waren kein bisschen erotisch, sondern einfach meww und auch die große Enthüllung, wer denn "The Man" jetzt ist, war keinesfalls überraschend. Leider nichts für mich.