
Exposed by R.J. Crayton

captain_valour's review

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Now that the kids are out, they have to learn how to survive in the real world, with the brink of the disease possibly around every corner. Not sure who they can trust and who not to trust in this new world, until they make it to a safe house with people they know. All was going well for them, in hiding, until they find out they were being tracked. So they had to get out, and get somewhere safe. But where was that going to be?

This book had a great start, with lots of action happening, but then it slowed down for way too long, in my opinion. It finally did pick up a bit, but not enough, causing me to not thoroughly enjoy it. I think it was the lack of descriptions in certain areas where it just seemed a bit too vague to me too. It happened too often. I want my descriptions! And the whole constant battle with hating the mother because of her lie seemed quite pathetic after a while. First of all, the mother always lived with telling the truth, so by telling one lie for a enormously good reason, didn't seem like the kids would act that way about her. I personally would've forgiven her after the first initial realization that it was a lie. She had the best reasons behind it. And the fact that they kept bringing it up, bugged me.

Other than that though, the characters did start to grow on me, and I was liking Elaan and Josh together more and more as the story went on. I just wish I had gotten more from it.

This book was given to me in order for me to read it and give my complete honest review. And that's exactly what I did. I hope others will give this book a shot and be able to enjoy it, regardless of the criticism I gave it!

jljaina's review

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Well this one moved a bit better than the last one. This book was mostly from Elaan's perspective but we do get a bit of Elijah's and that was a nice change. I really liked how Crayton handled a small, badly chosen comment that Josh makes early on. How she has Elaan respond is perfect and is a great example for others on both sides.
I expected a bit things to be a bit more edgy. Besides Willie is was a lot calmer than I expected for a world that has changes so much. I wanted more tension. It was a bit to 'clean' for the environment we are presented. But on the plus, this is good for middle grade/younger ya for those same reasons.

uma_booksbagsburgers's review

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(I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.)

My review of the first book (Concealed) can be found here.


The safety of the underground bunker is left behind. Elaan and her friends are out in the open, exposed to the world above. Exposed to a world that has been ravished by the virus. Can they make it to the one person they've been told can provide them safety?


The story picks up immediately after the events of the first books and it is easy to see the character development through the book. I liked the main characters Elaan and Josh though at times they seemed so mature I kept getting confused about their age! New characters are introduced in this book and in a way everyone's personality traits play a big role in plot development. There are many things revealed about the characters that to an extent provide answers to the questions that popped up while reading Concealed.


Concealed dealt more with science while Exposed deals more with human character and people's reactions to different circumstances. Most of the story goes into the journey of the main characters. The starting chapters of Exposed are fast and set the tone of the story. The story once again ends with new revelations, questions and a cliffhanger. While I thoroughly enjoyed the beginning and the end there were parts in the middle where nothing much seemed to be happening. But the story gives a very realistic idea of how people can change during the time of disasters that I found really interesting. The entire environment of Exposed is darker than Concealed.


As with the first book, the imagery is quite clear and I really liked the descriptions that helped me visualize the whole story in my head.


- The characters
- The plot
- The writing


- The parts in the middle where there wasn't much happening


Of course! There are so many questions and doubts I need answers to!


A really good sequel to Concealed. The character development and plot-line gain a better footing in Exposed. Quite an enjoyable story!

( For more reviews Check out my blog - Books.Bags.Burgers)

jeanz's review

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Following the three teen main characters as they decipher coded letters, reveal the truth behind certain lies they have been told.
There's also lots more to be well as maybe learning what is going on at the scientist protection complex? Did the General ever return? How have those inside survived with no food deliveries from 'up top'? Have Dr James Woodson and Dr Kingston Wells made a vaccine yet? Or a cure for the infected? As well as have they unearthed something to undo the hormonal/biological damage they did to their own sons with an vaccine that was still in the experimental and unproven state?
Are the government still after Elijah, Elaan and Josh? or do they have bigger problems with the rumours of the military made into carriers?

eloisebell's review

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The story centers around 3 teenagers; brother and sister Lijah and Elaan and their friend Josh. After the world is plagued by a deadly virus, their mothers are now dead and their scientist fathers are desperately trying to save the world in a now post-apocolyptan planet.

I love any dystopian/speculative fiction, it's definitely my go to genre. Be it zombies, robots, virus or natural disaster I am their with a front row seat and this series didn't disappoint.

With the world in pieces and the select few survivors being immune or carriers the friend must travel across the country to try and save themselves.

To cut a lengthy review short the series was a great choppy dystopian read. With each book being about 200 pages long part of me felt it could be condensed into one large book or expanded into 3 much bigger reads.

I found that all the books lacked a massive amount of world building. In fact, there was next to no world building. But there was huge amounts of inner monologue from Elaain... too much. I just wished that the massive chunks of book taken up by Elaain's rambeling thoughts had been used to create a better picture of the world. As the series went on I began to find Elaain more and more annoying. So there were certian occasions where I too would of been asking questions just not continually and constantly the whole way through.

However, it was nice to see 3 main'ish characters for a refreshing change, and I like that fact that the whole storyline wasn't taken over by a soppy love story.

As a side note, Lijah's storyline about his sexuality was a non issue.

In summary it's a great series for any dystopian lover. They are choppy, exciting, fast paced easy reads.

popthebutterfly's review

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Disclaimer: I received these books from netgalley. Thanks! All opinions are my own.

Rating: 3/5

Publication Date: May 21, 2016

Genre: YA Dystopian

Recommended Age: u/n as DNFed

Pages: 204

Author Website

Amazon Link

Synopsis: They said it was extremely hard to get. They said it wasn't airborne. They said there was nothing to fear. They were wrong. Seventeen-year-old Elaan Woodson was supposed to be one of the lucky ones. She got one of the few spots in the subterranean protection unit designed to keep select scientists, military officials and their families safe from the deadly virus ravaging the world above. But, how lucky are you really when the people in charge and those you love keep secrets from you? While Elaan has heard that what you don't know can't hurt you, she's beginning to think otherwise. And she should...

I had to end up DNF-ing this book because I just felt that the book moved too slowly for me and I just couldn’t connect with any of the characters. There was a lot going on in the book as well and in my opinion I just wouldn’t be happy with the book if I forced myself to continue it. Unfortunately I also requested the other books in this series so I’ll have to DNF them too.

Verdict: DNFed

novelbloglover's review

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After the events of concealed, I couldn't wait to get into Exposed as soon as I could. This story immediately picks up where the events of the first left off so it is really easy to see how the characters have progressed through the first novel into the second. I really loved Elaan and Josh although at times I was really confused about their actual ages as they seem far more mature than anyone else their age. There are also several new characters introduced in Exposed and we can see that every characters personality traits play into the overall plot so no one seems useless or surplus to requirement. There are many things revealed about the characters that to an extent provide answers to the questions that popped up while reading Concealed.

The plot also advances in ways I didn't expect. while Concealed dealt with a lot of science Exposed focused more on the humanity of the situations and the characters reactions to different situations which I enjoyed immensely although I felt the scientific elements where needed and they were majorly underplayed in Exposed. Now the problem with any series of books is that some books can suffer from middle book syndrome which Exposed, unfortunately, does as there are massive chunks in the middle of the novel where literally nothing happens and after the action-packed fast-paced first book I was a little disappointed.

Overall though, I found Exposed to be a decent sequel to Concealed, despite the middle book syndrome Exposed has mountains of character developed and the plot gains a much better footing to ready us the reader for the final novel Contained. This series is rather enjoyable but it does have its faults. For fans of the dystopian genre, I would really recommend Concealed and Exposed. I can't wait to see how this series ends in Contained.