
Knuckle Down by Chantal Fernando

shahlasworld's review against another edition

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I was so excited to start this book because I wanted to follow knuckle's story and also because this blurb sounded amazing. I wasn't wrong about it, I loved this story.

I can already tell this is going to be an amazing series and can't wait to get more of these brothers. Definitely a recommended read from me.

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.

wickedlyromance's review against another edition

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I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.This is the second in the Cursed Ravens MC series and I will say that I liked this so much more than the first. However I need to make a little note about the first; I was halfway though this book when I realized who Clover from the first book was. Talk about a DUH moment.

Jack “Knuckles” Chester is a single father and the sergeant at arms for the Cursed Ravens Motorcycle Club which means he has little free time. On top of that he has some issues when it comes to women thank to his ex. When he first sees Erin's cousin Celina he like what he see but he has to convince her of that.

Celina is a journalist and very good at her job. She does have a sleazy ex and her boss leaves a lot to be desired as well.  She sees the MC as a great story but she in't use to the whole family vibe they have going on. Apart from her cousin Celina never really had that.  As she and Knuckles get closer she evaluates her story idea.

The climax was so unexpected and such a wonderful surprise. I loved it! It brought everything together in a way that made you melt. It also set you up nicely for the next book. I would love if Erin's dad got his own book or maybe Clover got with one of the guys. Just saying!

Knuckles girls are so cute! They embrace Celina is a way that she isn't use to. From the moment they meet her they are attached and so is she. My one dislike about this book was Knuckles' ex which is probably a good thing. She was one of those women who always thinks her man is cheating and then when he moves on she becomes this petty **tch. Like I said it was probably good that I didn't like her. This review was originally posted on A Lucky Grace

bella_deville's review against another edition

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Once again Chantal Fernando has written a badass 5 star book. So far, this series is great and I love that Celina was very independent and strong. But that she also called her self on her own questionable choices. I don't see alot of that in books so its refreshing and awesome to see it.

thebookdisciple's review against another edition

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Predictable (she is a journalist so you can see exactly what the climax is going to be) and I didn't like Celina and Knuckles as much as Erin and Ace but overall still an enjoyable story. There were still a few surprises at the end that I did NOT see coming.

excusemewhileiread's review against another edition

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Audio Book

Ok so I didn't hate it buttt I didn't love it. It was definitely entertaining enough to be completely hooked on the audio book. I didn't read or hear the first one, kinda just found this on youtube and started listening to it to help pass my day at work and it worked like a charm. I can honestly say I didn't rewind if I dazed out at any point.

I really appreciated the strong female lead as well as how great a father Jack is. He's hard to trust and when Chantal's boss and ex-boyfriend do the unthinkable she is put in a complicated position. I really have nothing to say about this story...

thewitchybibliophile's review against another edition

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After reading Ace of Hearts, I was super excited to see more about Knuckles. I adored him in the first book and seeing him in this one was stunning and heartstopping. He is completely swoon worthy that makes you want a Knuckles of your own! Then Celia was a brilliant character. She gives as good as she gets and doesn’t back down regardless of what is thrown at her. Add these two together, it was positively sinful. The one thing I adored about this story is that you get a deeper look at this MC and how it is rolling. You have a tough as nails single dad who lives for his club and his daughters and you have a reporter who wants to bring out the good to the world about the MC. Their banter is hilarious but also so passionate. When things hit the fan, it was tough to watch how things unfold and my heart broke for them. But both of them are fighters and that is what made me adore them even more.
Overall, this was a fun read that keeps you on your toes, not just with the passionate moments but also with the witty banter and fun moments that happen throughout. I wanted to junk punch the people that Celia worked with in the worst way! If you haven’t picked up this series, you want to do so. This is a brilliant take on a new MC club and Fernando’s words are pure magic.

bandherbooks's review against another edition

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Hard-working, dedicated journalist Celina decides to check out the Motorcycle Club that her best friend is now a member of, and finds herself swept up into a new relationship with sexy club member "Knuckles" despite her misgivings. When she gets caught between her job, her moral code, and her new lover, Celina needs to decide what love is worth and whether she is ready to take on a life with the father of two.

What follows is a roller coaster of drama with just a few too many plot points and a heroine who I respected until some of her later decisions. I especially took issue with the fact Knuckle's "job" with the Motorcycle Club was never really discussed. Maybe it was in the first book, but as a new reader to this series I had some serious questions, especially when it seems the Club is definitely dabbling in illegal activities.

Massive spoilers ahead:

ALSO, the whole accidental baby sub-plot!? Knuckles apparently had a cut-rate vasectomy which didn't take, and which no doctor told him to get his sperm checked out before having unprotected sex. Gross. So, Celina ends up pregnant and basically decides to become a kept woman from Knuckles's apparent financial security with his motorcycle club "job" which is not explained. She does keep her free-lance journalism going, but I just felt it was a bit out of character. Also, the fact Knuckle's never asked nor inquired about whether she would use her "insider" info to write about the Club seemed, at worst stupid, and at best just lazy.

lita2013's review against another edition

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This was seriously cute and had all the feels!.

Fernando never disappoints!

These characters were really great solo and even better together. The family aspects in reference to the MC, Knuckle's daughters, Erin and Gage, Celina and her flakey father were the things I believe were meant to stick out. Everything fit so intrinsically, the good and the bad and formed an awesome story. The intense moments were gut-wrenching and real. I had an amazing time getring to truly know these characters and read about their life and how they flourished despite the unexpected occurrences and unplanned happenstances.
This romance was fast, but it felt right it every way.

amb3reads's review against another edition

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4 out of 5 Stars

Knuckle Down is book 2 in the Cursed Ravens MC Series. I enjoyed Knuckle Down and can't wait to continue with the series. I loved Celina and Knuckle.

ligite's review against another edition

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