
A Change In Tide by Freya Barker

zaza_bdp's review against another edition

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Freya Barker est une auteur qu'on me conseille depuis longtemps, et j'ai enfin décidé de découvrir un de ses livres, choisissant celui dont le résumé me faisait le plus envie.

Et je dois dire que la pioche a été bonne, j'ai beaucoup aimé ce livre. En fait, je crois même pouvoir dire que j'ai tout aimé.

L'histoire déjà.
Celle de Mia, une femme de quarante-deux ans vivant seule dans un petit cottage, au bord d'un lac, dans un coin paumé de l'Ontario, et ce depuis plusieurs années. Elle n'a que très peu de contacts avec le monde extérieur, c'est une recluse, une ermite. Elle souffre d'agoraphobie et de stress post-traumatique ; on sait qu'il lui est arrivé quelque chose de grave, mais l'auteur prend son temps pour dévoiler le passé de son personnage. Pour cette femme habituée à la solitude et au silence, l'arrivée de son nouveau voisin va complètement bouleverser son existence.

C'est aussi l'histoire de Jared, hockeyeur (♥️) à la retraite (il a trente-neuf ans), après une grosse blessure. Il s'installe dans ce coin perdu pour entamer un nouveau chapitre de sa vie, et il va rapidement être intrigué par cette drôle de femme qui vit en face de chez lui.
Disons simplement qu'un évènement va catapulter Mia hors de sa réclusion, et à partir de ce moment-là, les deux personnages ne vont plus se quitter.

La romance ensuite.
La relation Mia/Jared est un très beau slow-burn, avec une séduction toute en délicatesse, en tendresse et en douceur. Nul besoin d'en faire des tonnes pour séduire, c'est plutôt la présence rassurante, l'acceptation et la compréhension tacite de l'autre qui font office de séduction. Jared est un homme très protecteur, il prend soin de tout le monde, et Mia n'échappe pas à la règle. Il va lui laisser le temps et l'espace dont elle a besoin, même si parfois cela est très difficile pour lui. Ils forment un couple fusionnel, ils ne sont même pas encore 'ensemble' que c'est déjà une histoire très sérieuse (et en cela, j'ai pensé, évidemment, aux romans de Kristen Ashley !). J'ai vraiment une affection toute particulière pour les romances avec des personnages ayant la quarantaine, car je trouve leurs histoires plus profondes, les enjeux ne sont pas les mêmes, et je ne saurais dire exactement pourquoi, mais je trouve toujours qu'il y a un petit quelque chose en plus dans ces livres-là.

Les paysages aussi.
Le roman se déroule sur les rives d'un lac canadien, dans l'Ontario, et Freya Barker restitue à merveille cette atmosphère de vie sauvage. Le paysage, les sons, les couleurs, les odeurs ... On y croise des ours, des orignaux, des lynx, des oiseaux ... Le décor est presque un personnage à part entière, et je me suis vraiment sentie transportée dans ce décor somptueux qui m'a rappelé les paysages québécois que j'ai eu la chance de découvrir il y a quelques temps.

Les personnages secondaires enfin.
Comment ne pas craquer pour Ole ? Son entrée en scène fracassante joue un rôle majeur dans le récit, et il est tout simplement adorable. Non en fait, ce qui est vraiment adorable, c'est de voir la façon dont Jared & Mia interagissent avec lui (ovaries, anyone ?). Jordy est un personnage que j'ai également beaucoup apprécié, c'est un vrai soutien pour les héros, elle ne mâche pas ses mots quand c'est nécessaire, mais elle elle est toujours là pour Mia et Jared.
John aussi ... Cet homme va faire tourner Jared en bourrique, et c'est assez drôle de voir notre héros se comporter en homme des cavernes de cette façon !
La romance secondaire est jolie, pudique, et touchante. J'aurais voulu en avoir plus, mais finalement, la discrétion est quand même bien le maître-mot de ce livre...

Une très belle lecture donc, j'ai l'impression d'avoir un peu prolongé les vacances, avec un beau sentiment de sérénité que ce roman m'a procuré.

pattyfgd's review against another edition

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A Change in Tide
Northern Lights, Volume 1
By: Freya Barker
Narrated by: Charley Ongel, Tor Thom

New authors always add a little trepidation to a listen, but I was immediately hooked into this fabulous listen! Freya Barker invested my heart in an unlikely couple. Jared is a retired hockey player, living with his pregnant sister. Mia is a divorced, agoraphobic woman just trying to live day to day. These two meet, but become closer as Mia uses her skills a trained midwife to help with Jared's new nephew. It's such an easy story to fall into, each having their own issues, but finding a rhythm that works for them. Not to say that there aren't some twists and turns in their lives along with a little suspense, but Barker easily takes my heart and lets me live through these two. There is so much in this story too. The dealing with PTSD and agoraphobia, finding a new normal after leaving the hockey team, and even dealing with a newborn all gave me a sense of reality and true life experiences. It's a wonderful listen, and I have to go in search of more Freya Barker listens now.

Casting Tor Thom and Charley Ongel is pure gold for this listen. A team that has a chemistry that is felt with each line makes this couple. Thom lets Jared find his new place in life, from the disgust he feels changing diapers to coaching. Ongel shines as Mia, letting us feel her fear and her new found love. It's magic and I loved it!

beckyweids's review against another edition

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funny reflective slow-paced


jigsawgirl's review against another edition

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I started listening to the audiobook, then realized I had purchased the book as well. I thought the narrators did a great job. They made Mia's panic and Jared's anger so much more intense.

The first chapter of the book was kind of weird. My assumption was Jared and Mia were ultimately going to get together, so I didn't understand why it was necessary for her to see the scene between Jared and his pick up. With Mia being able to see he didn't wrap it up, the only way she should have gotten close to him was if she had on a hazmat suit. I didn't get the impression that Jared was drunk, or maybe I missed that part. I was wondering how/why it took him so long to realize he hadn't wrapped it up.

Pushing through that part, it took a while to figure out what the deal was with Mia. It did seem a bit weird the way she watched Jared and then he watched her. I was glad when they finally connected. I liked Jared and Jordy's relationship. I liked the way Mia kind of seamlessly fit in with Jared and Jordy.

The way the author had Jared and Mia being each others place of peace, as well as Jared being Mia's place of safety was heartwarming. I loved watching Mia regain her strength and independence. I also appreciated the little peek into John and Jordy's beginning.

Last, but not least, I want to thank this author for writing about a more mature couple, and just more mature people in general. It sometimes wears on a person to read book after book about people ranging from 20 to 30. The books aren't labeled NA, but it almost feels like some people think life ends at 30.

An intriguing listen after getting past the hazmat suit part of the book. I recently discovered Freya Barker's work and will be moving on to book 2.

ameserole's review against another edition

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Okay, so I dove into the second book before this one - oops?

A Change in Tide was an okay book. Just like the sequel, everything was just okay for me. I mean, it had some cute moments here and there but other than that - I felt nothing. In it, you will meet Mia and Jared. They are neighbors and I honestly had no idea what was going to happen after the whole beginning. I mean, I love when characters assume the worst out of someone and then realize how much of an ass they are. Like, yes, give me more of this realistic shit please.

Other than that, I liked that they were intrigued in one another. Again, they had their cute moments... but maybe I need something other than cute stuff.

teresajluvs2read's review against another edition

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Can a hockey star heal Mia's heart and soul?

A Change in Tide by Freya Barker is the first book of her Northern Lights series that will definitely be become a favorite one. Ms. Barker is my go to author and I'm sure you'll love as much as I did that I can't wait to read the next book in the series. With this story our H/h are Jared a recently retired NHL star and Mia a former Midwife who has panic attacks after a subway accident changes her life and career. Plus add in Jordy, Jared's sister who's expecting her baby any day and you'll be hooked into the story starting on page 1.

Yes, there are ups and downs with Mia and Jared as they dance around each other as neighbors on a lake and you will rejoice when they both give into their feeling that you'll do a fist pump and yell "Yes!" even at 2 am in the morning. Since I don't want to give anything away I hope you'll stop everything and read this book.

jcdreads's review against another edition

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Freya Barker's A Change in Tide had all of the Muskoka vibes I missed, plus the beautiful story-telling of a romance author that always manages to deliver a satisfying story. I loved how Freya managed to portray Mia's anxieties, and I adore her character's growth throughout the story. It was more about her overcoming them, and less so about "love fixing it all"; although love helps!

There were so many great pearls of wisdom tucked in here, too. One of my favourite lines:

"But if you want to enjoy the good stuff, you have to take the bumps that come along with it. You can’t control it—that’s an illusion—because the moment you’re in control, you’re no longer living—you’re merely existing."

jothompson37's review

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What an outstanding launch to a new series by Freya Barker!!! She never ceases to amaze me with her dazzling characterization, superior writing style, perfect pacing and unfettered flow. Throw in the ideal setting of Canada’s scenic cottage country, and the backdrop alone distinguishes this book from any other.

A Change in Tide is an emotionally uplifting story about loss, love and adapting to new realities. Jared and Mia’s love is one that will fill your heart and stay with you weeks after you’ve finished the last page.

I found myself thoroughly invested in both of these characters, as well as the supporting crew. They are both victims of circumstance and I enjoyed witnessing their evolution. I was cheering them on as they healed and progressed to their HEA.

Kudos Ms. Barker! You pulled me in and wouldn’t let me go until I read the very last word.

Note: I have seen a few reviewers show discontent at the first chapter. I personally feel it is a true representation of Jared’s last hurrah before things are about to get serious. You would totally be missing out on a mesmerizing and beautiful story if you stopped there.

gretareadsromance's review against another edition

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Great love story

A Change In Tide is about Jared, a retired hockey player, and Mia, an agoraphobic. It's a beautiful story about finding love in unexpected places! Great book!

malus23's review against another edition

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Sports and Babies are usually two topics that make me avoid books, but this was alright in spite of it. I like that they're an older couple instead of younglings. While all the stuff Mia taught him about his sister's pregnancy and nursing was a reasonable inclusion, it felt awfully stilted at times. They might as well have said, "OK, lets talk to the reader now, because this is your Educational Moment." It was just a little short of working it in smoothly enough to feel like a natural conversation.