
Aimee and the Heartthrob by Ophelia London

stephaniesbookreviews's review

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**Re-read in November 2016 as part of the complete series package. I pretty much agree with everything I said the first time I read this. Super cute, though a tad cheesy at times. One thing that stuck out that I had forgotten about is that Aimee is a book reviewer and there is a part of the story where Miles wants to do something for her so he thinks about reading the books she's going to review so they can discuss them. I think that is the swooniest moment of the whole book for me :-)


3.5 stars

I'm a complete sucker for boy band books because I looooved boy bands back in the day. This book was all kinds of adorable. I liked both Aimee and Miles. The romance was a little fast, but very sweet. There was some eye-rolling drama, of course. And some of the dialogue and Aimee's internal monologues annoyed me - I think it was supposed to be "teenage slang", but it sounded silly to me. But maybe that's how kids talk these days? I don't know. I didn't like that the rest of the boy band members weren't really well-developed characters at all. But then I found out that this is a series where each book - about a different band member - is written by a different author, so I can forgive the story for not developing the other guys too much. Overall, it was very cute and I'm sure I'll re-read it any time I need a cute little pick-me-up.

katekat's review

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I loved the synopsis for this book but I did not enjoy it once I started reading. The hero and the heroine had a very young feel about them which just did not work with the story line at all.

serenaasora's review

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3.5! I wanted to like this a lot more than I actually did. The story was fun, but I didn't really like Aimee.

morganthebookishbeagle's review

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DNF at 40%. I'm so sad because I really wanted to like this. I love fluffy romances and One Direction so this should have been perfect for me. Unfortunately, I thought Aimee and Miles had zero chemistry; their interactions felt really forced too. And they sounded so young! Way younger than 16 and 17. I also couldn't get on board with the slang: hellz yeah, pix, nut-burgers, etc. The writing style isn't for me.

theherondale's review

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Bagaimana perasaanmu jika kau akan menghabiskan waktu libur musim panasmu dengan ikut dalam rombongan tour konser boyband terkenal?

Bagi Aimee Bingham hal itu bagaikan mimpi buruk. Bagaimana tidak, salah satu personil boyband tersebut, Miles Carlisle merupakan sahabat kakaknya, Nick yang sudah Aimee kenal sejak ia berumur 11 tahun dan Aimee sempat menggilai menyukai Miles sebelum mengetahui bahwa Miles hanya menganggap Aimee anak kecil yang selalu mengikutinya dan bahkan mengolok-oloknya. Sejak saat itu Aimee berusaha melupakan Miles dan menghapus blog pribadinya yang ia sengaja dedikasikan untuk Miles.


Dari blurb nya sendiri bisa dibilang cerita di buku ini bener-bener sweet and unfortunately it was too sweet for my liking :(


Mulai dari pertama Aimee dan Miles bertemu aku kira bakal ada konflik dari Aimee dan aku kira dia bakal ngejauhin Miles tapi meh dia malah santai-santai aja hang out bareng Miles. Miles sendiri juga sama aja, Nick sebelumnya udah ngingetin Miles buat jauh-jauh dari Aimee dan tiap dia hang out bareng Aimee sebenernya dia inget perkataan Nick. Bros before hoes, ringing any bells Miles?
Kedekatan hubungan mereka manis dan mulus-mulus aja -.- Konfliknya ada sih, tapi itupun di akhir, jauh di akhir pas ceritanya mau beres.

Jujur pas ngebayangin boybandnya tampil itu aku agak ill feel dan malah ngebayangin 1D -_- no offense to 1D fans out there.


Yang aku suka dari buku ini cuma covernya, eye catching bangett dan si model cewenya itu bener-bener cantik *_*

pucksandpaperbacks's review

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I NEED HALF STARS, GOODREADS!!! 3.5 Stars is my overall rating.

I was sent this book for the Backstage Pass Series Box Set from Entangled Teen via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. This does not change my opinions on the book in any way.

We follow Aimee whose summer gets turned around when her friend, Becky ends up getting mono and cancelling their fun summer plans. Instead, Aimee has to go on tour with Seconds to Juliet with her brother, Nick and the band for three weeks while her parents are on a trip for Doctors Without Borders. Aimee isn't thrilled, but deep down she's a secret superfan of the band. She ends up rekindling a friendship and relationship with Miles - a friend of her brother from their childhood- who is in the band. Miles is known as "The Heartthrob" of the band due to his past relationships. Her brother, Nick forces her to stay away from him because he is a player.

Nonetheless, Aimee and Miles go against the rules because of their love for eachother. I felt this book was SUPER cringey at times because of the things they said.. Aimee's phrase to say is "nut-burgers" Huh? Also, some of the cheesy lines that Miles would say had me cringing!!!

This was super cute, as I expected. It read like a boy band fanfiction. Miles is probably my least favorite character, though. I kinda hated how he kept having to hide his relationship with Aimee and he was sort of a hypocrite! He would always say, I can't be with you blah blah blah and then he'd sneak Aimee and make out with her. GAH.

Miles got super cute at the end, though!! I shipped them together by the Epilogue. Glad there was an epilogue b/c I really wanted to know where they were after the tour!

Aimee was a GREAT character!! She's a YouTuber!! I thought that was amazing, she and her friend, Becky run a vlog channel where they review books, movies and music. I would so watch them if they were IRL!!