marlobo's review

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Average 2.05 stars

Snowbound, Lovebound? by Fae Sutherland & Marguerite Labbe - 2,5 stars

Deacon Decides by Eric Arvin - 3 stars

A Screw and a Stud by Sonja Spencer - 3 stars

Odds Are by Chrissy Munder - 2 stars

A Thorough Workout by Alix Bekins - 3 stars

Know When to Spread ’em by Catt Ford - 1 star

The Proposition by Rhianne Aile & Madeleine Urban - 1.5 stars

Wanna Ride? by Sonja Spencer - 1,5 stars

Power Struggle by Anais Morten - 1 star

Special Offer by Clare London - 2 stars