
Debt Collector by Susan Kaye Quinn

lolasreviews's review

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This series is off to a great start with these first 3 episodes. Susan Kaye Quinn makes a dark and gritty world in this book. The series is published in episodes, which is something new for me and I think it works really well. Every episode is short enough for a short read and leaves you wanting the next episode. Or if you don't like waiting for the new episodes to come out you can buy the box sets.

The stories are short, but the pacing is great. I love the story and I just want to keep reading to find out more, the wait between the episodes is hard sometimes because I just want to read more. There are some great twists and turns and the story keeps surprising me.

The characters are great and in each episode we leanr more about them and get introduced to new characters. Lirium, the main character is a great character, he is such a good person even though he doesn't think so himself. I really like him. The side characters are also very interesting although we don't really get to know much about them yet.

The world building is awesome, most of the world building is already done in the first episode, but every episode the reader learn something new. The world keeps expanding and sometimes the things I thought I understood don't seem to be true later on.

To conclude: a great start of this series. The first 3 episodes introduce the reader to this dark and gritty world Susan has created. The main character is great and I love the world building. And I just can't wait to read the next episodes!

denizyildiz's review

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Quinn had me hooked with the first episode of Debt Collector already and the following two episodes don't disappoint. The series is fast paced and deliciously dark. And while each episode finishes a chapter somehow- no huge cliffhangers so far. It leaves you wanting more!

The plot is fast paced and with many twists and turns, that left me wondering and guessing as what is next and who is who in this dark world.

The entire book is writing from Lirium's point of view. While I thought he sounded older in Delirium, in the following episodes his age showed. He is a young man, who has seen more than he should at his age, and Quinn writes him extremely well. He is reckless and tries to do the right thing, both actually qualities that makes him really likable. As we accompany him through a more and more entangled thread, more about him is revealed. I can't help finding myself routing for him, hoping he trusts the right people and somehow manages to fix things.
The support cast is interesting to say the least. Mostly I am still trying to gauge them. It's seems there is a hidden agenda everywhere and as the story unfolds different sides to the characters are revealed.

Most of the world building was done in the first episode. And as I said in my review of Delirium, it's really intriguing.  The idea of the debt collectors is ingenious, but Quinn takes it to a different level, by slowly showing the cracks in the society and slowly building a more and more elaborate picture of this futuristic world.

I really like that this is published in serial form. It's a fun idea! And Quinn has gotten it just right. She stops just at the right point, you given enough to make you wonder and wanting more but the wait is not too bad as well.
Well written, fast paced Serial! I'm looking forward to see what happens next.

ARC was provided by Publishers through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

sarah42783's review

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Actual rating: 3.5

Note to self: review books right after reading them. Otherwise early signs of Alzheimer's might kick in and you might forget all about them before writing said review.

This was highly recommended to me by Pippa "OMG You're So Cool I Love Everything You Write" DaCosta so I just HAD to read it. Obviously. Well to be honest Pippa and I had –hum- slightly diverging opinions about [b:Phoenix Rising|25529521|Phoenix Rising (Phoenix Inc. #1)|Heather R. Blair||42347579]
← this right there might very well be the understatement of the century
so I wasn't sure how this would go. BUT I kind of worship the ground she walks on so I was willing to trust her on this one. Brave little me.

So. I read this about a month ago. And my life being what it is these days I remember little about it. But this doesn't mean I didn't like it ← actually I'm pretty sure I would have remembered it in detail had I hated then. Not that this has to do with anything since you've seen my rating and I'm pretty sure you know I didn't hate it ← yeah yeah yeah, I know I'm rambling but you'll have to bare with me here. My two grey cells aren't what they used to be. Anyway, where was I? Oh yes. I forgot a lot about this story since reading it but I do remember loving the premise and plot. And the world building was pretty great, too. And quite original. YES!

Now tell me, is this ↓↓↓ what comes to mind when you think of debt collecting?

Hahaha, you're so funny sometimes. Not that kind of debt collecting going on here. Oh no, it's much cooler than that. It's all about collecting life energy, you see. Sucking it right out of people hahaha! And then transferring it out to people deemed more deserving. People who matter and supposedly make a greater contribution to society. This is so brilliantly and very morally wrong, I love it muahahahaha!

So. Meet Lirium, our male mc. Actually, it's a good thing I didn't know his age before I started reading this otherwise I probably wouldn't have given this story a try. I mean the guy is 20. Yes. 20. Pretty scary isn't it? Just thinking about it makes me shudder. I'm getting crazy images of NA and YA in my head. I can feel the allergy coming back full force. Breathe Sarah, breathe. Relax. You can do this. Of course you can ← I'm rambling again aren't it? Well I guess you'll just have to deal with it. So Lirium is a pretty cool 20-year-old. He's a debt collector. He gets high on his cut of the life energy he collects. He drinks vodka. Lots of vodka. He hires prostitutes. He's pretty f@cked up. Now that's my kind of 20-year-old character.

The cast of secondary characters is pretty cool, too. They're all f@cked up. They all have dubious ulterior motives. They all lie. They cannot be trusted. Yum. I love it.

The story is fast paced, the plot is intriguing and it's hard to put the book down once you start reading. It's a great introduction to a pretty fascinating world. Actually, this is the reason why I didn't give the story a 4-star rating. Because it feels like an introduction I mean. Not because it's a fascinating world, you silly *eyeroll* Well that and also because I was expecting more mature content. And more mature mature content. Because mature content is never quite mature enough. Ha ← I have no idea why I wrote this. I think one of my two grey cells just died on me. Okay there are dubious morals, sex, drugs and alcohol but the mix isn't as deliciously wicked as I expected it to be. It all needs to be taken up a few notches before we get to that yummy, full-blown mature content I love. But in Susan Kaye Quinn I trust and I'm hoping things will get much, much worse in the next episodes. Can't wait to read them.
