
By God: The Making of a Messiah by Shashi Warrier

thebookishelf's review

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'By God: The Making of a Messiah' by Shashi Warrier is a light-hearted mystical adventure story about two Ghublistani, Tomikanza and his barber Neepane, bonds who meet various people during their journey.

I believe this book moved me a little. Not only because the writing was so great but also the thoughts contained in it were so close to what I was feeling. I still believe the ideas contained here are timeless and profound.

By God: The Making Of Messiah is a brilliant (and oddly prescient) satire. With the book, author Shashi Warrier offers a skewering criticism of democracy, the politics behind it, and its far-reaching ramifications in a manner that is at once humorous, intelligent, and bone-chillingly accurate. A bleak and ominous tone dominates the novel, befitting its narrative. By God: The Making of Messiah is a fantastically engaging and smart novel, and had me contemplating its characters and story long after I closed its covers.

Shashi Warrier examines how society and human nature combine to debase and ultimately subvert political inspiration. Bold stuff for the period. Stylistically, aside from a short, pompous section at the beginning that will hurt your head, the body of the book is appealing. The story is inventive and solidly constructed, modern and humanist.

chetanaa_'s review

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Shashi Warrier's book By God: The Making of a Messiah is a satirical tale of the socio-cultural scenario of many of the nations in today's world.

The plot is set in a utopian world, called Ghublistan, which is an island resplendent with the Divine herb. And this country is experiencing a surge in emigration. Two of Ghublistan's people, Tomikanza and a barber, Neepane set out in an endeavour to understand what 'democracy' is.
As I was reading the novel, I felt how relevant it is in today's world. It made me think. The author, in this book, highlights various social issues which are extremely relevant. The brilliant use of satire is a speciality of this book.

The plot is very well-knit and is subtle with layers of themes embedded in it. It is intriguing and has the capability to keep the readers hooked to the book until the very end. The story progresses at a perfect pace. The style of writing is beautiful and the use of lucid language has made the book a very easy read. It is one such story which stays with you forever. The characters have been presented and described really well.

By God: The Making of a Messiah paints a tongue-in-cheek picture of the religion, political, and social systems of the present times, subtly yet powerfully unmasking its vices, shortcomings and hypocrisy.

I absolutely loved reading this book! Recommending it to all the bibliophiles. I hope you'll like reading this book.

My Rating: 4.5/5