
Destined by Jessie Harrell

xoxotawnydee's review

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I love pretty much all of the teen books I have read that are based on mythology and Destined did not disappoint at all. Eros and Psyche's story had me laughing and on the edge of my seat more times than I could count. Definitely a cute read.

exhaleartist's review

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I am an absolute sucker for story based on Greek mythology. I took a Classical Mythology course in high school, and fell completely in love with mythology, especially Greek. Anyways that love combined with the gorgeous cover of this book captured my interest. I have also been following Jessie Harrell’s blog for a little while now, so I was super excited to read her debut!

At the start of the book I was somewhat off-put though. I have read many retellings and interpretations of myths. I also adore historical fiction. Obviously none of the books I have read are written in Old English or the old language of the period they are set in, but at the same time they flow seamlessly into the past. However, in Destined, the language includes many jarring moments when the language that’s used pulls you straight out of the past and into the present. I never really put a much thought into language choices that an author must make, but here it was noticeable that it was not quite right.

So as you can tell I was not completely pleased with the language it was written in, but once I managed to let that go I began to really enjoy the story. Psyche is a likeable narrator and a very sympathetic one. The powerlessness of the women in Ancient Greece is heartbreaking, and Psyche, and Chara’s, situations illustrate this perfectly. Eros and Psyche’s relationship was easily my favorite element of the story. It is complex, but at the same time their feelings for each other are really quite simple.

It was wonderful to see a new author’s take on portraying the gods and goddesses of Olympia. My favorite portrayal was definitely that of Hera. So often in stories and myths she is seen in a terrible light, as a vengeful, bitter woman, but here she is given the chance to be someone else. The use of so many members of Greek mythology was fantastic. Throughout the book there are mentions and appearances of everyone from Aphrodite and Persephone to Vesta and Helios.

Overall I think that the language usage could have been improved upon, and if it had the story would have been more believable to the period in which it is set. I did end up really enjoying this though. I am definitely looking forward to reading Jessie Harrell’s next book, and I would recommend this one. Fans of The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter or Abandon by Meg Cabot would likely enjoy this as well.

foxy_roxy's review

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Ok. I don't know what took me so long to make up my mind on reading this book. I regret that delay now... I'll definitely be back to give my two cents on this one. Boy did I like it!!!

koalachick's review

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I didn't know what to expect when I started this book. It was truly one of my favorites that I've read in a long while. It was a refreshing new take on a very old story. I knew what was going to happen (cupid and psyche.. hello) but I thought the author did a wonderful job. I'm so glad that there are love stories out there that are clean and I could let my daughter read without worry.

firistars's review

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2.5 stars. Psyche and Eros is one of my favorite greek myths but my god this was cringey. The language was very "modern teen", the characters were all so unlikable, and there were so many typos. Not to mention the entire plot felt super unnecessary. Please, someone, point me in the direction of a GOOD greek myth retelling.

ameliagm's review

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Cute book. It was interesting. I've always been interested in Greek mythology so this was a story that I hadn't really heard much of, so it was refreshing. Although the modern language threw me off a bit, the story was put together pretty well. Towards the end I struggled to finish it but the very end was pretty cute.

kirbs419's review

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I love mythology and I love this retelling of Cupid and psyche

bstaats's review

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Review to come soon!

jensbookspot's review

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This book was interesting in the beginning but was slow and boring mostly. It got better toward the end but overall just not a great read. I did finish the book rather quickly just to get to the ending.

yche09's review

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Sweet sweet retelling of Psyche and Eros' story. Can't say much aside from the fact that this made my day =)