
Return to Exile by Lynne Gentry

rgyger's review against another edition

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The description of Return to Exile found on Goodreads gives away a far bit more information than does the description on the back of the book and on Amazon. So when reading the book, I spent the first fourth of the book wondering what the point of that portion of the story was. Then something happened which shattered by heart in a million pieces, jumped on those pieces, and laughed.

Return to Exile captured my emotions better than any book I have read in a number of years, which is why I struggled with rating this book. As a sequel, I had really enjoyed the first book and found Gentry's depiction of events as heart-wrenching in this one. Yet there were a number of things which I had issue with.

For the first, quiet a few problems came about because someone failed to share information which they should have. It seemed horrible foolish for Lisbeth to not tell Cyprian of Felicissimus the moment she heard he still around. I also could not get past Ruth's extreme optimism that her, Lisbeth, and Cyprian would work out their situation, which is a really big issue that there was no way anyone was walking away from happy.

Still, there was an emotional depth and conflict which is often absent from books. Any novel that can make me mope about for a few days over the characters deserves credit.

I received this book through Litfuse in exchange for an honest review.

wellingtonestatelibrary's review against another edition

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It felt like it took me forever to read this. It was very easy to put down, and very hard to make myself pick it up again. I made myself finish it so that I could move on to another book quickly. For most of the book I just couldn't put my finger on why I didn't like it. I think I gave the first book 3 stars, and that was a bit grudgingly. I liked it, but wasn't particularly moved by it. I should have been. Time travel, medicine and historical fiction are some of my favourite genres. The setting was beautiful and described fairly well. The characters were ones that I wanted to love but didn't. I finally decided that I just couldn't relate to any of the characters. They didn't seem real enough. Their emotions felt muted and their relationships were awkward. There just were no extremes of emotions that one would expect with the big, big issues the characters were facing, and no true resolution. Cyprianus got off pretty easy from the mess he made, and he came across as a cold, weak man with no backbone and no ability to make difficult decisions.A big thing that I didn't like was that several characters had huge guilt complexes for feelings that they should not have felt guilty about, which is all I can say without giving away a big part of the story. Lastly, for this being a time travel book, I was surprised by the fact that none of the citizens of Carthage seemed bothered or curious about a woman or a little girl showing up, speaking strangely, and carrying strange tools or wearing strange clothing. There were very few questions asked, even by Cyprianus who (you would think) would be at least a little curious about what goes on in the future. I don't think I'll read the third book. I feel like it will be more of the same randomness.

sarabc's review against another edition

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I liked and didn't like the characters.Cyprian because he terribly failed at the two wives thing. He blatantly ignored Lisbeth most of the time, when by all laws she was his true wife. Ruth was Cyprian's second wife and Lisbeth's closest friend, the fact he was barely home from exile and she married him right a way was a sucky move, but was also a major plot device. The other characters I mostly like some I wish I knew more about, but I'd probably learn quite a bit from reading the first book.

I really loved the time travel aspect of this story. How it is all tied to one point, one cave, one source of water. Also how time passes differently, what was a year and a half in third century Carthage, was almost 6 years in the 21st century. It allowed for Maggie to be born and to be old enough to have a personality, mind and fears of her own. It was slightly weird however when it came to Cyprian meeting his daughter, he could have been a little more shocked at the fact that she was 5 rather than slightly over a year as she would have been if born and raised in Carthage.

All in all I liked this book and the series shows some definite promise. This is the second novel in The Carthage Chronicles however you get enough back story as to not be confused.

cctblog's review against another edition

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After I read the last page of Healer of Carthage, I couldn't wait to tear into Return to Exile. And once I finally did, it did not disappoint.

Though six years have passed since Lisbeth returned to the 21st Century, only a year or so has passed in the 3rd century. Lisbeth plans to reunite with Cyprian and save him from the fate she has read about in the history books, but when she returns to Carthage, nothing goes as she planned. I don't want to be more specific than that because this is a plot twist best discovered on your own!

One thing I really loved about this book is that Lisbeth was able to spend more time with her family, and the scenes with Lisbeth's daughter Maggie and brother Laurentius were precious. It was also nice to see Lisbeth's mother "free" and working with Lisbeth to fight the measles and typhoid epidemics.

While I did think that part of the conflict separating Lisbeth and Cyprian resolved too conveniently (thought it was heartbreaking), and I wanted to force the truth about the slimy slave trader out of Lisbeth's mouth, I greatly enjoyed Return to Exile. This novel ends with an even bigger cliffhanger than the last, and I wish I didn't have to wait to read Valley of Decision! 4-1/2 stars.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Litfuse Publicity Group. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

shelfesteem's review against another edition

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This past weekend I sat in my comfy chair and allowed Lynne Gentry to take me on a journey back in time. Return to Exile, the second book in her Chronicles of Carthage series, packs loads of drama with a sprinkling of adventure.

Gentry thoroughly conveys the plight of the church in Carthage, a sign of great research. She then infuses modern medicine into the plague riddled city in such a way that I was reminded of a time that I worked alongside Army corpsman. Just as the corpsman showed incredible skill in field medicine and improvisation, Lisbeth and her mother also had to pool their knowledge in order to treat their burgeoning patient load. I was intrigued by the church’s willingness to serve their persecutors thereby demonstrating the love of Christ to their enemies.

When Lisbeth returns to Carthage there is a surprising plot twist. It was so profound that it created in me a lasting distaste for Cyprian, Lisbeth’s husband. It wasn’t how he handled the situation but rather his inaction and lack of sympathy for those involved that put me at odds with his character. Later, I was disappointed that this man was nominating himself into church leadership while he had unresolved personal issues. Pride and ambition were definitely his weaknesses.

Initially I felt that the story was muddled by the author’s attempt to reestablish ground work which was laid in book one. However, once Dr. Hastings steps back in time, the storyline comes into focus and the tempo picks up. For me, the last quarter of the book whizzed by.

By the end both Cyprian and Lisbeth’s demonstrated a great deal of character growth. Even though they sought to control their own fates; God gradually shows them who is control... Him.

I received this book free from the publisher through the NetGalley review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

booksoneveryshelf's review against another edition

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Another 5 star book from Lynne Gentry!
Return to Exile is the second book in Lynne Gentry’s The Carthage Chronicles. It continues the story of Lisbeth Hastings and Cyprian Thascius, six years after the first book left off. I loved the first book and had very high expectations for this one. I can happily say that it met them all!
I was quickly drawn into the story and couldn’t put it down! As I have come to expect, Lynne did an excellent job with the historical and medical details, as well as the descriptions. She brings Carthage and third century Rome to life so vividly that I had trouble pulling myself away from it. I could picture it so clearly and often felt as though I was actually there. One of the things I love/hate most about this book and Lynne’s writing is the realism. If you’re looking for a feel good, happily ever after story, then I don’t recommend this book. It will challenge you, change the way you view things, and leave you thinking about it for days. It may also leave you wanting to pitch it against a wall after you read the last page. That’s pretty much a given with her books. She is one of the few authors that can evoke such an emotional reaction from me.
I loved seeing how much Lisbeth and Cyprian have changed and grown since the last book. The changes weren’t always positive, but that’s true in life too, and I enjoyed following them through the pages of another book. Lisbeth Hastings has spent the last six years trying to move on with her life, while also feeling chained to something she can’t explain and doesn’t understand. She is still stubborn and very strong willed, maybe even more so now that she has a child to care for. She is also a bit impulsive, though she tends over thinks things after the fact. She definitely isn’t the stereotypical heroine and would not be mistaken for sweet or overly gentle, except with her daughter. She has built walls to protect herself from hurt and they have caused her to be a bit harsh in her view of the world and sometimes of others.
Cyprian Thascius has returned from exile to find he isn’t the man he was before. His heart has hardened and his faith is on shaky ground. He is still strong and stubborn, which he needs to keep up with Lisbeth. The changes in him are more obvious than in Lisbeth. He used to be kind and gentle, but is now more apathetic than anything. When pushed to reach out to the Church he once loved, he questions if he’s the right man for the job. Counted a coward by many, he feels he has something to prove to Carthage, but more importantly, to himself.
Their story started out a little slowly, as we catch up on the time between books, but it quickly picked up speed and kept me captivated until the end. I was a little surprised with how much I still hated Aspasius; I couldn’t even begin to feel sorry for him. But as the story proceeds, I found myself growing and learning along with Lisbeth and Cyprian, as they learn what it means to love their enemies and live as Jesus did.
If you’re expecting a romance when you pick up this book, you may be a bit disappointed. While there is a touch of romantic tension here and there, it isn’t a central part of the story. There are so many other things going on that I believe it would have detracted from the story had Lynne incorporated more. Lisbeth and Cyprian find themselves remembering their past love for each other, but having not seen one another in years, and believing their love lost through time, they spend a decent amount of the book trying to rebuild the relationship they thought lost.
I found myself very challenged with the spiritual side of the story. I’ve always heard that the Bible is a living book, always relevant throughout the years and that fact is clearly shown in this story. I was able to empathize with both Cyprian and Lisbeth’s struggles. Cyprian has lost his faith, his heart has hardened, and he can’t hear God. He tells Ruth at one point that he can hear nothing but the wind. In the meantime, Lisbeth has found faith, but still struggles with control and trying to make everything right. There is a quote that caught my attention, “All this time, she’d believed the reason for her travels into this harsh world a simple one: she was meant to rewrite history. But now she knew she’d been dropped into the middle of these struggles so the past could rewrite her.” - Lisbeth Hastings, page 343 There are many other quote-worthy moments, but that one snagged my attention and would not let go. It shows so clearly the change that occurs for Lisbeth and illustrates one of the main themes - even though we may not know God’s will or understand why, He always has a perfect plan.
I do caution anyone who is sensitive to violence or medical descriptions, this may not be the book for you. While I loved how the Lynne’s writing drew me in, this book is set in third century Rome during a plague and religious persecution. There are mentions of executions, though not in detail, and detailed medical procedures.
I very much enjoyed the many twists and turns throughout the book that left me stunned and trying to guess what might happen next. Lynne does a great job of building the suspense and giving the reader just enough information to have a general idea what would come next, without actually giving anything away. I also loved how each character had a very unique voice and stood apart from the rest when it changed to their point of view. I quickly knew who was speaking, before it said their name. I was sorry to say goodbye to the characters, though I know I will see many of them again in the next book. They become like family and I don’t want the books to end.
I highly recommend this book if you’re looking for a suspenseful story that will challenge you and leave you begging the author for the next one.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for my honest review, which I have given. I was not required to write a positive review and have not been compensated for it in any way. All opinions expressed are my own.
*Quotation used with permission from the author. All rights reserved.