nellesnightstand1's review

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3 out of 4 stories I enjoyed! Scots, Scots and more Scots!
We've got a re-telling of the Princess and the Pea How A Lass Weds a Highlander by Lecia Cornwall 3.5 stars
The failed youth romance, I LOVE second chance stories! Plus it's Anna her writing style! A Match Made in Heather Anna Harrington. 4.5 stars
An arranged at birth marriage with a reluctant couple- I didn't care for this one, they both seemed a bit dull to me A Midsummer Wedding - May McGoldrick 2 stars
The stable hand turned rich man who saves her brother. Again with the second chances.. I heart these characters. Wee Cat is a strong heroine and Duncan, so clueless yet sweetThe Scot Says I Do - Sabrina York 4.5

nellesnightstand's review

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3 out of 4 stories I enjoyed! Scots, Scots and more Scots!
We've got a re-telling of the Princess and the Pea How A Lass Weds a Highlander by Lecia Cornwall 3.5 stars
The failed youth romance, I LOVE second chance stories! Plus it's Anna her writing style! A Match Made in Heather Anna Harrington. 4.5 stars
An arranged at birth marriage with a reluctant couple- I didn't care for this one, they both seemed a bit dull to me A Midsummer Wedding - May McGoldrick 2 stars
The stable hand turned rich man who saves her brother. Again with the second chances.. I heart these characters. Wee Cat is a strong heroine and Duncan, so clueless yet sweetThe Scot Says I Do - Sabrina York 4.5

andreaway's review

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Thank you to Netgalley and St Martins Press for the ARC and chance to read these short stories. Beautifully written anthology of hot Scottish men and the future brides. If you love romance with HEA then give this a go. Each story is unique and is enjoyable.

mbarron57's review

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Thank you to NetGalley and Swerve for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This book was offered to me through NetGalley and when I accepted it I didn't realize it was actually 4 stories in one. Normally, I don't read books like that because the stories are short and don't allow for a lot of plot development but since I had already downloaded it I figured I'd read it.

The stories were good. Again, there wasn't a lot of plot development because of how short the stories were but they were good. They were all set in different time periods which was interesting but could be a disappointment if you were expecting stories that built of each other. Overall, the book was a quick read. I think a book like this would be good for someone who was interested in finding new historical romance authors without committing to a whole book.

beth5677's review

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I received an e-copy of this book from the publisher through netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This book is one of my most anticipated books of this summer and thank you Swerve and St. Martin’s Press for giving me the opportunity to review this book
This book is a Historical Romance anthology featuring hot Scots. (Who could ask for more?) Prior to reading this anthology I had only read books by two of the four authors. I enjoyed all four stories.
How a Lass Wed a Highlander Lecia Cornwall
Alexander Munro is a Laird with problems. His clan is being raided by the neighboring Sutherlands, the lands are in disrepair and they have no or little money. Oh! And to top that off he has to marry by Midsummer’s Eve or doom himself and his clan. He has five weeks to choose a bride and find the Culmore Pea. Cait MacLeod is one of the many daughters of “Fearsome” MacLeod. She has traveled north to marry Baird Sutherland. Upon her arrival she discovers that Baird is nothing but a jerk and refuses the match. While trying to return to the keep to prepare to leave Cait gets loss and ends up in Munro territory and a prisoner of the Munro’s.
This is a retelling of Princess and the Pea which is probably my favorite fairy tale. I have enjoyed all the previous stories in this series and this one was no different. I hope that this series continues. I highly recommended that if you enjoy this short story you check out the previous three books.

A Match Made in Heather Anna Harrington
Arabel Rowland has just inherited her family’s ancestral home (Highburn), but she’s not the only heir named Garrick McGuiness Lord Townsend. Ten years prior the two had planned to elope, but Arabel’s family got in the way. Now these two former lovers must spend a month together at Highburn. Can they overcome the past and find love again.
For me this was my favorite story out of the four. I love second chance romances. I just wanted these two characters together. I am planning on reading more by MS Harrington in the near future.

A Midsummer Wedding May McGoldrick
Elizabeth has been betrothed since birth to Alexander MacPherson. She has waited well passed her eighteenth birthday and now no longer wishes for the marriage. And of course that is when Alexander appears to fulfill the contract. Elizabeth tries her best to deceive Alex and get out of the marriage but sometimes you can’t help falling in love.
This story is a prequel to The MacPherson series. I have not read any of the series other than this short. I don’t feel that it spoiled anything from the three previous books. I do think that if I had read the novels first I would have enjoyed this story more.

Overall I must say that this collection of short stories was a wonderful read and found several new authors to read. I look forward to read more from each of them in the future.

booksuperpower's review

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Say Yes to the Scot: A Highland Wedding Box Set by Lecia Cornwall, Anna Harrington, May McGoldrick, Sabrina York is a 2017 Swerve publication.

The right historical romance combination at just the right time!

Some of my book buddies, and review or blog followers, have probably wondered why I have been reading far fewer historical romance novels this year.

There are many reasons, and I won’t get into all of them here, but I have been on a romance novel diet, in general, for some months, but that is especially true for historical romance.

I am sorry to say, I never went through withdrawals, or developed uncontrollable cravings. Well, okay, I did a few times, but not for anything new. I have been reading older romances, here and there, but, maybe the ‘everything in moderation’ slogan applies to romance genres as well, at least for me.

However, I do have a massive pile of historical romance novels in my TBR pile, so I plucked this one out for several reasons, the main one being it was not a Regency. This collection of short stories is based around Scotland and I never seem to grow weary of Highlanders.

Also, the fact that this is an anthology also appealed to me because I wouldn't have to commit to a full length historical, meaning no rich, cholesterol laden meal. Instead, I could enjoy smaller portions, and still feel satisfied.

Every story featured in this anthology was good, but, for the sake of time, I am going to review only one of them:

A Match Made in Heather by Anna Harrington

This is the second story in the anthology and is centered around Arabel, the daughter of a laird and Garrick, who has no wealth, or title. The two fell in love, but were torn apart by family obligations and potential scandal.

Ten years later, the two are forced together again because of a most unusual will. But, Arabel is engaged to be married and Garrick is still holding hard to his resentments, determined to exact revenge for everything Arabel’s family put him through.

I’ve always been a sucker for ‘second chance at love’ stories, so this one stood out from the others included in this anthology.

There is so much emotion, heartbreak, tension and suspense packed into this short story!! I was on the edge of my seat wondering if these two wonderful people, who were so obviously meant for one another, would be able to put the past behind them and make a future together.

I found myself completely immersed in the drama, angst and romance, which is something I have really struggled to experience in historical romance for a while now.

So, thankfully, this story reminded me that complete abstinence is not necessary and that it is okay to indulge in sweets once in a while without ruining your diet.

The first book featured in the collection, ‘How a Lass Wed a Highlander’ by Lecia Cornwall is my runner up. I love ‘The Princess and the Pea’, so I enjoyed this retelling of that classic.

Overall, this is a very solid collection of short stories/ novellas. As far as I can tell, none of these stories are connected to a series, all of them are stand-alone, and there are no sneaky reissues.

I enjoyed reading one story in between my other books, which gave me a chance to enjoy the genre in small doses, which is still working out better for me, I think. But, I also see myself slowly adding more historical romances back into the mix, especially if I can find some as wonderful as these are!!

4 stars

ladywithaquill's review

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This is a rare book in that it has four novellas inside and I actually enjoyed all of them! In general, novellas are not my thing. They try to shove too much into too little of a space, and things just get too rushed. Happily, each of these short stories are enjoyable and are just the right length to leave me satisfied. Below I have written some small reviews of each:

How A Lass Wed A Highlander – Lecia Cornwall
Having read several Lecia Cornwall books already, I expected an immensely satisfying story – and that’s exactly what I got! In this novella, Alexander Munro must find a bride by Midsummer’s Eve to save his clan from a slew of bad luck and his own untimely death. Enter Cait MacLeod, one of twelve daughters of the Fearsome MacLeod, who is betrothed to Alex’s enemy but vows never to marry him after discovering he only wants her for her father’s wealth. When she tries to stop him from attacking Alex’s clanspeople, she is taken prisoner by Alex and held in a room with only a few bits of furniture and a pile of mattresses and blankets for a bed. She doesn’t let this stop her from gaining the affection of his people, however, and soon Alex finds himself drawn to the kind and generous woman. The romance was fantastic, and I loved how they were drawn to each other in spite of themselves. It was magical!

A Match Made In Heather – Anna Harrington
Oh, the angst! This was a story filled with betrayal, misunderstandings, and lost love found again. It tugs at your heartstrings and makes you believe in love again. Garrick McGuiness, born the lowly son of a blacksmith, is now Lord Townsend, and his past has finally collided with the present, allowing for sweet revenge. Ten years ago, he meant to elope with Arabel Rowland, his employer’s daughter, but fate intervened, and Arabel was forced to let Garrick go. Thinking she was throwing their love away, Garrick storms off, and they don’t see each other for many years. Now they have both acquired one-half of an estate, the ancestral home of Arabel’s family. They must live together inside the home for thirty days before even thinking of selling, and Garrick knows this is his chance to get back at the family who ruined his life so many years ago. But the truth isn’t always clear, and Garrick must soon decide if his revenge is as important as his love for Arabel. Read it – I know you will love it!

A Midsummer Wedding – May McGoldrick
This was a quick, fun novella that I blew through in a little over an hour! I enjoy stories where the hero and heroine fall in love when they least expect it, and I especially enjoy when it happens as they’re trapped alone together. Elizabeth Hay has been engaged to Alexander Macpherson since she was three years old. However, he has left her alone for twenty years, and she has gotten quite comfortable traveling with her father, a well-known architect. When a missive is sent to her asking to meet with him, she realizes she must do something drastic to make him break their betrothal. But a fake affair and an attempted kidnapping soon finds them in a predicament, which leads to them taking refuge in an abandoned cottage. Getting to know each other in a confined space appears to be the perfect recipe for love, as they get to know each other and find they might be a better match than initially believed.

The Scot Says I Do – Sabrina York
Possibly the cutest novella of the four included in this anthology, I was laughing for most of the story. The heroine was spunky and the hero was a smitten, befuddled mess. It was absolutely adorable! Catherine Ross has loved Duncan Mackay since she was twelve, when he saved her from drowning. But she was too young for him, so he valiantly held her off for years, hiding his own affection for her. When her brother recklessly gambles away everything they own, Duncan sees it as an opportunity to save Catherine and finally prove his love. All Catherine sees, however, is him taking advantage of her brother’s stupidity, and now Duncan has a fight on his hands to prove that for him, it has always been about Catherine. Duncan and Catherine have a tempestuous beginning, but in the end, they find love with each other, in the sweetest of ways.

**I received a free copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**

bookfay's review

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*I was kindly offered to review this book by St. Martin's Press*

I give it more 3.5* than 4*

Well, speaking about all set of stories,I was not disappointed, because I expected to like one stories more than the others.

HOW A LASS WED A HIGHLANDER by Lecia Cornwall - ****
I really enjoyed reading this retelling of The Princess and The Pea. It definitely reminded me of a fairy-tale for adults. I loved that the main female character was strong and independent, also she wasn't afraid to show her feelings and desires. What can I say...a great love story.

A MATCH MADE IN HEATHER by Anna Harrington - **
This story differ from the first one like day and night. It was a torture to read it, because of how problematic the relationship between the couple was. He acted abusive and forced her to do things, that she didn't want to do or had some doubts about it, and his explanation was - I always get what I want, besides she wants me just don't know it yet. She was so naive and on the verge of stupidity, she responded to his abusiveness like it was some kind of expression of love. I gave it 2 stars, because I had to keep reading it, just to see how worse can it get.

A MIDSUMMER WEDDING by May McGoldrick - *****
This story was so cute and interesting to read. It was even better that the first one. And after torture of "A Match Made in Heather" this lovely story was like a gulp of fresh water. The main thing that I loved the most was the respect, that protagonists showed to each other. There was no abusiveness and domination, just admiration and respect. Amazing.

THE SCOT SAYS I DO by Sabrina York - ***
At the beginning of this story, I thought that it will be the worst from all four of the stories. I hated the main female character with all my heart from start to the end. She was irrational, spoiled little brat, but the other characters came to the rescue and this story was saved.

dianed's review

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One of the good things that come from reading a boxed set is finding new authors. This set included 2 authors who are new to me along with 2 authors who are well known to me.
Lecia Cornwall is new to me but her story How A Lass Wed a Highlander was a delightful take on the Princess and the Pea with a bit of The Bachelor thrown in. The heroine is supposed to be a prisoner but she is so friendly and helpful that no one can resist her - including the Laird who must marry on Midsummer's Eve. How can you resist a story that includes all this and a fairy blessing.
Anna Harrington is an author that I have read before. Her story - A match Made in Heather is a tale of lost lovers brought back together is a beautiful tale. A Lady falls in love with a groom and they are separated on the eve of their elopement. Now 10 years later they are brought together but now he is a wealthy Earl and she is still unmarried and trying to help her family. The heat is still there but can he get over his need for revenge and will she finally put her feelings before the needs of her family?
The 3rd author - May McGoldrick was also new to me. In A Midsummer Wedding a Highlander has been contracted to wed a Lowland woman for decades. Now that they are of age, neither really wants to wed the other but they have never met to talk about it. The Queen of Scotland is a matchmaker at heart and puts a plan in place to bring them together and get them to fall in love before the wedding. This is not only a great story, it is a prequel to a series that I will be looking into int he future.
The final author is Sabrina York and I have read and loved many of her stories. This one is no exception. The Scot Says I Do is a delightful work of childhood attraction becoming adult love many years later. After not seeing each other since childhood the two find that they ar still as much in love as they were when they were young.
This boxed set is a wonderful collection of love and marriage and provides 4 enjoyable reads. I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.