
Gravity by Marina Simcoe

kit10zero4's review against another edition

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I enjoy Marina Simcoe books because they offer scenarios to make me question how I would react as the heroine. Her books are great for helping you think outside the box. Gravity is no different.
Our heroine finds herself stranded inside an anomaly along with a ton of sex starved males. They just want to use her for pleasure until the abuse leaves nothing left to play with. It's a grim future. The captain saves her life by make an unsavory deal with the males on her behalf. This earns him zero brownie points with his future lady love.
The human spirit is strong and I can't fault her for fighting for her own idea of survival. Of course she wants to escape and go home. Just because no one has done it before doesn't mean it can't be done, right? I doubt I would have believed the captain either when he said there was no possible way to escape the anomaly.
I had to cut her some slack. I was irritated at times because I wanted her to see the captain how I did sooner than she was ready. As the reader I was privy to information showing how awesome the captain was. She didn't have the luxury. Once I came to terms with it, I enjoyed watching them grow closer naturally.
Gravity is another winner for Marina Simcoe.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

emmelnie's review against another edition

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Gravity is an interesting twist on a typical romance. The setting is a place called the Dark Anomaly, and the “dark” in this story comes from the grimness of this setting. It’s populated with the flotsam and jetsam of the universe, dragged there by the Anomaly’s random gravitational pulses. And once there, there’s no escape, and the people who survive that initial pull into the Anomaly have to find ways to endure as the vessels they came on are slowly, inevitably crushed into the pulsing core of the Anomaly.

Phew. That’s a lot to deal with, and the stark nature of this reality, coupled with the fact that the creatures pulled there are almost all the scum of the universe, makes this book a harsh read. Even the compelling love story between Vrateus and Svetlana is bittersweet, in the sense that they must live in this brutal environment. Vrateus, the leader of this makeshift colony who’s been the first to enforce any sort of order there in recent memory, is absolutely challenged by the arrival of Svetlana, the first female to be pulled into the Anomaly in many years. Her very presence is a total risk, and I appreciated that Simcoe wouldn’t let Svetlana’s experience be sunshine and roses and supposed threats that never actually materialize. Svetlana is in danger in so many ways, not only from her fellow ruthless “colonists” but from her own naïveté. Vrateus is also naïve in many ways, and their relationship grows slowly until they come to find the special value that it brings to them and to their home.

Gravity’s a very different book from most romance reads, and from most SFF romance in general. Simcoe is writing several more books in this strange and haunting setting. Some of the secondary characters of Gravity are fascinating, and as the stories continue, I wonder what Simcoe will do to expand this brutal colony throughout the course of the series.

beckiebookworm1974's review against another edition

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This is the first book in a new series.
It’s a sci-fi romance and each book follows the same story- arc but features a different couple at there centre so can be read as standalone.
Svetlana a research scientist of an unknown dark anomaly is pulled into the dark space she is studying and then subsequently wrecks her ship upon crash landing there.

She is taken as salvage by the varied brutish aliens inhabiting this dark space and the only thing standing between her and them is their alien captain Vrateus who has attained and has kept his current position by sheer strength of will and his fearsome and brutal might.
He manages to suggest a compromise one that she is definitely not on board with but will have to do anyway if she wants to survive in her scary new reality.

Vrateus try’s to the best of his ability to keep Svetlana alive and in one piece and as she gradually acclimatises she realises just what a precarious position she is currently in and that her only shield and protection here is Vrateus.
This was imaginative and well written and easily managed to keep my attention.

So this definitely kept me on my last nerve throughout and I did find myself experiencing a deep well of inner dread at what could potentially happen in this hotspot of violence and testosterone.

The inhabitants of the dark anomaly are made up primarily of criminals pirates and the dregs of deep space.
Vrateus though was different he was such a conundrum of extremes willing to make the hard decisions to keep order and ruling with an iron and precise control but always looking over his shoulder for the inevitable betrayal.

At the same time, he was almost childlike with wonder when it came to all his new experiences with Svetlana.
He’s a strange mix of innocence and corruption if that makes sense and he was absolutely adorable in all his new discoveries and his curiosity into all that made her who she was.

Considering where he’s grown up surviving it’s actually amazing he’s managed to retain such humanity or whatever the word is for aliens as that’s actually what he is.
Complete with fur tail claws and fangs Vrateus is certainly different but in all else they are compatible.

Vrateus isn’t quite as alpha as I usually like my aliens or men even but I still liked him a lot.
It’s hard to explain but he holds his control in most things but I felt that in the relationship side of things he lets Svetlana take the lead as she has had much more experience and he’s had like none.

He’s also eventually willing to let her assist him in her own protection rather than just blindly standing in front of her if that makes sense.
So yeh more of a beta personality with Svetlana instead of an alpha together there a team.
He’s still top of the food chain outside this but it’s a position he holds out of necessity rather than a great desire to rule as there captain.

Svetlana herself is capable resilient and bar some early resistance to seeing the reasoning behind certain decisions very pragmatic and reasonable.
She’s not prone to hysterics thank god and she knows when it’s wise to listen but also when to act I liked her a lot.

This in itself was ultimately quite slow- burn in nature with a build-up throughout to the main event.
It did work this way and though there’s not great resistance or angst between both the mains this wasn’t instalove either maybe somewhere in-between.
I also wouldn’t necessarily label this dark.
It does deal with some dark themes but the relationship developing at its centre is actually really sweet.
It’s the situation and actions of others that add the danger aspect to this.

I also really liked the finish and set up for the next book which I will definitely be reading.
I voluntarily reviewed a copy of Gravity


Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm

fsmeurinne's review against another edition

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Great refreshing world-building, I like the dark elements within the story, I love PNR romance and this one has it all action, great story, good paced, with steamy scenes and a brilliant anti-hero. Svetlana and Captain Vrateus's story is quite a good ride, I totally recommend it and will be reading the next one for sure, would love to see this series on audiobook someday I think they would do an amazing audiobook.

koops333's review against another edition

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hmm...yeah, no.
The whole non-con aspect wasn't really doing it for me. At all.


Especially because
Spoilerat the end the H didn't seem to learn that what he did was wrong-- by saying the new woman would now be part of the forced orgy/masturbation scenario he just proved that he only stopped doing it with the main h bc he wanted her for himself- not that it was morally and fundamentally fucked up.

Don't know why I even finished this one TBH.

jaypeg's review

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Awww the romantic story of marooned space scientist Svetlana and wolf pirate Vrateus. Poor ol Svetlana gets herself sucked into the space anomaly from which there is no escape. Sparsely populated with monster pirates who want to either eat you or stick their dick in you... or both. At the same time.


At first I thought this might be too dark for me. They really are a bunch of uncivilised monsters from your worst nightmares. Svetlana doesn’t stand a chance. You really wish she’d died on impact. She’s so naive. All murder and rape has been eradicated in her society so she is pretty dense when faced with these baser versions of species from the past.

The basic premise of the story is that in order to avoid all the monsters fighting over her, she has to get sexed up in public once a week in the mess hall whilst all the aliens jerk off.

Ah the romance.

Quite frankly, I was worried about logistics. I mean who is going to clean up all that purple alien spunk before the next mealtime?

Bizarrely it all turns out to be quite romantic. I won’t spoil it for you, but as long as you can handle the initial wankfest, it’s actually a great story with lots of potential. Interesting characters, proper aliens with tentacles and ugly bits and a bit of physics thrown in.

I am already on to book two! I think there’s a little bit more public group wanking but hey, as long as it’s cleaned up afterwards then it’s fine by me.