
Harmony by Marjorie B. Kellogg

dkathunt's review

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Read this one in high school, and after I sold my copy realized it's out of print! Near future science fiction where in a domed world a lone open and artistic society exists, and the pressures to close that society to outsiders. Excellent commentary on xenophobia and the nature of art.

novella42's review

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I read this book roughly two decades ago but can still recall how riveted I was to be reading sci-fi about theatre and artists. I don't think I'd ever conceived of such a thing at the time. The author lived in NYC and was also apparently an award-winning set designer on Broadway, so she definitely knew that aspect of what she was writing about. 

I think at the time I read this book I would've given it five stars. Reading the premise again, I am unsure how well the parts about the "native magic" of the Tuamatutetuamatu characters aged. The author's website doesn't mention what, if any, her heritage might be. I'll update my review if I read my old copy again.

dkhunt's review

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Read this one in high school, and after I sold my copy realized it's out of print! Near future science fiction where in a domed world a lone open and artistic society exists, and the pressures to close that society to outsiders. Excellent commentary on xenophobia and the nature of art.