
Tricking Chase by Jessie G.

anya_doesntmatter's review

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Wish I knew in advance that this could not be read as a stand alone. I found myself lost a couple of times. Characters popped out the woodwork and you can tell they have history with one another or the two MC's but you don't know what it is etc. I'm not sure if it's worth to go back and the series after reading this book though, for all I know this book may contain spoilers which would ruin my enjoyment of the previous stories.

aligroen's review

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5 out of 5 stars

This was a wonderful story and the relationship between Ty and Chase is beautiful. Ty saved Chase but has continually worried about his safety since Chase has come to live with him. Chase loves his Master and will do everything he can to take care of him and provide a good home. Chase will support Ty in anything he needs to do in order to help him find his sister that he has been trying to find for years.

We get to see both characters’ points of view in this story which allows us to understand what they are thinking and feeling. Ty’s aversion to those f words (friends and family) is entertaining and even with this gruff exterior he is able to gain the friends and family he never thought he would be able to have in his life. Chase’s devotion to Ty is wonderful and he has the most loving heart I have ever seen. I loved how their relationship is based on BDSM however they have made it their own and don’t care how others think they should act. While they were trying to solve the mystery of Ty’s sister and all the other stuff with the MC I loved that Ty and Chase’s relationship was the main focus of the story.

The cover art by Andrew Reyna is an eye catching picture of Ty with his bike, but the visual of Chase’s eyes is wonderful.

wendylynnm's review

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4.5 Stars (side note- I adore Saul and was so happy he was in this book)
Loved this book! When reading a MC (motorcycle club) book you probably automatically think drugs, sex, and outlaws, well you are not far off thinking that. Jessie has a way of writing all three listed above but with a wicked twist of absolute undeniable love and humor mixed into the story line. To me the love between Ty and Chase is what this book was about. Never was the love questionable between those two men. Danger and death is nothing new to either but fighting through all of that, they have each other and a family in the end.
What I truly loved about this book- two things- Ty's complete love and faith in his love for Chase. He will do anything to keep Chase safe. Chase's OCD (yes I loved it) because when you have these issues and read about them you realize there are people out there that actually think the way you do about certain things. My insecurities and obsession about my things and people touching my things is so close to Chase, it was kinda scary. The one and only thing that made me go "Wait, what??" was the one sex scene with a certain cream but I'm not giving away any spoilers.

dlparrott's review

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STOP: Tricking Chase is directly tied to The Protector (Book 3 in the Sizzling Miami series) and can not be called a standalone. So please go back and read that one and or the series. You won't be disappointed in doing either.

As Sergeant At Arms for Devils Pride MC, Tyler “Trick” Malone has a take no prisoners attitude. His reputation make him one of the most feared and respected members of the club. But unbeknownst to his MC, Trick has a dangerous secret. He travels out of the state twice a year to trade his cut for the whip he expertly wields at a gay dungeon. But secrets have a way coming out. Trick’s well organized life takes a turn when he saves bar back, and terrified submissive, Chase Ward in a Georgia dungeon. A year later the MC is still none the wiser that Trick’s houseboy is anything more than a grateful servant. Chase knows if the club finds out they will kill Trick, the man he’s come to rely on for everything from the food he eats to the pleasure he feels to the security he craves. You see even a well thought out plan has holes and even well kept secrets always come into the light. That's when everything starts to get blurred.

Let me start by saying that this isn't the normal MC romance that i would read. Don't get me wrong it has Alpha men and crazy crazy situations but it also brought into it my dirty little secret of submissive and dominate relationships. I was enraptured with this book from page one. It sucked me into this well written book. I loved how their relationship progressed from sub/dom. I have to say i didn't know if i would like this book, i felt like Tyler wasn't being true to himself. That the secret he kept was eating him up. I think Chase was my turning point. That i needed to know what was going to happen to him because let's be honest a gay biker, that is unheard of. I went from feeling unsure to being emotionally invested in everyone's well being. I went from oh my goodness what happens next to, Ty you better treat my Chase good he has been through alot, to what the heck did i read, to finally what a bad situation. I will be honest i did have to read a scene over again only because i was thought no way i didn't read that. There was so much love between Ty and Chase that i just want everyone to read about their love.

bfdbookblog's review

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Let me get my disclaimers out of the way first. I am not a fan of BDSM books – primarily because I just don’t understand that lifestyle, especially the need for pain. I’ll read them and have read them, but it is rare for me to love them. I also am not a fan of MC books – as I’ve found I don’t like the violence and lack of morals in the few MC books I have struggled through. I loved this book.

The MC club has taken a path down which I do not like or support. I was truly dreading what was going to happen with it knowing that I didn’t like any of the MC books I’ve previously read. What Jessie G did with these guys and this club just makes you love them even more – especially Trick. Through the way Trick handles things in the club you truly see what a great man he is.

Trick and Chase have a D/s relationship. Chase needs the pain. Yes, there is one scene in this book that demonstrates that. No, this book does not focus on that. Its focus is on the emotional aspect of their relationship and let me tell you, it’s powerful. The opening scene was…wow – I had to stop for a minute before continuing with the story after reading the prologue. While I really don’t like the Master title and the ‘servant’ mentality, what it means to these men in their relationship was beautiful to read.

My favorite thing about Chase is his absolute, bone-deep undying love and loyalty to Trick. You can’t not love Chase in every way. His vulnerability is as endearing as his strength is inspiring. And Trick…Trick is entertaining for sure – he made me giggle A LOT in this book. But he’s also very serious, mostly about Chase. I don’t want to give any spoilers but when he finally verbalizes how he feels, it almost brought me to my knees, never mind Chase. These men together are simply amazing and their love story is powerful.

The secondary characters were pretty great. We get more of Tory, Evan and Clay and I seriously can’t wait for their story. I fell a little bit in love with Tory. We get more of Snake…which at first was confusing because I did NOT like him at the beginning of this book but I knew he was a good guy in The Protector. He has potential but the jury is still out until we get his book. His ‘not’ love interest is pretty great (as is Trick’s nickname for him).

Most of our favorite characters make an appearance in this book – some more than others. I really liked getting Trick’s thoughts on Saul and Javi’s relationship. Ric was a big player in this story and if you didn’t love him before, you will now.

Note: this is not a standalone book. You really need to read the 3 Sizzling Miami books to fully get this story and all of the characters in it.

The writing was great again. I can’t wait to read more from Jessie in both this series and the Sizzling Miami series. I’m going to leave you with this quote from Trick because it made me giggle…out loud…a lot.
"So Fancy Pants, Little Juan and the Sexy Hulk would be fine."

I also want to mention that I will be hosting a group chat about this book on May 27. You can join us here:

traciesimister's review

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I gave this Book a rating of 5 ✩’s
Title: Tricking Chase
Series: Devils Pride MC Book 1
Genre: M/M MC romance
Author: Jessie G
Format: Kindle Edition
Published on: May 8, 2015

I voluntarily reviewed a Free Courtesy Advanced Reader Copy of this book
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Character’s Descriptions:
Tyler “Trick” Malone is the Sergeant At Arms for Devils Pride MC & a whip master at a Gay BDSM Dungeon
Chase Ward is a bar back at the dungeon and now his protector and dungeon owner is dead.
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What I liked/Didn’t Like: While I generally don’t read M/M Romances this one was well written and a joy to read.

cadiva's review

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Oh this was good!

I loved this one, a spin off from the Sizzling Miami series and a bit more focussed down on the criminal aspect of the earlier books.

This one spins off with Master Ty and Chase's story and it's a ridiculously hot one with a full time Dom/sub pairing, edging, pain play and a whole load of other deliciousness wrapped up in two complex characters.

There's also a lot of humour in this one, surprisingly given the subject, and it carries a clear message that family is the people we gather round us who will always be there, whether they carry the same blood or not.

There were some cool twists in this one that I hadn't been expecting and now I need to work out whether I read the next one in this or go back to the Sizzle books!

calila's review

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I don't know if it was because of the overlap with [b:The Protector|24427353|The Protector (Sizzling Miami #3)|Jessie G.||44014964] or if it's because of such a long break between it and this read, but I had an extremely hard time getting into this book and I never really did. Which really sucks because I LOVE Chase. And I like the dynamic he has with Ty. I was confused with who was who and how they know each other for quite a bit, even with having read all the other books. I struggled with the mystery part too, there was LOT happening and I just couldn't get into it enough to pay close enough attention. Happy with the ending, kind of. I don't know, I'm just in a weird mood or this was a weird read.