
The Forest of Adventures by Katie M. John

joyousreads132's review

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The synopsis of the book didn’t do much to sell the originality of this story. At first glance, you’d think that the same old forbidden love and destiny would be the fare but there was so much more to this story. There were legends to be had and a world that bordered on ancient history and mysticism.

The first few pages of this book were written almost poetically but for some reason, the lyrical writing petered to a stop.

I’ve never been a fan of instantaneous love; and this book is heady with it. Although understandable, what with destiny and such, I couldn’t help but cringe when two characters proclaim their undying devotion in a tiny window of time. I just couldn’t stand it when Mina took one look in his eyes and readily saw how much HE loved her.

What’s up with that?

He kicked at the leaves under his feet and looked at me, sizing me up, working out the measure of his love for me. Oh my God, he loved me. - page 110

It just came out of nowhere. There was no slow built, no slow realization. Sure the physical attraction was there but I don’t know how she could’ve known instantly. Was it maybe written in his eyes? Was there a clue? If there was any, then I completely missed it. Maybe if Blake was a bit more taken with her the first time they met, then I could understand this unreasonable immediate adoration between them. It was explained later that Mina had been in Blake’s dreams and there was a written irrevocable prophecy about them.

There is a disorganization of events and character development in this book that hindered me from completely enjoying what would have been a brilliant story. At the end of it all, I couldn’t, no matter how hard I tried, feel anything for the characters. Often times, Mina’s character fell flat, as was Blake’s. It’s hard to continue reading when the cast themselves couldn’t interest me. But I pressed on.

Incidentally, I bought this book last June and just decided to read it today. I found out that Katie M. John signed my copy and wrote a personalized note thanking me for purchasing it. I thought it was the coolest, sweetest thing ever. So you can just imagine how awful I feel for writing this review. But I wanted to be honest and I tried my hardest to be fair.

It is what it is.

mrose21's review against another edition

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I don't like the writing style, its almost 3rd person. Except it isn't I just don't like it.

tcrnn's review

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failed to finish. Sigh.

starbound's review

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Okay, så jeg har både positive og negative ting å si om denne boka. For å få det negative unna først: det er mange kommafeil i denne boka. Noen bryr seg kanskje ikke om det, men jeg klarer ikke å overse det. Det var noen skrivefeil også, men det var bare et par tilfeller. Men så syntes jeg historien var ganske interessant -- den er basert på legenden om King Arthur og Morgana etc., men fortsatt satt i nåtidens England (elsket den britiske skrivemåten, forresten -- minnet meg om utvekslingsåret mitt, siden jeg forestilte meg at historien tok plass i Acle/Norwich, hihi). Hele Mina/Sam/Blake-greia var litt trist, men jeg følte ikke heeelt den der kjærlighetsgreia… Selv om slutten var litt “awww”. Tror favorittkarakteren min i denne boka var Vivien -- hun virket så koselig.
Så jeg likte virkelig innslagene av Arthur-mytologien, og ellers var den helt grei. Den er verdt å lese, selv om den ikke havner på favorittlista mi.