
Visions by Kelley Armstrong

alienor's review against another edition

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book 1 : Omens ★★★★ (4.5 stars)

"We are imprisoned by the truth we dare not see.
We are imprisoned by the questions we dare not ask."

► The story starts when [b: Omens|16101040|Omens (Cainsville, #1)|Kelley Armstrong||17110092] ends, Olivia still trying to make sense of everything that happened to her - and to her serial-killers biological parents. While [b: Omens|16101040|Omens (Cainsville, #1)|Kelley Armstrong||17110092] was meant to be read as a thriller more than anything else, in Visions the mythology introduced there starts to be unraveled and more we learn about the different fights at stake, more I found myself completely enthralled in Kelley Armstrong's story. Indeed whilst the mystery elements are still present, I can't deny that the paranormal aspects increase in importance in this second book.

Every answer leads to more questions, and the different threads we follow seem so intricate that despite the clues given to us the mystery thickens and isn't solved by any means.

Again I felt captivated from the start, the investigation pulling me in and the incredible dialogues holding my interest through and through. As I already said, I really, really love reading about these characters. This series is addictive, trust me on this.

▨ Olivia is resilient, stubborn, flawed, and still completely enjoyable. Despite the fact that I didn't agree with all her choices, I genuinely care about what will happen to her in this strange world she discovered, because frankly? Her actions ring true to me and I can always understand her : she refuses to be used as a pawn yet she's ready to play games to grab the answers she needs. Who wouldn't?

In a word, she's fierce and never, ever annoying. About how many MC can I say that? So few, guys, so few.

▨ Gabriel. GAH. I need to make a statement here : I completely fell for this manipulative little shit who is so much more than he appears. What can I say? He makes me laugh in his bossy way, I care so so much about him! His secret is... He's incredibly multi-layered : from his words to his facial expressions or instant-jerk reactions, we readers have to observe him carefully to try making sense of his character and well, okay, I'm fascinated. Also, he cracks me up. SO MUCH. And I just love the practical and unfeeling way he talks, with maybe, just maybe, feelings lurking behind (I know! Such a crazy theory!)

Once again the quality of the secondary characters strengthens grandly what could have been a weak plot : From the Cainville's inhabitants to the strange creatures people (?) Olivia meets, every character is interesting, none is wasted, and it adds so many layers to the story!

I feel the need to talk about the men gravitating around Olivia and the way relationships between them are handled. In my honest opinion we don't have a love triangle in Visions (and even less in [b: Omens|16101040|Omens (Cainsville, #1)|Kelley Armstrong||17110092]).
✔ James is a controlling asshole whose relationship with Olivia ended.
✔ Gabriel is... Well, I'll come back to their relationship after, count me on this (yes, because that's by far my favorite part of the book, duh)
✔ Ricky is the only one who can be seen as a possible love-interest at the time. Period.

But the best thing about this book is by far the way the development of Gabriel & Olivia partnership is handled : as far as characterization is concerned, we have good character development and then we have excellent dynamics growth. Let me tell you something : I rarely met characters whose relationship gradually evolves in such a splendid way that Gabriel and Olivia's. From their somewhat untrusting and forced collaboration in [b: Omens|16101040|Omens (Cainsville, #1)|Kelley Armstrong||17110092] to the partnership they develop in Visions, nothing feels forced but everything brings real vibes. Really, it's fucking fantastic how Kelley Armstrong can give us so little hope at first and slowly build foundations for a friendship. Until we starve for more. Damn, I feel like cheering because maybe, just maybe, they're friends now. I know, I'm pathetic. Move on. But I'm not gonna lie : the fierceness they show when they protect each other made my day. As Olivia rightly said, "You read actions and ignore words."

► To sum-up, Visions offers us a strong sequel to the story started in [b: Omens|16101040|Omens (Cainsville, #1)|Kelley Armstrong||17110092] and I can't see why you wouldn't love it if you enjoyed book 1. Strongly recommended.

PS. I chose to not add quotes (or barely) even though I saved plenty of them (mostly from Gabriel, of course), because I prefer let you discover them for yourself, especially when it comes to Olivia and Gabriel interactions. Trust me, it's worth it^^.

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ikepauh's review against another edition

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Damn the other reviewers were right, Visions was even better than Omens. If I thought Omens was fast paced, Visions is even more so. Tight pacing.

I've realised that Omens took place within the span of three weeks and Visions, probably another few weeks as well.

Things get even creepier as bodies and body parts show up unannounced and Olivia receives visions (?), scenes which have me creeped out really. Especially the last vision which had Olivia in a fever by the end of it. More fae drama happens with the inclusion of devices such as changelings, being switched at birth, the preservation of blood, misguided action resulting in probably untold horror on a number of innocent children.

There were more intimate scenes in Visions which I did not mind for Ricky is an agreeable character. Romance is entering the plot which used to be more mystery. Thar worry aside...I wonder if he will end being used as a pawn as well or even worse, killed in future books? We get more Gabriel POV, we learn more about his thought processes...why he does what he does and vice versa. Sad.

The seeds of discontent towards the elders have been sown. Will the elders retaliate against the young ones? How will the hounds come into play? Perhaps Olivia will side with them? But we are still not sure of the hounds own intentions. Who the heck is Tristan allied to? Gah, on to the next book. OMG, I almost forgot... Olivia ha yet to meet Todd Larsen, her bio dad. Can't wait for that reunion in Deceptions (I hope so).

annelives's review against another edition

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The series has a slow build, but each book successfully builds on the previous one, unfolding an intricate plot.

sonni89's review against another edition

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(This book series may potentially be heading towards a canon OT3/triad. I AM SO FUCKING HERE FOR THAT.)

jschwe's review against another edition

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A lot more action in this book than we got in the first! Some good plot progress as well. Still enjoying the series, though I have to say Olivia can be a frustratingly unreliable narrator, especially where Gabriel is concerned.

daredeviling's review against another edition

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9/9/2017: I guess I've started shipping Gabriel and Olivia more now, since I love Ricky, but at this point I want Gabriel and Olivia to be together. Or maybe that's just because I know what happens later on in the series. But anyway, I'm so here for Gabriel being protective while pretending not to care. Favorite trope ever. <3

8/1/2016: The sequel definitely lived up to the first book! We find out more about the town and all the events surrounding Olivia and delve more deeply into the worldbuilding and the mythology, although there are still some things that are a little unclear. I couldn't put this book down and I immediately jumped into the next one after I finished this one. Also, I'm shipping Ricky/Olivia so hard and even though I see Gabriel and Olivia more as friends, I wouldn't mind an OT3 situation either!

I also have a lot of feelings about Gabriel being all "I DON'T NEED ANYONE AND EVERYONE CAN FUCK OFF" and then when Olivia is hurt or threatened, he's just all "GRRRR I WILL KILL YOU." I love those kinds of relationships a lot. c:

ndbeyer's review against another edition

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Waiting for our library to purchase the next e-book in this series. Can't wait for more twists and turns

merny88's review against another edition

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2022 Review: Nope, don't know what I was thinking with the 2017 review, Ricky sucks and I ugh every time his name appears. Also Pamela. I hate her.

2017: Thoughts on my second read: He may be emotionally stunted and sometimes infuriating, but I ADORE Gabriel. And, Ricky, though I want him to go away and never be seen or heard from ever again - he's actually kind of a great guy.

wildflowerz76's review against another edition

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It's been a while since I read Omens, but I was happy to read more. I really liked the first one a lot. So, I can't help but be dismayed that this one left me a little...bored? Maybe? I don't know, it felt like it took forever to read this one. The supernatural elements were SO MUCH MORE in this one. I also couldn't help but feel weird about the whole Ricky thing. I mean, I'm not against the graphic in books, but it felt so out of character for everything else I've read by Armstrong (which I think is most of her other stuff). I don't know, I just get annoyed with those books where the MC is irresistible to EVERY male she comes in contact with. (Or female, whatever, but in this case it's all hetero.) I mean, she's described as being kind of average, but no one will leave her alone. Eh.

omcbookclub's review against another edition

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Loved it!