
The Griff: A Graphic Novel by Christopher Moore, Ian Corson

briesespieces's review

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This is horrible ! I couldn't even work up the energy to go through it all . Shitty shitty shitty.

kelleemoye's review

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I really wanted to like this graphic novel more than I did. I love Christopher Moore's writing and sense of humor and the concept of the graphic novel was quite interesting, but it just didn't flow for me. I agree with the authors, though- this would make an awesome movie.

dantastic's review

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Aliens resembling griffons attack the earth and decimate much of the population. Two groups of people struggle to survive. But why have the Griff come to earth anyway?

The Griff is a graphic novel based on a movie script Christopher Moore worked on with Ian Corson in order to get out of working on one of his other novels. True story. Says so in the introduction. The story is your standard Hollywood apocalyptic disaster movie, only with griffons flying around attacking people.

The two groups of survivors are a mixed bag. You've got Curt, the wannabe soldier, Steve, the skateboard riding slacker, and Mo, video game designer and hot punk chick in one group and Liz, the animal trainer from Ocean World and Oscar, fur-suited theme park worker in the other. Just by the male-female composition of the groups and the fact that this was written to be a movie in mind, you know there's going to be some sexual tension and/or two people hooking up. Crap, I'm getting venomous before I mean to.

Before I vent a bit on reasons why I couldn't rate this higher than I did, I'd like to mention that the art was good and I liked the revelation behind the origins of the Griffs and I also liked a certain bit with Liz at the end that I won't mention because I don't want to spoil it.

And now, here's what I didn't like about it. I love Christopher Moore's novels. Since this was based on a movie script, the only thing that's obviously Moore-written is the dialogue. The problem is that everyone talks almost exactly the same way. 90% of the dialogue is completely interchangeable between characters. It feels like a cliche summer blockbuster in almost every way possible, including the ending.

While it's not a bad graphic novel, don't expect the usual Christopher Moore awesomeness. Picture Independence Day or a similar summer blockbuster, substitute griffins for aliens, throw in Christopher Moore dialogue until it annoys the crap out of you, and you'll have The Griff.

ericbuscemi's review

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I pre-ordered this book for two reasons: 1) Christopher Moore is awesome, and I want to see how his humor and style translate to the graphic novel medium, and 2) I love graphic novels, and I want to see how they translate to the digital medium of the Kindle. So, lots of medium changing coming in late July.

As for 1), all I can say is wow. It was funny without being too farcical, with great characters and dialogue (which is what I've come to expect from Christopher Moore), and it was beautifully illustrated. It was originally written as a movie script, and I hope someday it is made, as it could be a great movie.

My only complaint is with 2), as it was difficult to read on the Kindle format. It would have been impossible on the Kindle device, but I assumed as much, as it's a color comic. But even on the Kindle PC app, it was difficult to read some of the dialogue. My recommendation is to go with hard-copies of graphic novels until a better digital solution emerges.

skybalon's review

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Got this because I thought a Christopher Moore graphic novel would be as funny as his novels. Turns out it wasn't. It was moderately entertaining, but without the need for his humorous descriptions/scene setting, it was too much joke/punch line material. And that made it not as deep or interesting and most importantly not as funny.

mjthomas43's review

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Only got through less than half of it. Was not impressed.

ferrisscottr's review

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Alien invasion, 6 billion people dead from invading griffins - what's not to like?
And I did enjoy this graphic novel because of the plot idea but I didn't love it. It would have made a fantastic 600 page novel but that just wasn't enough room to fully explore the idea in one graphic novel so I was left wanting. Wanting more story, more answers, more depth.

So I'd say it was average - got it from the library so it didn't cost me anything and it was a fun way to spend an hour on a Saturday night.

satindoll's review

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This is horrible ! I couldn't even work up the energy to go through it all . Shitty shitty shitty.

bluenicorn's review

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It was alright. Interesting general premise, I guess. None of the characters really grabbed me, though. It would probably make a really good movie, though.

laurensalisbury's review

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Did they forget to write panels/pages?

I couldn't follow the storyline that would have otherwise been so freaking cool. Rawr.