
Cartas a Um Jovem Romancista by Mario Vargas Llosa

cmleejim's review against another edition

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Interesting take on advice from an author who writes with beautiful prose. Inspiring to say the least.

tyunglebower's review against another edition

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Smart man, though I haven't read anything else he has written. The prose is a bit too stilted and academic for my taste, though that is quite possibly the translation and not the author himself coming through.

Conceptually sound, but more geared towards those who have never once attempted to write fiction, as opposed to those who have started their journeys.

Also more well suited for those who have read some of the many novels he references, (and to which he gives total spoilers.)

Gave me some thought here and there, though I suspect the author himself is more interesting than this particular example of his material.

zimo3491's review against another edition

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"La letteratura è artificio, ma la grande letteratura riesce a nasconderlo mentre quella mediocre lo rivela"

Penso che la citazione, tratta da queste meravigliose lettere che un maestro scrive a un aspirante romanziere, condensi tutto il significato dell'epistolario. Per fortuna, mentre trucchi, regole formali, metodi e strutture possono ben essere spiegate (e Llosa qui lo fa con la saggezza di chi padroneggia gli attrezzi del mestiere), se non addirittura insegnate, nessuno riuscirà mai a spiegare l'alchimia di elementi che, ben miscelati, usati, dosati, riescono a produrre il miracolo di una grande storia: quello che ti fa dimenticare dell'atto di leggere, mentre, appunto, stai leggendo.

dreamtokens's review against another edition

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After I finished reading Letters to a young novelist by Llosa I said, out loud, 1Cthank you 1D. It 19s been just as clear as a guide to writing can be without being dogmatic and just as well written. It exposes different ideas and techniques used to in novels (unknown truths, the chinese box and communicating vessels), and theories about its main structure: time, space, the narrator, the levels of reality, transitions.

khaldun's review against another edition

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حجي ماريو هنا يحجي عن تشكيل/تشريح الرواية
الأساليب الي هو شافها بأغلب الروايات الي قاريهن (يذكر أمثلة هواي عن الاساليب بتشعباتها و تعقيدها بحيث مرات تكول شلون كدر يفوت بهيج تفاصيل) ... الكتاب الفكرة المأخوذة عنّه انو يستفادون منه الروائيين الجدد و المبتدئين حتى يقوون طريقة الكتابة و تدعيم الرواية بأساليب تنطي للرواية روح/سمة هيج شي
بالنسبة الي، كقارئ، الكتاب يخليك تميّز ليش حبيت/فضلت رواية عن ثانية، بدل ما تكول "خرب يومها تسطر لازم تقرونها" تجاوب بذكر مميزات ممكن تشجع الشخص المقابل يقراها، هذا اذا ما ضحكوا عليك.
ملاحظة: الكتاب بي حرك لهواي قصص يمكن تريد تقراها انت لأول مرة، اذا تريد تبقي عنصر التشويق ببعض الروايات ف لا تقرا الكتاب.

esthersweet08's review against another edition

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un ensayo sobre teoría de la literatura. sin más.

esthersweet08's review against another edition

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lo he tenido que releer y de verdad tremenda mierda

lightningmc_logyn's review against another edition

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challenging funny hopeful informative inspiring lighthearted reflective slow-paced


Amazingly insightful, inspiring, and informative. I loved reading this and took so many notes! A bit dense and hard to get through at times, despite it only being 130 pages. 
Llosa breaks down the fundamentals of writing into practical advice, all whilst acknowledging the inexplicable magic that is born as a result of passionate writing. I enjoyed the format being addressed to the reader, it created a supportive atmosphere. 
I loved it and helped me so much with ideas for my own novel and writing projects. I need to buy a copy so that I may refer back to this for forever.

redamahmoud's review against another edition

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كتاب جميل جدًا ومختلف عن معظم ما قرأت عن الكتابة وإبداع الرواية.. أعذب وأجمل مما كنت أعتقد

mahmoud_radi's review against another edition

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على غرار كتاب الشاعر اﻷلماني العظيم راينر ماريا ريلكه (رسائل إلى شاعر شاب)، يأتي هذا الكتاب الفري الذي يقدمه وسا في هبئة رسائل، ورغم تشابه القالب بين الكتابين المعتمد على أدب الرسائل، إلا أنه كتاب موجه بشكل حصري لفنون الكتابة على العكس من كتاب ريلكه الذي يتطرق لمواضيع شتى، وهو كتاب ينبغي أن يصير على رأس أولويات من يفكرون خوض غمار الكتابة اﻹبداعية ومن لا يعرفون من أين تأتي نقطة البداية، الكتاب يرسم معالم طريق شاملة ووافية ﻷبعاد العمل اﻷدبي، مع كم وافر من اﻷمثلة من عشرات اﻷعمال اﻷدبية.