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mheckman0429's review
A lot of good tips and tricks. I use a lot of this already, but there was some ideas I am going to look at deeper.
migrex's review
I bought this book mainly for the sections on reading, light and learning and, to a lesser extent, the section on nutrition and learning. The section on reading was the most interesting and useful to me, personally, but so was all the information on discipline. In particular I appreciated the author's ideas for getting/staying organized and what to have people do at the very beginning of a lesson. I'm going to use a lot of her suggestions. This book is geared mostly to teachers who teach kids, from grade school through high school, but I teach adults and I definitely found her advice helpful.
toris_reads's review
The majority of this book was incredibly helpful. I feel that I found some interesting new strategies for teaching, although I won't get the chance to try them out for a little while. However, the sections where students wrote in asking for advice seemed a little out of place. I understood how it tied in a student's perspective, but in general the section was pretty unhelpful. It was also a strange choice to put it smack-dab in the middle of the book.
Besides that, it was engaging, and a fun and quick read.
Besides that, it was engaging, and a fun and quick read.
moonieyucca's review
As a student teacher, this book has been helpful with informing me of situations that I will encounter as a teacher so I can mentally prepare before I experience them. I feel like this book has really set me up for success in student teaching. I look forward to revisiting this book after I get licensed and secure a job so I can begin planning for my classroom environment and curriculum.