
Chasing Dust Clouds by Lilliana Rose

beastreader's review against another edition

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I was taken back a little by the use of the "f" word. It was not just used once or twice but many times throughout the book. So, if you are offended by the "f" word you might not want to read this book. Otherwise, this was a sweet read.

Yet, I could not stand Dusty in the beginning. I would say for more than half of the story, she was a royal bitch. I understand her being very upset with Blaise for running over one of her ewes but it was an accident. In fact, Blaise felt so bad that he tried his hardest to make it up to Dusty. However, all she could do was pick on Blaise and be rude to him. So when they finally hooked up, I had my reservations about Dusty. Slowly, she did open up and became friendlier to the point that I did not hate her by the end of the story. It was easy to see how Blaise was won over by the county life. It has its charm. I would try another book by this author

bookwormbunny's review against another edition

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Chasing Dust Clouds by Lilliana Rose is a romance story about two characters: Dusty, a young woman working the farm with her mother trying to make ends meet and avoid a sticky situation with an old flame and Blaise, an accountant who comes out to the town to do the accounting for several of the other farmers in the area and to prove that he is worthy of being considered to be a junior partner in the business. When Blaise and Dusty first meet things do not go well for either one of them. Blaise, in his ineptness, hits one of Dusty’s ewes and she is forced to put the poor animal down to put her out of her misery. Dusty of course rips him a new one for what he has cost her and how he has created even more problems for her by scaring the sheep and causing them to scatter. It’s really not a good time overall because the timing couldn’t be worse. So she’s forced to make a call for help to a man that she’d rather not have to call, her ex-boyfriend…Aaron. Aaron wants more with Dusty but her gut tells her that something dark lurks inside him and that it’d be best for her to avoid any further entanglement beyond asking him for help. Sparks are flying between Blaise and Dusty for sure. Dusty is attracted but she doesn’t want to admit it because he’s just a city boy and she expects him to leave sooner than later. Well, things begin to heat up in town and in small towns…the rumor mill will churn and churn quickly.
In this story we are introduced to a strong female character in Dusty. She doesn’t like having to ask for help and she knows how to stand and handle her own. She trusts her gut instincts with Aaron though it does get her into trouble more than once when it comes to him because this man does not take “no” for an answer. But Dusty is also stubborn. Her father passed away three years prior and she misses him dearly but she pushes herself hard in an attempt to try and handle it all so that she can keep the farm going and make her father proud of her. When Blaise comes around that is when things begin to change for both of them. Blaise is the typical city boy accountant and he desperately wants that promotion but he makes a lot of stumbles along the way of doing his job the minute he hits town but you can tell that he’s a really quality guy.
Overall I really enjoyed this story because the storyline itself is really well done and well written. There aren’t any hiccups or places of where you’re reading along and you can tell that the author struggled to keep the storyline flowing. The characters come across very life like in most aspects as they make missteps and mistakes that create misunderstandings and confusion.
My only real issue with this story is the errors throughout. They are minor spelling errors and grammatical errors but they stand out and catch your eye when you are reading because a couple make you actually stop, pause and reread the sentence to make sure that you understand what the author is trying to get across. I know that this story is written from a different dialect/language usage (Australian) but the errors are common ones that if the story was looked over would be noticed and then could be properly corrected.
All in all I really enjoyed this book. So for that reason I am giving it 4 out of 5 stars. I can’t give it a full 5 star rating due to the poor editing done but I really enjoyed reading this book. Plus, I loved how the author managed more than once to work the title of the book into the story itself which is something I tend to look for in any story that I read…is for the title to tie in and that is exactly what this author has done. So if you are looking for a good romance novel with a happy ending but some bumps along the way then this is a book to definitely pick up and enjoy at your leisure.

hollaback77's review

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Sent to the country to visit rural clients accountant Blaise Johns doesn’t know what to do when he meets a mob of sheep on the road. He accidently runs over one of Dusty Miller’s ewes and his cool crisp competitive demeanour is dented as he tries to figure out how to make amends with a woman who is intent on busting his balls. Then there’s the competition, Aaron, who isn’t going to be pushed aside. As the out-of-towner will Blaise step up to country life for Dusty? Dusty is furious at Blaise, but the man won’t go away and leave her to run her farm. A sassy self-sufficient young woman, Dusty struggles to let Blaise who is clueless about the life she lives, in to her heart. When two worlds, country and city come together, an explosion of differences rocks the foundation of two peoples lives, forcing them to face the future in unplanned ways, and to give each other another chance.

I loved this book!!! I love Lilliana Rose anyway so it wasn't a chore to read this. I laughed out loud so many times during this book that I had my family looking at me kind of funny. I also had to buy the book for my mother because she insisted that I do that after hearing me from the living room. If a book can take me away from a hockey game then you know you've hit the puck out of the net. This was one of those books.

First of all, it didn't have the instalove, sex so much it makes you flip the pages at a clip faster than a car on a highway and foul language. It built up to a relationship which made me enjoy this all the more. I like romances that have a slow build and then go from there. Would I read a second book? Heck yes. It took maybe 5 hours to finish this book but I was also doing things in between and I'm a speedreader. Others, it might take a lot longer. The descriptions in the book were like you were right there and I loved that.

I received this book for free from ReadforReview in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.