
Morning Glories: Deluxe Collection, Volume 2 by Nick Spencer, Joe Eisma

carerwilcox's review against another edition

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adventurous dark mysterious tense fast-paced


lisawreading's review against another edition

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I was frustrated by book #1, but kept reading to see if it would all make more sense as the story continued. Alas, no. There's blood, there's murder, there's all sorts of weirdness -- but an actual plot that ties together all the various pieces? Nope. Since I borrowed the first three volumes from the library, I'm planning to read through them all, but it's not looking too good.

the8th's review against another edition

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I really love this series, but I wish I could address the race/gender thing with the writer & artist. I know they're trying, it's just a little frustrating.

So two things:
Thanks for including a woman of colour in the main cast. It would be better if she was actually brown, though, not basically white. Second - the huge cast of female characters is impressive, but they are so obviously written by a man. Is everyone a bitch or whore in regular conversation? Come on. The use of sex to sell an idea? BORING.

I guess the story is basically Heroes and Lost smushed together, so straying too far from mainstream cookie cutter roles would freak out the readers? I dunno.

Like I said, I do love it, but like everything ever.. it's a little sexist. I am actually impressed in the ways that it is NOT racist or sexist, for whatever that's worth, but I'd be interested in more variety in the characters.

maxlk's review against another edition

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More crazy shit.

winterlelie's review against another edition

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I absolutely love all the mystery here. I still don't know what the frak is going on but I really really want to find out.

barbarianlibarian's review against another edition

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really intrigued and liking this series, but still, SO CONFUSED!

saidtheraina's review against another edition

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Continues to creep out with the horror. Each issue of this volume focuses on a different kid. They all have secrets, and it's not clear what they are in most of the cases. :) Also, a new adult character. Oh, also, a rape scene (sorta), and an innappropriate sexual relationship or two.

Patricide (probably).

One thing that was kind of odd is that in some cases the cussing is #($^%&ed, and in some cases it's spelled out (including "fuck"). Not sure why you would bother to obscure cussing ever if you weren't going to always.

SO older teen and up.

helpfulsnowman's review against another edition

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From the covers of these books, I assumed they were about sassy teens working at a magazine or something. I don't know why I thought that...but is it just me, or do the covers to these books not really have much connection to the contents?

Army of Darkness, now THAT movie has a cover. It's exactly what you think it's going to be. Who did that one? That dude should get more work...

misha_ali's review against another edition

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Really starting to enjoy this. It's quite similar to Lost in that everytime you think you know what's going on, yet another weird thing happens. Looking forward to the next installment!

luanndie's review against another edition

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Honestamente no sé cómo reseñar esta serie en general, como para hablar de este volumen. Reflexionando un poco creo que está historia no es para mí (una lectora que siente total desdén por los misterios, sobre todo si son sobrenaturales) y que sería mejor que abandonara esta colección. Sin embargo, por cabezonería y porque tengo los primeros seis volumenes en mi casa recién sacaditos de la biblioteca, voy a continuar leyéndolos. Sabiendo esto, lee mi reseña con precaución.

Morning Glories tiene un extraño efecto en mí. En general, los misterios que se nos presentan no me interesan especialmente pero cuando estoy a punto de abandonar la lectura algo ocurre que me hace querer seguir leyendo un poco más. En este volumen, ese algo es conocer las historias de nuestros protagonistas antes de que llegaran a Morning Glories Academy. Estas historias, además de darnos algo de contexto en todo lo que está ocurriendo y de hacernos saber que nuestros protagonistas ya eran raritos antes de entrar en la academia, nos permiten ver el lado más sangriento de alguno de ellos. Personalmente no me esperaba algunos de los secretos que descubrimos en este volumen y ha sido a la vez maravilloso y extraño enterarme de los cadáveres que guardaban en el armario, literalmente.

En cuanto al misterio de la academia, creo que la cosa está empezando a complicarse demasiado. En cierta forma me recuerda un poco a Lost, donde simplemente tienes que dejarte llevar y no cuestionar nada de lo que ocurre. Por desgracia, al igual que en Lost, no estoy del todo convencida de que los creadores sepan lo que están haciendo.