
Ex-Rated Gigolo by Kimberly Knight

trudyd's review

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When I first heard that the author was doing a cross over book with the Cocky Hero Club, I didn't know how she was going to be able to pull it off. She pulled it off brilliantly, that is how she did it.

Eyes searching out in the halls of high school came to nothing. He was part of the in crowd. She was not. Graduation came and went and all was lost.

Mila is trying to find her way but struggles, still living at home. A stuck cat, at least according to her elderly neighbor, has her getting stuck, not the cat. She is rescued by the guy she passed in the hall.

When Galen sets his eyes on Mila his day is made. He won't let this chance meeting go to waste. High school is in the past. Will Mila be his present? Will she be his future?

Studying in Paris takes Mila from Galen. The distance is to far. The timing is wrong. Her job soon takes her to Miami. His second job takes him to Saddles & Racks in their home town of Las Vegas.

Second Chances are a great genre because they give us hope. The author gives us hope by weaving a wonderful tale for Galen and Mila. A chance meeting can make or break them. Will they take a chance on love? Has all been lost?

onlyadream223's review

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Ex-Rated Gigolo: A Hero Club Novel by Kimberly Knight is a crossover series of Ms. Knights Saddles and Racks series. This is the first book I've read by the author and didn't feel like I needed any backstory in order to understand. It truly reads like a stand-alone novel.
My overall rating would be a 3.4. It was a cute story with an interesting premise, but I was struggling to keep my interest on the characters. In the beginning it felt really young, like much younger than the 21 years of age the characters claimed to have.
I have no doubt that many would love and enjoy this series, however, it didn't do it for me. I was expecting a little more of the Cocky Hero World and less Saddles and Racks. There was very little to no reference to anything of the Cocky Hero World and I find myself a bit disappointed at that.

jwolfe426's review

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WOW! Definitely read the other Saddles and Racks book before this one. It isn’t necessary, but there are definite spoilers if you don’t.
Literally, once I picked up this book, I couldn’t put it down. I read it in just a couple of hours and absolutely LOVED it!

I love all of the Saddles and Racks guys, but for whatever reason I love Galen’s story the most. I love that when we meet him, he wasn’t in Saddles and Racks, but forms these friendships and bonds with these guys. The Saddles and Racks guys have an amazing friendship and I love that we get an inside glimpse of it.
Mila and Galen first meet in high school, but their romance doesn’t come to fruition until several years after high school. But when they meet up again, sparks fly instantly. As Mila continues her cosmetology education and then pursues her dream career, will her relationship with Galen last, or fizzle out?

I definitely don’t want to give away anything, so pick up Ex-Rated Gigolo today. You definitely won’t regret it!!

sandizzlereads's review

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Well my OCD is going to get the better of me, this is a stand-alone story with connection to Kimberly Knights Saddles and Racks series that I am now adding to my TBR, because I need to read The Fallen’s stories.

That’s what the Cocky Hero Club does, it introduces you to authors you would have otherwise not known about, and I’m so glad that I read her contribution to the Club because now I want more!

This is a story about Galen and Mila and their not so smooth journey in romance. As with most romances there are miscommunications that get in the way of their love story, but love always finds a way.

This story has everything you need for a good romance and we get to spend some time with our favorite Beatles singing pilot. Kimberly Knight did a great job with this one, I can’t wait to read more of her books!

vera_allbookedup's review

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Who knew a cat would get two 21-year-olds who crushed on each other through high school together? Mika and Galen were definitely new adults navigating life after high school. Although they were 3 years post high school, their were too immature to embark a serious relationship with one another. Being apart for 6 months took its toll on their non-relationship which was no surprise. Going their separate ways was what they needed to find a happily ever after. This is my first book by the author and it was amazing! I’ll need to check out the Saddles and Racks series to read about the characters who had cameo appearances in this book.

I received an advance copy of this book at my request and voluntarily left this review.

elylibrarysec's review

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Mila doesn’t seem to have luck on her side. Galen has game when it comes to impressing someone. Now this sounds like that maybe the stars are getting ready to align but you don’t want to make any assumptions.

When you see the title you may go into the book with certain expectations. Leave that behind because you don’t want to be disappointed when the author’s vision doesn’t match what your mind has conceived before ever reading the story. Plus this way you’ll be surprised by what you find.

The author does have some gaps in her story but it wasn’t as if I felt anything was missing, she does that to move her story along. On the flip side, there came a point where I felt that things slowed down a little. However, that didn’t stop me from reading the complete story. At one point it got to be where I thought it was going to be steamy but then it felt as if someone shut the valve off. But I've learned to be patient to let the author be the conductor and if there’s more steam to come I just have to wait for her to add in her magic to fuel the flames. And my patience paid off. It also made me curious as to what her Saddles & Racks series is all about.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.