
The Black Star Passes by John W. Campbell Jr.

leeroyjenkins's review

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Boy, I really tried on this one. I really gave it my best. But in the end this book broke my resolve to finish it and I had to put it down.

I got 65 pages in before I decided it just was not worth my time to wade through the absolute treacle of the prose. Let's talk about that prose. It's thick and substantial. Campbell describes everything in excruciating, nauseating detail. At 65 pages in, I was still waiting for something (anything) to happen. In addition, the dialogue is absurdly unrealistic. No one, not even in 1953, spoke in such a manner. No one in 1933 spoke that way.

So, I'm sorry to say my streak of finished books is over. As the cool kids say, "I just can't even... "