
Ключи Локков. Том 6. Альфа и Омега by Joe Hill

chunksaurous's review against another edition

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I feel like there are so many more stories this world could tell. I hope they do.I thoroughly enjoyed this series.

Having read horns and locke & key in the last 6 months (before I even registered they were the same writer) I'm looking forward to reading the entirety of Joe Hill's works.

sruthis_bookland's review against another edition

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adventurous dark emotional inspiring tense fast-paced


blitheringidiolect's review against another edition

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I mean, you could sell the dress and go to the Art Institute anyway but no, no... the only true act of rebellion is to burn it. I see. Yes. It's fine... it's fine...


elizabeth_paige's review against another edition

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Holy moley!!! I was so scared to read the final volume and I had every right to be. It was terrifying and emotionally intense. I was biting my nails and crying all the way through. Oh jeez this series was so good. It is legitimately amazing. Deep and developed characters. It was hard to turn to the next page because who knew what fresh horrors awaited them. Ahh it was utterly amazing.

dknippling's review against another edition

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Wrapped up in a satisfying conclusion.

As a whole, there were rushed bits that I didn't care for, but on the whole - great work. I have to give this one a four because the ending was solid but unsurprising, and had a couple of elements that weakened it from a true five. But I still say go for it.

edith_la_lectrice's review against another edition

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Excellente série!

mediaevalmuse's review against another edition

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Same disclaimer as before - this review will cover things unique to this volume, not necessarily things that are constant across all trades. Let me say this - holy hell, was this conclusion dark. I don’t know what I suspected, but there wasn’t much of a happy ending. There were things about it I liked and didn’t like, but in the end, it was a pretty great series overall.

Things I Liked

1. Compassion: This volume is full of heart-to-heart talks, most of which are great and builds relationships between the characters. I particularly liked the exchange between Tyler and Jordan, as well as between Tyler and Luke. There is so much compassion between the characters for one another. There’s nothing like imminent doom to bring out the best in people, I guess.

2. Duncan: What a great character. And he was simply a badass in this volume.

3. Character Use: It really struck me that no character in this book (and I guess the series as a whole) is a throwaway. Every character is used to some degree. Kinsey’s friends, for example, have developed lives and personalities and have a role in the end of the comic, and even the birds from a couple books ago play a role in the ending.

Things I Didn’t Like

1. Unanswered Questions: Wait... how do you make a key do what you want it to do? How exactly did Bode get his body back?

2. Monologuing Villain: Dodge takes a few pages to explain his master plan before his ultimate defeat. I wish we didn’t have all of this dumped on us at the end. Instead, I would have preferred to see hints at this throughout the run of the comic.

3. Language: So, this is more a point about the entire comic, but it is especially prevalent in this volume because we have a powered-up master villain making threats at the end. Words like “retard” and “bitch” are thrown around quite a bit, as well as threats of rape and violence. In my opinion, this language is unnecessary and perpetuates ideas that this language is okay or edgy. It’s not, really.

Recommendations: I would recommend this book if you’re interested in demons, possession, portals, boss fights/villain showdowns, friendship/family bonding, and dark plots with bittersweet endings.

painterz's review against another edition

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Damn, what an ending.

Rather too sad though. But very very good.

tblakebraddy's review against another edition

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Simply put, one of the best ends to one of the best comics series I've ever read.

crowinator's review against another edition

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Thank God I spent the last day and a half re-reading volumes 1-5, because I had forgotten a LOT story-wise. This was a dark and dramatic series conclusion, and though there was one element of the ending that felt too neat, too convenient, this was everything I could have hoped for a finale. Having said that, the idea of the keys is just so good...I'd like to see some new stories about them. And maybe a TV show, too. (c: