
Making Promises by Amy Lane

lasiepedimore's review against another edition

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Promesse fatte è il secondo volume della serie Promises, con due protagonisti diversi, Shane e Mikhail, ma fanno la loro comparsa anche Carrick e Deacon con la loro famiglia e i loro casini.

Il romanzo mi è piaciuto: Amy Lane è una maestra del drama, nel senso che ne mette a tonnellate nei suoi libri, ma riesce a dosarlo bene in modo che non risulti mai troppo. Costruisce dei personaggi che hanno avuto e hanno vite difficili e li fa interagire tra di loro, lasciando che i sentimenti che provano siano uno sprone per fare meglio, ma non la cura di tutti i mali.

Mikhail ha un passato di tossicodipendenza e un presente di sforzi per mantenere una promessa fatta a sua madre, malata terminale; Shane, invece, è in cerca di una famiglia e della qualifica di eroe, che spesso lo mette nei guai. Vederli costruire piano, piano una relazione – Mikhail così pieno di spine e Shane così pieno di premure – rende Promesse fatte una bella lettura.

knutsoel's review

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Amy Lane writes books that I like to read only once every long while.
This book showed me again exactly why that is.

It is well written, and the story is good, but I have a very big personal dislike of something Amy Lane is very good at including (abundantly) in her stories: big heavy shit going down, which often leads to one or both of the MC's having an epiphany about their love life.

And maybe if I had read the first book of the series before this one I would have had less trouble keeping up with all the characters. I didn't because it has a MC doing/being something I truly don't want to have in a book I read.

galinette's review

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This just couldn't compare with the first book in the series.

readingpenguin's review

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4.25 Stars

terriaminute's review

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Loved it in all its sweetness and complexity, loved how it dovetails into the first book, and loved how very difficult Mikhail is. I think the solution was obvious, but to be fair, there was too much going on for any of them to be thinking clearly. So far, this is a perfect series!

lauraadriana78's review

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ETA: Re-read 04/2012: Mikhail and Shane I love them. Broke my heart a gamillion times, and I adore them desperately.

djeterg19's review

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This series is fantastic. I am loving the characters and the stories. Amy Lane hit it out of the park with the first two in this series. Can't wait to read the third installment!